Count Calc's Friends
Sky harris2631
モグモグオカシスキー miuk_93
I'm japanese. Love Splatoooon! If you wouldn't mind,please be my friend! スプラトゥーン大好きです! もしよかったらともだちになってくださいね! 一緒に遊びましょう!
clara claramanse
Hi! I'm clara! I like splatoon, the legend of zelda and FE <333 Feel free to talk to me. And thanks for visiting! I love you all!
Luidi# luidi_86
Salut!je veux des amis et jouer à vos stages m.maker!>< (expert,mais pas kaïzo!lol) et aussi je suis de 86,je dis ça pour éviter trop de demandes de trop jeunes!ya pas que toi LUIDI qui joues à NINTENDO!!X(
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Mr.Muscles MrMoneyclips
Jedirg3 Jedirg3
woomy The_TSCP
Ruby356 RubySapphire356
Hey there! In this one i will show you the real randomnis. Im not good with spaelling and grammar alright
Madi-san Madi-sans_Wii_U
Hey I'm Madi and I'll miss this place I guess If you wanna hmu just look for bowlofmadisoup and meep.morp.madi lol
Bethany Nematoid
Hi, my name is Bethany! My all-time favorite series is Pokemon, but I also enjoy Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, and Splatoon. I love having people to play with so you should add me :) i am in no way responsible for my favorite post picture
Billy billyspencer
Tim woahhhh
im gr8
Xypher Zeno48
Nico nicothecheeco
I can never get enough of the beach or just being in the water in general. I also have an unconditional love for Nintendo.
Random Guy StickToYourGuns
Mathieu Snareif
This user's profile comment is private.
Fafnir FafnirFang