Users CutieBlaze Is Following
Lil Wolf<3 madelinerules12
my truth my life sucks bad irl i have 4 friends on miiverse i have 100 or more why the big difference? friend me to find out! whatever *slowly fads away*
victor victor25690
hola me llamo : Victor Rodiguez. Vivo en : Venezuela. Tengo 11 años . Necesito amigos toda persona que me siga yo la seguire y le dare aja a tosa sus publicaciones. follow me and I'll follow U.l PROMISE :v a ah mi bff es : anna elena es muy kawuaii
Bruce horseishay
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EpicMan EpicMan2nd
My second account nothing else to talk about...
Ant:) lucca0712
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You may call me Aegis. Miiverse Veteran, and this place is finally shutting down... "Love is a great feeling to feel, and you'll miss it once the feeling is gone." "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much more." - Stats - 17, Class of 2018
ほむC pokex.dw1
I can't speak English... 【重要:Miiverse終了後の「ほむC」について】 私が3DSでMiiverseを初めて3年と11ヶ月。色んなことがありました。持ち前の画力を生かしたお絵かき投稿によるゲーム画面の再現でフォロワーも沢山得ることが出来ました。今後はTwi●terやpix●vで本格的に活動していこうかと思います。リンク先のURTまでは貼れませんが名前等で検索したらきっと見つかる筈です。 ●28歳 ●男 ●言語能力が悪い故、コメ返しが出来ないかも…。 ミバ終了まで投稿は続きますが今後の「ほむC図鑑」は別の場所で継続する予定です。 【愚痴】広島県住在なので地上波アニメの放送本数はガバガバ。 広島地上派で10月放送開始の深夜アニメ(NHK除く) 「いぬやしき」「infinity force」 ...以上! (2017年 9/24 19:35更新)
Jacob PoizonShroom
Asian and a hearty Nintendo fan. Proud gamer. Live life. Be super. I LOVE Super Smash Bros. but I HATE playing competitive online Smash. Smash is best played locally, in the same room.
Ðγιάη★•·. dylanfoster99
Hai, I'm Ðγιάη★•·. I'm 18. ^^ I'm Really Shy... u.u Follow These Awesome People: Мάττ★•·. My Big Brother! He's Such A Sweetie! Love You Bro. ♡♥ Sunni. She's My Bbyg! Love Chu! ♡ Oliver. He Is Always There For Me! Thankies! ♡♥ мΐмΐ. She's Such A Sweet & Caring Person! ♥ Miranda. She's My Bestie! ^-^ ♡ Snow, Such A Sweetie! c: Bri♡ & Matt♥ Are The 2 Most Important People In My Life! ♡♥
Dontae™ DontaeWilson16
Hello...Umm I'm Dontae. But my nickname is Shadow. Umm...i'm 18, I Can Be Weird and Crazy . ....I'm really nice and friendly...and shy. I'm trustworthy...I like Smash bros, and overall Nintendo. ...My birthday is 7/17/99. I'll be respectful to you if you do the same to me....And i'm taken by òğś☆mo~$$$ (my bae4ever)...Bye :X
JoshyWashy Robotmann.012345
Sup? Joshy Washy here! My b-day is NOT 1/1 it is 5/17/ my age should be self explanitory. I play Smash Bros. being mainly Mr. G&W. Corrin is my back-up fighter and I also play Yoshi and Luigi. In real life I am funny and quirky, yet I also got that cool, easy-going feel ya know. Follow me, I follow u. Friend me I friend u. EASY! Well... Dassit pretty much... HAVE A GOOD ONE! :)
Drew RandomRefrencer
Welcome to my profile! Either your lost, or just decided to roam Miiverse, I welcome you all the same. This is my main profile as you can tell, and I do have a backup that is never used otherwise... I do have a Nintendo Switch currently and that has been what I have been doing a lot of lately. I do still come around here so don't think I'm gone for good! I still play Smash if you're interested.
CG64 Games4life789
Hello, I'm CG64! Welcome to my profile! I'm a big retro fan and I'm a huge fan of the DS line. I like to play Super Smash Bros, Halo,(my favorites are Combat Evolved and Halo 2) Street Fighter, Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Kirby, Mega Man, Jade Empire, and anime fighting games such as Naruto, Bleach, etc.
Мάττ★•·. matthewfoster99
Adios Miiverse, its been fun. I'll miss ya, love you guys ♥♥!! May you succeed!!! ^^ Мάττ★•·. Saying Farewell....
Cool Dude cooldude200633
hi guys follow me pls lets get to 200 follows
JOEY first1boy
Yeet LoZ BoTW is lit
Minty mintykiwi
hi there! im minty, age 16! i like drawing cartoons, gardening, and cake. peppers, carrots, and bugs are underrated. get ready for a bit of homestuck! Meow~
Nick nick408
My Wife, Yes. My Dog, Maybe. My Dodge?... NEVER I'm Nick408, A huge MOPAR Fan. ======================= Car Of Choice: 1970 Dodge Charger R/T 440-6Bbl. I'm 14 Professional 200cc Racer Best Car Builder On Minecraft My Ultimate Rival ---> Todaytion ======================= I'm a huge American Muscle Car Guy Dodge&Plymouth MOPAR OR NO CAR Mechanic Until I Die #SaveClassicCars =======================
catherine catherinesayre
sweet goldys rp catherine:*lets winter out of her pokeball and sits winter on her lap and hugs her* yes toby i really do *snuggels the small vulpix* also isn't this vulpix cute its name is winter
MIYA:wrwrd miyanodo
ミーバースの終了に伴い、多分最後のプロフ更新となるかも 短い間でしたが、フォロワーの皆さん、 自分の投稿に共感を押してくださった皆さん。 本当にありがとうございました。 これからもフォロー返しはやりますが 投稿はもうしないつもりです。 ありがとうございました!
Thanks for 780 followers! There's also a Defenders of Darkness Discord, I'm the current leader/owner. *I am* Defenders of Darkness Leader PokeSmash Dark Gym Leader 'Reigning' King of the NSLU Community Big Brother of NSLU's Queen Leader 1 of the Feline ξclipse Furry Greece Community is shared between Freege and Defenders of Darkness #SILVLEY Until next time...
Max Noreute
Je m'appelle maxime et j'aime les manga , j'en connais plein des mangas japonais et la musique la kpop. Je suis fan d'exo de bts , les fan d'exo on les appelle les exo l et les fan de bts ont les appelles les armys . Moi je connais encore beaucoup de groupe mais pas vraiment fan. Ce qui connais la kpop dites le moi par commentaire.
Fцяяγβσί37 MinecraftMadMan8
So, this is it........ the end of Miiverse has come...... This is sad. Idk why in the WORLD Nintendo would do this, and it brings a tear to my eye......... I just want to say this before it all ends. To all of my wonderful followers, and fellow furries/non-haters, I'd like to say thanks, to all of you. It has been fun.... but now, the time for it all to end has come........ i'll miss you all! ;-;
nasir nasir1127
im a fan of mario and sonic and i mostly play smash bros wii u and captain toad and splatoon i love dogs i take all friend request
★Dark Jak★ megablaziken420
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
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trunks 5tgb6ynh
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TrashGino Gino3dsAlt
have ya ever regretted doing something cringe worthy and have anxiety over it? I have.
dael mario988
hi i'm alan, i have to say it in some form so, i will miss miiverse. i couldn't do the things i wanna do .so the ones that follow me i will miss you also my friends, i will miss you. the ones i discuss in a bad or good way i also will miss you it's gonna be a sad day november 7 i'll give you virtual hugs i feel sad cause miiverse was like a good community. oh well... #funisinfinite
AndrewGPZ* endermanendercon
Hi it's Andrew! I will draw on the weekends and maybe a weekday! Favorite Games: Splatoon, Minecraft and Roblox! There's not really anything to say..., so... Stay Fresh!
Boo awesomeoshawott1
★☆Bandana Dee and Fawful for SSB5!!☆★ Goodbye random people I hardly knew! I wasted so much of my life on this site :) L'p dzhvrphyloodjhu rq wxpeolqj zklfk lv zkhuh L'p prvw dfwlyh. Wzhhwhu lv IdzixoKdvPhphv dqg L wklqn pb Ghylrxv duw lv pxvwdug-ri-grrp oro THREE LETTERS BACK Also Switch on your Nintendo for won hive mine - mine for hive tree - mine for hero hive I HAVE FURY!
Limo LimoVerde02
♪Iso★Kilo♪ TheBiNeko
You got me caught, in all this mess. I guess, we can blame it on the rain. My pain is knowing I can't have you. I can't have you. Tell me, does she look at you the way I do? Try to understand the words you say, and the way you move? Does she get the same big rush, when you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush? Tell me, am I crazy? Am I crazy?!
コウタ 0307fuku
Hoi Welcome 2 my profile u wonderful miis I have 2 accounts [Luigi movie]
age: idk u tell me (ƒ·...
Hoi Welcome 2 my profile u wonderful miis I have 2 accounts [Luigi movie]
age: idk u tell me (ƒ·_·)ƒ
Hope u enjoy my old drawings/ new ones :l get tem laughs out I MEAN IT
Loves 2 draw [self taught]
My mains R (Metaknight and LilMac)★
4 now on i'll post random arto-o [mostly dank memes]
(/˘:::)/˘ Follow i follow back ˘\(:::˘\)
I've been here since 2014