Simon's Friends
Sinn Exit LordSinner
This user's profile comment is private.
Rachel Hey_its_Rachel
Hi. My name is Rachel Adeyemi, and I'm seventeen years old. I'm originally of African descent. I currently reside in London, England. I'm one very talkative girl. I have so much in mind, such as video gaming of course. I also like to talk movies and TV. I aspire to be a college student when I grow up. I don't Wii U Chat, but I hope you make the most of Miiverse whilst you can. Bye-bye. :)
bolly likeollywithab
lockey Lockey2012
Scamp Scamps16
Hi I'm Scamp, this is my second profile for my second wii u, my original user is Scampi16. I love Mario Kart and Splatoon.
New Dan★J DanJ15
J.Jordan Jordan.Jon
Ich hatte schon ein account aber die Wii U verkauft wollte mich wieder anmelden und geht nicht .....
Pet3rVader PeterVader4
One's life is simply incomplete with an apparent lack of games. A ruthless Sith Lord whos been through it all on Miiverse devoured by the UNSTOPPABLE rampage of the Miiverse Admins. May them have mercy on my banned accounts -PeterVader -PeteVader2 I am nothing but a figment of your imagination. But in terms of gaming, I do have all the 8th gen consoles, WiiU, XB1, PS4, 3DS, PSVita, an avid gamer.
Hiya Peeps! I am ARTHUR PKC! Earthbound and AC are my favourites! Ness and Rover best! M●ther4Team Member. Out soon! Im in a group of Good Friends on Miiverse- Master lee, Jules, Ron, Pete, James and Scamp! My other good friends are-Luke, and David Follow them Pls! Who wants M●ther 4? Join the PKCLAN! For Tournaments and Chat! Please join on my fave post! 3DS-Arthur SSB Main-Ness Cya! :)
skulcrushr hoylikeschicken
KirbyDan DannyWoo
Welcome to my profile. I also joined the Fïς, MCA, and Ink³ clans. I'm also stupid. GRAND DAD FLEEENSTONES
DvBlade DvBlade
twig 8ricky8
hi everyone,i am a older user,over sixteen friends only please.have more games,than years two play blank friend requests wiiu video chat,only good friends...age steam trains and an arsenal fan...up the sign libra...
Manda! AmandaPower
out of my mind This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but it says nothing. zenzen
Big Ed StrouseHouse6
demented jack666russell
older gamer....likes twiglets....called the old too me on FRIEND REQUESTS PLEASE........
Scamp Scampi16
Hi I'm Scamp. I go by the name of Scamp in the mii world after a very special dog of mine who is no longer here. I love animals as well as playing games. I have a dog, 8 hamsters, 2 degus and 4 rats. I love drawing and playing Mariokart 8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Hyrule Warriors, lego dimensions & Star Fox Guard. No blank friend requests please
Hyplaxyr minecraftxpert
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
NQueen Luigigirl82
30 something nintendo fanatic! love playing, watching and collecting all things nintendo!!
Lea Lea1907
Dan★J DannyJ12
Hi my name is Dan★J, I'm 15 years old and I like Nintendo!! Top 5 Nintendo games: Pikmin, MK, SSB, The legend of zelda and DK. Consoles i own (also my brothers consoles): .Psp,Ps2,Ps4. .Original Xb,Xb360,Xb1. .Gba Ds, Wii, 3ds, Wii U. Follow me, i'll follow u.
cnoller72 cnoller72
44 disabled gamer who loves metal-alt music.gamecube, wiiu , 3dsxl,gameboy advance, ps4,ps3 and gaming pc,
Nεt GrestyvsGittings
Hiya! I'm Net, an adult gamer from the West Country and a mum of three kids who just love playing Nintendo games. We enjoy platforms, puzzles & RPG's on the Wii U and I ♡ movies, music & horticulture. Currently playing: LEGO Jurassic World Splatoon Mario Party 10
Danny TheFonzPart
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my profile! I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, especially classic series like Mario and Pokémon. I can't wait for all the new games coming! I draw on here often, so if you enjoy my drawings or lame attempts at posts, feel free to follow or add me as a friend!
Colin GameFreakCFH
Hey! The name's Colin! I'm 22. To me, games aren't something you use to determine how cool or stupid you are. They are simply for our enjoyment, and I view any game from any console as something that I would love to play!
raziel234 raziel7070
i love to play video games its fun and its therapuetic to at least to me lol
fela speed46
Kei Nagase IamAsuperBAnana9
You don't need to know anything about me. All you have to know is that I play video games. My favorite game of all time is Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii. Also, Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros for Wii U. So far I have been playing a lot of Animal Crossing New Leaf for the Nintendo 3ds. Finally, I would like it if people would send me friend requests. Anyway, that is all for now, I guess.
Fabjan FB-Productions
I am a programmer and gamer, and am actually from Croatia. I was a Nintendo fan since I was born. Nintendo had inspired me to become a programmer and to have a dream of once starting my own company - FB-Productions. Nintendo staff, if you are reading this, then be prepared to get some competition. And do continue inventing this genius stuff... -FB-Productions
Jamal Reggielag
Marvel I Nintendo I Other Nerdy Stuff I Feel free to follow/Friend. Will play games online but will not Wii U Chat
mos pmofa1
InkThePink DonkeyDoesDallas
I have been a Nintendo fan since Game & Watch and I hope Wii U will offer a lot of great games and that we will see a lot of games from Platinum, Grasshopper, Capcom, Rockstar and Ubisoft. I also hope for a lot of exclusives and offline multiplayer games that makes good use of the Gamepad. Playing right now: Splatoon, Batman - Arkham Knight, Punch Out!!!, The Evil Within
4cast luma77
I'm a....hmm Strange is actually a great Way to describe me! I Enjoy playing Smash Bros, Pokemon The General stuff :P NINTENDO ANIME CHANNEL RULEZ ......................... Check out My other Totes Not weird Friends! (Casual Kapperino here) Zoro(Kirsty Don't lie to me) Pro Jakke (Too Pro for correct spelling of name)
George H George_H_U
Hello people of this planet earth! I'm totally not an alien. Here are some random letters gdfgrdeyggsuvdghijbvgjftrghjufbvghfgcytfvfhyfgcdfhgghffghhgdsaawdghjklpiurffggffyoloswaghfhffhjbbhyfvdhjjnbvvfhhjjuyvxssaqwrhjkoknnbvccsaweryyuuijjnbbvvfg. (not alien talk)
Chrissi Shila-Shinya
Hi guys! Nice to meet you! Right now, I'm searching for more Miiversefriends, who would like to trade Yo-kais with me. Playing: Nintendo Switch: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Nintendo 3DS - Yo-kai Watch 2, Pokemon My favourite game is The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess I would love to chat with you about amazing games and maybe we'll meet soon in battles ;) I have to cats and I love to draw!
Миша Vermiand
Guys, if you like Miiverse and don't want it to be shut down, please sign the petition in by DJ-Pickle:
1nnsbrucK 1nnsbrucK
■?■ ■■ ■?■ ■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■♪♪♪■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Akis 123akis
I'm from Cyprus [Greek Cypriot] but live in London, I was also born in London. I can't speak Greek yet :/ I am a big Nintendo fan! Also, I do Shotokan Karate, I'm black belt! [1st Dan] :) ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ I only accept friend requests from people I know or have interacted with before (e.g. talking in comments). Oh yh and feel free to follow me :)
mumidragon cgallduff
Hi i'm a child of the 80's so prefer my games platformy and 2D .. go away 3D you make me walk into walls! My favs so far on the Wii U have been of course Mariohhhh, the donkey kong crash course on nintendo land gave me many hours of obsessive play...more levels PLEASE!..also loved the cave...gimmee more of that too! Current no.1 has to be Rayman....starting to get diamonds now too at last! YEY!!
Jules michael50
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!
jules julian2
hey how do! all out there in miiverse land my name is jules am a cheeky yorkshire lad from barnsley ha ha am 43 now lol get intouch i love to wii u chat its brill you can chat or play games use you imagination be creative i do !!! also wannna add me im a gay gamer !
Kalle KalleKoo
Hi! A veteran gamer from Finland, NES raised me. Some of the most important games/series for me: -Megaman -F-Zero -Castlevania -The Legend Of Zelda -Metroid -Blaster Master -Chrono Trigger -Xenoblade Chronicles -Pikmin -Contra -Left 4 Dead -Dark Souls -RE4 -Shadow Of The Colossus -Metal Slug -Monster Hunter -Punch Out Feel free to add me as a friend :)
Evan eduell97
I'm just a guy who likes videogames. Some of my favorites are Smash Bros & Pokemon. Anyway, that's all, now go home.
C Bunga callumlindsay
Hi fellow Wii U owners! I cut my gaming teeth on sega master system/megadrive in the late 80s/early 90s (very few had the NES/SNES in NZ). Also spent a lot of my youth playing Atari 2600, C64, Amiga 500. Teens was all about PC gaming and then came the N64 when I really clicked with Nintendo...and there began my obsession! Love talking about Nintendo (and star wars and heavy metal!) Friends anyone?
I'm 23 i'm italian and I love Nintendo consoles, i have all of them, portable and not eccept for ness, snes and n64.. Games for wii u owned: Super mario bros wii u, mario kart 8, call of duty black ops 2, super mario bros wii u, need for speed most wanted u, splinter cell blacklist and mass effect 3 (I really like online playing) ! :)
Hiren Gamercake
Hello! I'm a big Nintendo fan and have played Nintendo games all of my life. My favourite video game series' are Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros amongst others. Currently Playing: Bayonetta 2 (again)
ReaperJedi ReaperJedi64
I've been a fan of Nintendo right from playing Super Mario Bros at an arcade. I still think Nintendo makes the greatest games, all becoming classics. I've owned many Nintendo game consoles and still own a Snes, N64, Gameboy colour, Game cube, 3DS XL and Wii U. MY FAVOURITE GAMES Super Mario Bros, Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Star Fox, Arcade games-Shinobi, Altered Beast, Golden axe, Narc.
Obi-Wan Ben-Gan-WiiU
From Bordeaux, France. Old-school retro-gamer since 1989 from NES to Nintendo Switch™. Love NES, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, GameCube, Wii, Game Boy, Virtual Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, NEO•GEO, MSX, MegaDrive, Game Gear and Arcade titles on eShop Virtual Console. Let's discover Nintendo Classic Mini: Super NES and Super Famicom. Bye Miiverse™ !
Snow crazymudga
Hey there! I mostly draw on here XD I'm not that active on here anymore as I was years ago. But i'll come back every so often. Da woof ôωõ
fasttony Fasttony2012
hey everyone welcome to my miiverse name is anthony & im from ireland.i have being a nintendo gamer for over 20 YEARS ....i stuck with them through thebad and the good times.SO more or less u could call me a fanboy.Feel free add me as a friend and message me about gaming or maybe even arrange an online game in a game i have.Zombiu and nsmb2 are my favourite games trine 2 UP THERE TOO...
"OUCH! XO You clicked on my face!" *My 3DS screenshot posts are in full-3D* currently playing/own: Stick It to the Man ZombiU Wind Waker HD Mario Kart 8 Super Mario 3D World NintendoLand Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 'You can raed tihs. It dno't mttear waht oedrr the ltretes in a wrod are, the iprnoatmt tinhg is taht the frsit and lsat lteetr be in the rghit pclae.The rset can be a mses.'
Minitad Minitad
Bonjour à toi, cher visiteur et bienvenue sur mon profil Miiverse...♥ Tu trouveras ici mes humeurs et mon je ne peux pas plaire à tout le monde! Tous tes commentaires seront d'ailleurs très appréciés... J'ai eu beaucoup de consoles et des tonnes de jeux: globalement, je préfère les consoles portables (je joue beaucoup sur 3DS et PS Vita). English and japanese players: welcome! ♪
smitty shmitty_shmoo
James Gerbilscampi
Life is a game. Lets play! (The Wii U games I own are in my favourite communities)
taishi gismo2301
zelda Hyrule warrior Legends is cool
M7»Riko« riko44
hi i am Riko... i am in a clan called M7 Mario Kart 8 Splatoon smash bros.. pokken tournament
Pete Peppeleppe
I'm born in 1977, the day after Elvis died. Or did he? I play games on my free time, and sometimes at work. I have a daughter I adore. Thats all u gonna get. Oh! I sometimes wish I had a helpermonkey, so I had more time to play my games. I'm currently working on it.
Tom rollin_rob
EY UP! 31 yrs, Nintendo fanatic since playing Super Mario Bros age 4 on me cousins' NES via black+white TV. Owned GameBoy NES SNES N64 GameCube Wii. GAMES! Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Half-Life, FILMS! Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction, Yellow Submarine. MUSIC! Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, AC/DC, Foo Fighters. Thank you Satoru Iwata. RIP, We Understand...Directly!
Simon Kay WiiPlaySK
I'm a Metro Gamecentral Reader You'll find me online in MK8 & Splatoon! 1st gaming experience - ZX Spectrum 128k 1st console owned - SEGA Master System 1st Nintendo game played - Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt I own (some now in the loft) - SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Gameboy Pocket, GBA SP, DS Lite, DSi XL, 3DS XL
Simon Shinobi_Sosp
Hello everybody! I speak french and english! I'm a loyal Nintendo fan since my childhood! My favorite series are Mario, Zelda and Pokémon. I also like Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Kirby and more! I'm running out of space to name my Wii U games but they're all in my favorite communities!
Kevin2112 kevin1973
Do or Do Not, There is No Try..We are the Priests of the Temple of Syrinx..By the way, which one is Pink..I Have Blisters on My Fingers..I am a veteran of the Armory Wars. I also believe that androids do dream of sheep when they sleep. I've owned Intellivision (I'm old), NES, GB, SNES, Jaguar, Virtual Boy, GBC, PS1, N64, GBA, PS2, GCN, DS, 360, Wii, 3DS, PS Vita, Wii U, PS4 & XBONE.
I'm an English teacher living in Italy.
I've been a big Nintendo fan since the 80s.
Big fan of...
I'm an English teacher living in Italy.
I've been a big Nintendo fan since the 80s.
Big fan of: Zelda, all Mario games, StarFox, Metriod, Castlevania, Animal Crossing and a lot more!
☆☆☆ I'm an Amiibo fan ☆☆☆
Own: Switch, WiiU, GameCube, N64, 3DS, Gameboy color, Ds, PSP, Panasonic 3DO, Mega Drive, Nes, Xbox 360, PS 2, 3 & 4.
Owned: C64, Atari, ZX Spectrum, Snes, Sega Master System!