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Wii Sports Club


09/09/2017 12:15 PM

got on for the first time in weeks to see if i could still play... 7 or 8 tries and no players found... just like old times :)

Wii Sports Club


07/26/2017 11:35 PM

after a drubbing by OG i thought i'd try again for the record... and came up short once more :)

Wii Sports Club


04/01/2017 10:25 AM

Kü Closest to The Hole Challenge... Resort Edition - R1 - 3.9 feet

Wii Sports Club


03/03/2017 10:26 PM

Kü Closest to the Hole Challenge... C1 - 2.0 feet

Wii Sports Club


03/03/2017 1:00 AM

dude... from Missouri club... several Mii's filled with banter dedicated to insulting me... i must really get under your skin!!! i'm flattered :)

Wii Sports Club


02/27/2017 1:11 AM

7k games played... only 3000 more to see if the counter tops out at 9999 :) gonna need 1 more year nintendo...

Wii Sports Club


02/16/2017 3:52 PM

yeah that's right... same dude/chick that claims i quit when i'm losing... lucks in a hole in one on C2 to go up by a stroke, then gloats about it... proceeds to OB on C3 and promptly quits... what...

Wii Sports Club


02/05/2017 3:55 PM

i now officially do not care about my win/loss record... 15% of my losses this block of games are because of internet boot... what a bunch of horse s#@$... :)

Wii Sports Club


01/30/2017 1:23 AM

like so many times before.. not this time either :(

Wii Sports Club


01/28/2017 3:37 PM

when i'm on my deathbed i bet i'll wish i had this half hour back lol...

Wii Sports Club


01/15/2017 3:23 PM

the 6k club is now open... on to 7!!!

Wii Sports Club


01/10/2017 2:39 AM

this one's for my boy Devin... may your support push me to -12!! (probably be another -10 lol)

Wii Sports Club


01/08/2017 5:02 PM

the achilles? heel of my game... not being able to hit the intentional full power curve shot.. the wrist flickers can execute it perfectly every time.. to be clear i'm not of the unreasonable notio...

Wii Sports Club


01/07/2017 5:34 AM

what a start!! hoping for a similar finish :)

Wii Sports Club


12/24/2016 4:32 PM

was almost a Christmas miracle!! thanks for the games boys too bad u got the boot...

Wii Sports Club


12/22/2016 7:20 PM

would like to wish a Merry Christmas to some of the cool people on my friend list... PG, OG, Diddy, Rolly, Devin, Daddy, Tim, DB, Steely, Chris, Mr.Hill, Brian, George, AD, Deane, Papi, AZ-san, MD-...

Wii Sports Club


12/08/2016 9:49 PM

45 minutes straight not one player, not even a lvl 1... this poor game's deader than a doornail...

Wii Sports Club


10/09/2016 6:49 AM

figures, been trying forever for -12 on Lakeside... finally hit it playing 18, where it doesn't count lol...

Wii Sports Club


10/03/2016 1:08 AM

i blew it... $@#&!!!

Wii Sports Club


09/01/2016 12:17 AM

6k games played!! on to 10k.... alot of losses though too...i feel like Brett Favre, the record for TD's, (until Peyton that is), but also for picks lol...

Wii Sports Club


08/28/2016 1:03 AM

have to give LuLu some props... hit a beauty on C3 and hung a loss on me!! great job!! and thanks for all the games :)

Wii Sports Club


08/21/2016 8:00 AM

-13 on Resort is no easy task... i shall keep at it though :)