Users CrazyJeffy Is Following
Tyler TylerResurrected
It's me, Tyler, the one MK8er that no one remembers cuz my phone charger died and I got pb'd 9 times and counting. I'm not dead, still very active in tt's and the super occasional clan war. On this account you'll find plenty of mediocre tt's and trash posts in general :^)
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Dani3l Dani3lBarg3r
ImmaHyrule ImmaHyrule
Im just being a person that lives in a place with people that I know. I have a face. It is also possible that i could be but not certainly in no undeniable way that I may be a fish. I like, gamers, Ryan Higa, and definitely others, but time is quite short and I have pressing matters to attend to. Such as watching Youtube and playing video games. That is all.