Cyrus's Followers
◆◇いちごパフェ◇◆ sakusaku4948
顔ポチ thank you! いちごパフェです! 【自己紹介】 ・年齢…10代! ・好きな食べ物…ぽてぃと, いちご! ・好きな事…絵を書く事,ゲームをする事! ・好きなYouTubr…すしらーめん,フィッシャーズ,ヒカキン! 【大切なフレンド様】 ..もっちぃ..、なっちゃん♪、のんちゃん、♪яēи♪、たくみ、らて(°д°)!、M.M*Miharu、○(・щ・)○です!! この人達になんかしたらブロッコリー投げまぁす! 【相棒さま】 【NTC】Haru です!! この人にもなんかしたらブロッコリー投げまぁす! ~以上~
ゆたいかぐら7Sin ARCADIA077
此処で出逢った奇蹟に感謝を 思いのすれ違いもあったけれど なにものにも代えがたい 貴重な経験をさせて貰った 短くも濃い それまでのすべてより 幸せだった 思い出は永遠に 記憶の花は冠にして 壊れた時計も右回り 歌う月光 舞い散る桜 ふわり 霧雨の降る 廃校舎 描いた虹の シンフォニー 踊る幽鬼と 手を繋いだのは 交わるせかい 氷雪に写る 愛しききみへ 産まれて来てくれて ありがとう ではまた来世で いずれ巡り逢う きみのせかいは何色で その時もまた 煌めいて 誓うよ 必ず 幸せに生きていこう ぼくのすべてはきみのために きみを愛している ずっとちかくにいて欲しい ゆたには羽根が映えている あっ!? ちょうちょ♪ 愛せ♪ Æ to Ω せかいのしんりはただひとつ 愛LOVEゆた© ®
(`∀´) aripei2002
フォロー絶対返します。こんにちは、オレンジジュースのいとこ歴バリバリの17年です あ、今日の天気は晴れです
firegirl jojill
hi my name is firegirl I love talent artist I will give yeahs to them and the ones of even try
Wisteria WisteriaMoon123
Hello, everyone! ^^ I'm an extremely awkward and cringy teenage girl from the United Kingdom. (No Racist Criticism Pls.) Anyway, thanks for poking me! - Slowly pokes you back - Ehhhhh... [ … … … … ] What do you want? A cookie? Alright, you can leave now... peace out.
SakiFox PokeGirl2B
Fav. Quote: "If I Cut The Strings, That Hold Me Hostage, Will I Fall And Shatter? If That's All It Takes, To Breathe Again, Does It Really Matter?!" I'm So Edgy... xShys Awayx Follow pandamaddiestar on Follow MELANY And ☆Alyssa★ On Miiverse. Foxes And Crows Are Cool. I Like Anime, Nightcore, Foxes, Swing Sets, Manga, And Flower Crowns. Um.... Bye... xHands Kalex
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
Vanessa Akatsuki_Dxd
Prodigy ƒ jbmonkey540
Greetings. I am Prodigy but you can call me Prod for short if you want. I have a high interest in Math and almost anything and everything video game related. Feel free to ask me questions, though a might not always have a good answer. I like to post my progress in games frequently. ƒluffy member, joined 5/23/17.
Bran BrandonZane2011
John qqqq0q
Boleg Jr MorrisShavers68
Cade Super_Cade_07
hey guys i am a fan of fnaf and i have a friend named Nate but i am a pro just like u dudes and dudets! and by the way MLG!!!!!!! my 3 best friends are jellybean,nate and cohen my favorite games is minecraft,clash of clans and boxd u should download em. my favorite book is minecraft adventure.
greg sonic Nominalmonk527
hi im greg sonic i mostley post about sonic or in MK8 check out my touterment on MK8 and se you in the games!
Kaelyn peashooter360
♪grace♪ PurpleGrace2004
†☆★Hello my name is Grace and I am 13 years old. I have been playing video games since I was 2 years old. I love video games. Im a SUPER Zelda fan and I love Mario, Animal Crossing and Minecraft. Also if you ☆FOLLOW ME I WILL FOLLOW YOU★I have a WIIU, 3DS, and a Nintendo Switch. You can ask me anytime if you want to be friends★☆ ☆FOLLOW AND FRIEND ME★ ● I DON'T WIIU CHAT ● ♡HILIAN FOREVER♥ ▲ ▲ ▲
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
eth emoney9907
Profile comment hidden by admin.
wolfgirl dance110144
am reanna this is mine 3ds xl profile i have a 3ds and wiiu profile to miivers family thomas bye paw 5s little about me love music love video games love to sing dance and cook favorite animal is wolfs am 17 am very nice am shy birthday 7/9
ricky miregalo
i known how to live with my wii u
My-My Santrecia
Hi,my name is My-My I'm 17 years old and I'm a Gaming Nerd I love Super Mario and Pokemon games No games=No goals Luigi and Gengar are my favorite characters Favorite youtuber is DASHIE My lucky # is 3 I'm a percussionist in band I have a wild/crazy imagination and I'm just a big kid and I like to express my inner child alot Please follow my friend Junior(mariospoon)
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
Sumboldore HarleyQuinn4PC
Hello there! Welcome to my page! I love Minecraft! I adore Splatoon!! I play Mario Maker. I do not take requests. I cannnot do Wii U chat. Current follows: [76] THANK YOU FOR 60!!! (Unlocked: Viewing of friends, following and followers) I'll enjoy my day, and you enjoy your day! ^.^
Melody 352ZU94MT_LS
I'm full of cringe. So, so much cringe. I'm also a HUGE nerd My friend justine↑(drawing) I'm sorry, but have you seen my head? I lost it here somewhere... Does cards agenst humanity count as a bord game?
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
Alex adesyndicate
Yo, I'm Alex. I make animated cartoons and co-host a Let's Play show on YouTube called "Totally Good at Games"!
てんかっすぅー。 ponta0712
どうも、「てんかっすぅー。」です。名前の由来は、聞かないで下さいwww 一言で言うと、パクりは良くないし、一回見たら忘れない、コンパクトとチャーミングな名前がいいと思い、この名前にしました。面白い投稿があれば、共感フォローお願いします!!!!!!!
blu)(! 38) supermari26
my life is a joke:) ill drop my socials here if anyone cares lmao d1sc0rd: oh no its mari#9-3-2-1 aplusmino: existential crisis thats all from me peace out :^)
wolfboy Chibi_Gamer1999
ηD◆ƒλτλl★ callumwallis01
Hello everyone! My name is Callum and I'm a gamer that loves the xbox 1,PS4 and the wii U. I'm friendly,enthisiastic and I could talk about gaming and cars until the end of time. Enjoy gaming and always keep positive!
JJB marmaduke468
Hi, I'm JJB, or you can call me Marmaduke or Marmaduke468. I love Nintendo and their games, my favourite game on Wii U is Splatoon. I'm recently really excited for the Nintendo Switch and it'd games! Be sure to check out my Mario Maker courses! Also try my Minecraft Competitions or servers! Current status: INACTIVE, VERY BUSY!
RyanThe1st CheeseMo3rd
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...
Atomic aTomIc_oVerDrivE
Hi! I Atomic! Me likey Mario Maker and Minecraft! Me likey Brain POWer!! Carl no likey Moles! He say he get Mole-eria if he touchy dem! Wiggly Wiggler!!! Very, very good sir! Nick you better get in dat house! But why, daddy?! You silly donkey, U see, I want U to so U don't have to play Kaizo Mario! But I like Kaizo Mario!! NO!!, you don't! You're not playing it! *breaks SNES* Why you do that?!!!!
*★‡Xyth¹√ xyth_flower_girl
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!· ~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~ ~ζαгιςαġαη42~ ~δανίδ hυητεг~ ~βιυεƒυгαη~ ~τhίςίςmυгρhγ~ ~ƒσġz~ ~σςhίκσгσςυ~ ~αδεαδƒιγγ~ ~гσmαη τατε~ {¤ — ¤} ρ.ς· I΄m ηστ αсτυαιιγ α ġίгι! ίƒ υ ζ αηγτhίηġ υ ιίкε, ζιίζк ΄γεαh'! καίzσ ίς βαε <з -(^з^)/ ♪ Ω ωααιυίġί συτ!
トキオ famikonn1980
父上様がマリオメーカーをやる為に買ったWIIUなのですが、飽きたのか、部屋の隅に放置されていたので自分がこっそりと使ってます。 今は絵しか描いてません♪ ミーバースのルール疎いので失礼がありましたらスミマセン!
шббму★kyle superdudekyle
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated! Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!
Mavman Mavmandude
Because it's a barrel, and a roll! Get it? *crickets chirp* Anyway, welcome to my profile! I mostly just post whatever random nonsense comes to my mind. Games I've been playing recently: Paper Mario Color Splash; Breath of the Wild (Switch); Splatoon. Complete list of games I've played: [See favorite communities]
Mr. Monkey i4kirby
Vita est nihil sine Deo. Hey, my name is Keegan. I like to play Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Splatoon, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Ratchet & Clank, and Sly Cooper. I also love to read, study history, watch old shows, draw, write, debate, and listen to music. I'm very shy but friendly. Solid conservative. Hope to meet you soon! †Blessings†
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Yo! It's me, Cyrus G! I was working on a Super Mario World themed game 6 months ago but dropped f...
Yo! It's me, Cyrus G! I was working on a Super Mario World themed game 6 months ago but dropped from MiiVerse and WiiU altogether to do some searching for my place in the world. Now I'm back with renewed vigor and ready to get SMW3 back on track! ... Also check out some of my art if you have a sec. The support means the world to me.