(cool! should I start? i have a few ideas, lol)
Mistystar♪'s Yeahs

April 2017's YouTube trend was...
The Unicorn Frappicino! Each month has a YouTube trend! March was the Nintendo Switch and February was Smash or Pass! If you like this post and want me to talk abo...

He who laughs last laughs worst, because that means it took him longer than everybody else to get the joke.

Oh, you thinking about taking up music? I've been alright. Getting ready for college, trying to find a job, mourning my lost youth... Nothing terribly thrilling.
Just a singer/songwriter with a big dream.
♪Why do I keep trying?
Nothing is satisfying ...
Just a singer/songwriter with a big dream.
♪Why do I keep trying?
Nothing is satisfying anymore.
All of this pressure, this failure...
this sorrow and anger...
What is it all for?♪
♪I'm down in the dumps, here in the rain, my ears are straining to hear you call my name. Tears are streaming down my face. I'm not ready to go out into the flames.
Not steady enough to be...alone.♪