Mozart's Followers
ExecutCode gbc900
RPG Maker Fes for 3DS Games: (Creator ID: 11130) Project: Summer Ice Project: Summer Ice - Back to School Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe Project: Summer Ice - Bowling Upcoming Releases: Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe v5.01 on November 10th, 2017 at 11PM Pacific Time Favorite Nintendo consoles: Game Boy Color & Wii U
jed kkkjj008
Friend code:SW-2507-2149-6020. I'll miss Miiverse and everyone on it. It was the first social media I ever had. It helped me through the thoughest of times. I'll be here all day tomorrow, even at school, I'll use my laptop to go on Miiverse even though it's against the rules at school. I'll use my Nintendo Switch after Miiverse ends. For everyone who will miss Miiverse, it is now time to move on.
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
mathéo matheodu37
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gäñkštér TheLouis90
if we use miivers lots it probly won't get shut down.r.i.p miivers :'-(
(>ώ<)まーみー koto2545
私の大事な、フレンドわぎり君 あめちゃんこの二人が、大事なフレンド このフレンドに、フォローとかいっぱいして!!だけど傷つけたらブロックするよ。わかった?という事で、イカ宜しく~~~
SeTriX tombarthel2006
merci pour mes 642 abonner !!!!!!!!!!!omg mes meilleur ami(es) ~Chisaki~ , Manndex , melmel2 et jeremi31 voilà la fin aproche regarder met dernier messages rip miiverse 2012/2017 mettez moi en amis si vous avez la switch
~Malu~ sta758
New song coming out soon♡ You can turn a life around♡ your perfect too me♡ I can't draw but i try♥ ˜Highschool˜ Freshmen♥ ♥soccer♥ ˜Mexican˜ *10 sisters ¦|* ♥Im HOME SCHOOL BIG HOUSE ♥ ANOTHER day a another hater ♥ everyday change i fell the same Not popular art club♥ Real Name: Malu T ♡Kay♡Mal♡Mj♡Keegan♡GIA♡♡♡♡
むみむみみみ RENJU13
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Oscar Wao Drewski105
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jessy 1j5g3j
hi, i usually play new leaf and I upload whenever
Peighton tiffanyturner
PixelOwl 2Hunna
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not parish, but have ever lasting life." ~ John 3:16 "When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple " ~Jonah 2:7 God bless you. If you need prayer, message me and I will pray for you.
Amari Coolman330
Grade:6th Grade Sport:Football Age:12 Goal: 100 followers
Dani LegendofZelda564
Hullo smol bean Not very active here as you can see :') I play: FE AC:NL Sploon BoTW -Team Pearl!!! So uh bye
Alex Jody-Alex
Hey! Ya you! Thanks for pressing my face... thats something I never thought I would say. My name Is Alex and I play Zelda, Mario, NHL 16 and Smash Bros, remember, follow for follow :) LOLOLOLOL YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE DOWN HERE HAHAHA
ωøιƒ łεδ ψ 15tcg15
Hi I'm Ted and I love wolves my favourite games are legend of zelda games I love wolf link he is so cool My ambition is climbing , gymnastics and drama I am half Scottish and half English Favourite games: *Zelda, Pokemon,Minecraft,Star Fox, mario games and Super Smash Bros And I would appreciate it when I follow you, you follow back :)
Pily Mopinimi
Kiki◆♪ Javii.Moore
Kiki reportándose motherfuckers~ ◆ Quiero decir que voy a extrañar Miiverse, la he pasado tan bien aquí... ¡Hola a todos! Soy de Chile y amo jugar videojuegos. Mis sagas favoritas son The Legend of Zelda, EarthBound/Mother, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart y Bayonetta! Aunque he jugado más sagas.~ ♡
Natalia Natynesu
Hellooooo there!~ こんにちは! Natalia, but call me Naty. 16 y/o! Artist, I love draw Nintendo characters. I like a lot of videogames! The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, Kid Icarus, EarthBound/Mother, Super Smash Bros., Ace Attorney, Resident Evil, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, etc. Idk if I will be able to draw, because IdonthaveInternet. If I cant draw anymore until November 7th, thank you to all!!
Sans sansesminombre
hola a todos
Cordova cordovamaster
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Mark:) MarkCampbell11
Hi There The Names Mark And I Live In Scotland UK. I Have A Younger Brother Called Lewis. Im 11 Years Old And I Like To Play RPG Games. ANYWAY You Can Look At My Posts Now. PS. I Do FFF
Katelynn puppygenius
Welcome to my account. Here are some facts about me. I love to read. My favorite food is chicken tenders. I play softball. I play the clarinet. I am also the co–manager of the Animal Lovers Group. If you want to get information on how to join, go to my best friend Lexi's page.(The third one)If you follow me , I will follow you back. And that's all.
llk beenblessed2
my name is Arianna and i Love Games . and i have lots of Games . and i am 7 years old. •☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 7 stars
Toad v-dawg05
ink jedi#1 robot-force2.1
Thanks for visiting my page. My dream address in animal crossing: 4A00-0027-047A
нεχ Cookie_Fortune
Haiii!! The name is Hex, short for Hector. I'm here to find friends to play games with. I Accept friend requests :3 Feel free to follow, I'll follow back :3 A little about me... Lvl 19 :P Mexican Loves food I Hope You Have A Good Day!!! :D <[¡Fallout 4!]>
Eclipse SuperTalonX2
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Alejandra♪ alejandritalinda
Hola :D Soy Alejandra y amo hacer dibujos (supongo ya se dan cuenta de que me encanta hacer dibujos todo el dia :3) Edad: 14 Juegos: Mario kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Captain Toad, Just dance 2016 aceptó llamadas por Wii U Chat :3 y solicitudes :D (las solicitudes a mi otra cuenta por favor) Mejores amig@s del mundo: Vicky, sofi♪,Larry Koopa, Tutsi, David 07, Calimero y Andrés >w< 1029 OMG
the coolst mememememememe14
good bye miiverse i will never forget you why nintindo why do you do this to us #savemiiverse #neverforget
josie Humuhonunukunuku
αρριε leydivelasquez
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Şεαъαşş Seabastion1
Hi!What up!I'm 15(Freshman).I'm also from Japan and I go there every year.I've had a 3ds since 2012. I have at least 15 3ds games.I have big gaps on not posting.
マサシ masasi0828
ゲームほとんど出来ない。何故なら時間がない…「何か欲しい物はある?」と聞かれたら、迷わず「時間」と答える。(大体欲しい物は持ってるから)少し前までの休日は「暇だ〜」と言っていたが、今は暇が羨ましい。時間が買えたらな〜。 今は何も欲しい物がない。なのでG-SHOCKを買った。第一号のスマホが水没したので新しいスマホを買いたい。お金はあるが、買いに行く時間がない。 XPERIAの白色がいいかな?2つの塾に通い、家の机には山のように参考書とプリントが積み重なっている。そろそろ勉強辞めたい。更新2017.4/1
paris parish2007
toad hide- and- seeck.just dace all of tham
Bomb machobulldog
Hi, this is a family user so we won't be posting very often. Also, we live in Hawai'i. Be sure to follow Luke (Nintendo Network ID: luke54) who is our family member and Branden (Nintendo Network ID: B-Bro21) who is Luke's best friend. If you want, you can follow this profile and I will be sure to follow you back.
Luκεƒ luke54
Hi, I'm Luke. I am a member of the Steel Diver: Sub Wars ƒluƒƒy clan, and have been since 2/13/2017! My best friend is Branden, so be sure to check out his profile (NNID: B-Bro21). Fun Facts: •I'm 13 years old. -I'm level 99 in Steel Diver: Sub Wars. •I run competitively. -I have two Betta Fish. •I play the trumpet. -I joined Miiverse in 5/5/2015. •I've been yeah bombing since 10/10/2016.
Grump roadking1952
SUUP!!! IM GRUMP AND WELCOME.. TO MY PROFILE my likes include Drake, the Weeknd (thats how he spelled his name), Batman, The WALKING DEAD, COD, TOM CLANCY, Mario, Pokémon, Superman,Disney infinity, Bruno Mars, And MARVEL. Dislikes include Racism, Trolls, Thieves, Cheap Movies!!!!! FAVORITE GAMES EEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRR, METAL GEAR SOLID AND RED FACTION GUERRILLA!! AND IM BAD AT ZELDA GAMES
Hectorin heecthor6
hola me llamo Héctor López Reyes tengo 14 años cumplo en octubre y si me tuviera que calificar del 1-10 en videojuegos diria un 9 espero que me reten y que sea pronto. También estoy dispuesto a hacer wii u chat
Lillian :D TRISTAN061207
Hi evry1! Im 13 and i love video games! I believe happiness can triumph over anything. My fav game is animal crossing new leaf.Plz follow me and get to read funny posts. If youve read any of my posts you know what i mostly post about. Now dab! lol P.S im not all positive. Can i please get 500 followers? My bday is September 15! :D Best friend: Matt I Love Anime! :D My fav anime is One Piece. :]
Sebastian Jamesway
My name is Mozart Daniel, 22 from Mexico.
I love to play by myself or with my siblings and my gi...
My name is Mozart Daniel, 22 from Mexico.
I love to play by myself or with my siblings and my girlfriend. I'm trying to play more online.
Our favorite games to play together are Smash, MK8, Nintendo Land, Splatoon and Minecraft. Just bought NSMBU. Currently exploring Mira on Xenoblade X, sailing on Wind Waker HD and getting lost in Metroid Prime.