Users Chocolate Is Following
jacob jacobb0724
hi everyone im jacob or my id is jacobb0724 i like to make friends and i love playing minecraft with my friends like, sonicawesomemom,toods 08,deadpool,legotommy and more i love star wars so if your a star wars fan out there follow me and if you want we can be friends hope you injoyed a little bit of imformation about me hope i see you all again bye ;)
xX_TNT_Xx TheTrollingClan
Hi,This Is DarraghTheBoss's Alt Because I Got Permanently Banned From Miiverse So Yeah But R.I.P. My Account ;(
shannon ShannonTheBest
Joel MarioFanXD
Howdy and Welcome! I'm Joel! This is my new NNID because my old 3DS is broken and it has my old NNID so this is my new NNID now! (New 3DS). If you're new here, then here are information about me! ^~^ •Information• Age: Not telling you but I'm a kid Childhood: Nintendo, Flipnote Studio (Flipnote Hatana) Likes: Nintendo, Friends, Flipnote Dislike: Haters ★Friends★: Joey, Khalil, and more See ya!☆
Benny joshrains
Hello my name is josh, i am 10 years old and live in the uk with my 2 brothers and mum and favourite game series is mario. I appreciate all the support i get from you guys . i just wanted to let you know :) Thank you so much for 480 followers i am so happy! i would like at somepoint 1000 followers but dont follow if you dont want to. i dont like forcing people ok.
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
ωя★Terry terrymessi
salut les gent jespere que vous allé bien pour ma par sava NiKEL objectif 1000 abo et aussi dedi a shaima abonner vous a elle toi la qui regarde mon profil abonne toi↑ ses gratuit sa prens 1seconde ABBONNE TOI↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ et je mabonne ABBONE TOI↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
Antoś amsterdam1970
Hi guys!I love to play Minecraft,Mario Kart 8,Super Mario Maker,Euro Truck Simulator 2,FIFA and Call of Duty Ghosts.My favourite sport is Football (soccer).So please follow me!BTW I have autism and ADHD so don't mess with me.I'm 11 years old,I'm in grade 5.I also like the Netherlands and Poland! CLANS ★NB★ Nintendo's Best ★EG★ Expert Gamers Hope your still here
Ryan Ryanator
hey! I'm Ryan! Thanks for stoping by my miiverse profile. Thanks for the Comments and yeahing my posts.
Tristan TristGamer327
Meh Bucket List: Get atleast 2,000,000 bells in Animal Crassing. Make sure nobody believes in my jokes Get through a whole Mario Kart 8 course in 200cc without falling down. Learn how to play guitar FULLY, (almost there) Blow the biggest gum bubble created Join Nintendo. Make sure nobody knows I'm 16 and think I'm only 10. Be the best Yo Mama joke teller EVEREST!
Aronytoon Aronycoon234
I play loz alot
♀…lizze…♀ pittland
i love ponys in my house.i love moon park.i want a sevan seater.I love playing he sims four
SeaPanda firegen3
Hi im Aiden! Heres some things you might wanna know about me! Favorite Game: Super Smash Bros. Favorite Food: CHEESEEE #CHEESEFOLIFE Favorite Color: Light Blue Favorite Youtube Channel: PopularMMOs Instrument I play: French Horn bye I said bye FOLLOW ME THEN LEAVE jk ok we can do this the easy way or my way What are u still doin here just leave me be bye
Noodles AxelBlazenl
hi i am awsome .... no just kidding the name is Noodles I play a whole lot of Ssb4 both on 3ds and wii u, i main falcon. I stream on twitch and i love doing vewer battles so come along and beat me up (Twitch = Noodles_TS)
patryck patman1228
anyone wanna play minecraft or super smash bros
Mal-damba bryncornwell
Logan Healys8111
hi im logan I LIKE MARIO and fnaf. and yo kai watch. plus pokemon!!!
Rosalina pashamai55
Rosalina is epic Im Lily but most people call me Lil so you can too.Joined on the 25/12/15. Im 11 years old and do FOLLOW for a FOLLOW. Im really friendly and always up for a chat. I mainly play these games... 1 Minecraft 2 splatoon 3 MK8 Fav song is battle time from splatoon( Tranzlated in English). Also, I am addicted to Hunger games and been to HP world and also ad now.BYE
jacob awsomejacob71500
§¤Owen¤§ stackofdiamonds
hi im Owen i love mincraft, splatoon, zelda, and mariokart. i love to play online so pls friend
BryceKirby brycekirby
Mnecraft and Chips...
Olivers Zincha66
hi I m only 8 I love minecraft mario and lots more wellcome to my profile ps I m english and latvian Also some days on school days I'm sick\not feeling well bye \(^o^)/ (:
ICRAZYFOX Andrewloll
daniel2007 daniel2007
Hello im Daniel and since im busy and ive lost a bit of intrest in the Wii U theres a small chance im on but anyway have a great day
KevinC KHCarlos
hello guys!! i am cool and love video games!! and also friends!! please send me a friend request and ill follow you!! and give you yeas!! thats all i have to says!! bye!!
Mr. Snail giggavortex
I am Mr. Snail, I love Bonsai, platformers, Goldfish, and........... more Bonsai! Name: Mr. Snail Fav Color: Lime-Green Fav Food: Goldfish Fav Plant: Bonsai Bff: Cheddar Fav Game Genre: Platformer Fav Game: Animal Crossing New Leaf
Darragh DarraghTheBoss12
I'm Some Random Dude That I Hate Cause He Blew Up My World And My Club:"The DarraghTheBoss Haters" And If You Hate Him You're Life Will Be Good
bharath bharath19
my name is bharath and i love all ZELDA GAMES and dogs AND soccer AND NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah and NO WII U CHAT sorry
Charlie CharlieTheCheeky
Im The Boss
Anonymous devdevil233
I have finally gotten 100 followers, and now my new goal is to get 200 followers. -(List)- ★110 followers=New MK7 profile art ★120 followers=race me in MK7 ☆130 followers=have a balloon battle with me in MK7 ☆140 followers=have a coin runner with me in MK7 ☆150 followers=Q&A's ☆160 ☆170 ☆180 ☆190 ☆200 followers=race community will be opened for everyone -(Bonus List)- Coming Soon...
ßß★Ģøðž kainoa12
Hi.Before You Learn About Me,Hit That Follow Button Because We're Almost At 200! About Me:I'm 13 Years Old And Big Fan Of Gaming! Favorite Games:Minecraft,Pokemon And SuperSmashBros Clans I'm In: ς4Ł★ ßß★ I'm Online A Lot So You You Have Any Games You Want To Play Then Just Go To One My Posts And Comment What It Is!
xXMatt05Xx hemmson
Ciao amici di Miiverse, ho 10 anni. Il mio gioco preferito è: 1º Minecraft secondo è Skylander Immaginators poi il terzo Pokken Seguite Boss83 Guglielmo e Fireball, ma soprattutto Boss83 Una cosa... vorrei arrivare a 1º000 followers e quindi potreste premer quel Segui+ per piacere ♥♥♥ VIVA LA NUTELLA
brookie brookieswii
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ninjacat alexgaffn17
Hi,Im Irish And I Like Trolling People And If You Want We Can Be Friends And Troll People On Mine...
Hi,Im Irish And I Like Trolling People And If You Want We Can Be Friends And Troll People On Minecraft (If You Have It)I Like PewDiePie And Jacksepticeye And I'll See You Guys Later,Bye!!! (I Just Got Miiverse!)