Farewell Miiverse
Farewell Miiverse, we are going to miss this community. Thanks for all the support with getting the community together with Super Mario Maker. We can still post ou...
Super Mario Maker Community
Farewell Miiverse
Farewell Miiverse, we are going to miss this community. Thanks for all the support with getting the community together with Super Mario Maker. We can still post ou...
Super Mario Maker Community
Goodbye Miiverse
Goodbye Miiverse. It's been fun. Nothing else to say, really. This is my final post before Miiverse ends. PS. Also thanks for sending those Mario Maker levels.
Thanks everyone for using Miiverse over the years. This is my last post ever and I hope you well. Thank you for using Miiverse over the years. GOODBYE AND THANK YOU MIIVERSE.
@Cubeguy I bookmarked your course so that I can play it later when I get a chance to play. But, it looks like nobody probably posting their courses due to Miiverse coming close really soon. I'm goi...