CutterL's Yeahs

New Super Luigi U Community

Trav's 3DS

6 hours ago

Well Miiverse, it’s been fun. We had some good times, some great memes, and all the adult mischief one can have in a children’s social media experiment gone horribly awry. Hopefully my drawings an...

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19 minutes ago

trav's looks like this is good bye i wish you the best of luck in life and i hope youre dreams of becoming an artist or animater come true, and hey maybe we will cross paths again someday.

Comment on CutterL's Post


58 minutes ago

Got my date wrong...

Comment on CutterL's Post


58 minutes ago

I thought it was...apparently it is ending tonight...

Comment on CutterL's Post


21 hours ago

That is awesome! Unfortunately, this will be my last time on Miiverse...

Comment on Jammy's Post


20 hours ago

I may not know you very well and have not really followed you, but you truly are a great person and artist; it's pretty easy to see how and why so many people recognize and respect you. I hope the ...

Comment on Jammy's Post


20 hours ago

See you Ms.Dr Mario. It was great meeting you. You're one of the nicest artists I've met on here. I hope to meet you elsewhere...

Comment on Jammy's Post


20 hours ago

Lots of people are. Violek, Auto, Aturu, Weegy, Alanna, MLGBun and Wyatt. Even more popular people too! Lots of good friends!

Comment on Jammy's Post


21 hours ago

Huehue I was gonna post Bikini Day Doc as my last Miiverse post... buuuut this is classier. But really, everyone needs to look at my profile comment.

In-Game Pokémon Art Academy Community


21 hours ago

:) Thank you Miiverse... my family. You taught me that it was ok to be myself. Take care out there, fam. I'm rooting for ya!

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Comment on RyanThe1st's Post


22 hours ago

With that said, thank you and goodbye. With Miiverse ending comes many new beginnings and opportunities to do greater things!

Comment on RyanThe1st's Post


22 hours ago

...Will I still play SMM? Yes, but I won't be as active. Will I get a Switch? I want to, but don't know when I'll get one. Can I be found elsewhere? Not really, but other accounts may include my na...

Comment on RyanThe1st's Post


22 hours ago

...I had fun drawing and posting, whether it ge about games or chatting it up. I also feel like I've grown here, as a person and level creator on SMM. With SMM, I made maybe medicore levels at best...

Comment on RyanThe1st's Post


22 hours ago

For one last time, I want to thank all of my friends, followers, and even Nintendo for Miiverse and my experience. I wish I had joined earlier, but roughly 2 years is pretty good, right? Anyway, wh...

New Super Luigi U Community


22 hours ago

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5 hours ago

I haven't talked with you all that much, but it was nice knowing. I think you know some places to find me, so if you ever join one be sure to drop by and chat. I'll see you later.

Comment on Riley W's Post

Riley W

21 hours ago

And that's all I can think of... SO HERE, HAVE ANOTHER NOTIF!!

Comment on Riley W's Post

Riley W

21 hours ago

- If you get on my nerves, I'm more likely to say something Snarky/Insult ya. - I can't stand when people act ð ü m b

Comment on Riley W's Post

Riley W

21 hours ago

- My favorite series is Sonic The Hedgehog, and I'm planning to get Forces tomorrow! - I consider myself overweight. #FatBoiBoiz! - I LIKE TYPING IN ALL CAPS!! - I A L S O L I K E T Y P I N G L I K...

Comment on Riley W's Post

Riley W

21 hours ago

Now for some little side facts! - I first made this Mii in Celebration of Summer 2016! I've actually changed this Mii quite a bit! The original is my Alt's Mii. - I actually regularly keep in touch...

Comment on Riley W's Post

Riley W

21 hours ago

Now, for Friends I've made! They mostly came from SMM, but here they are: Noah Kong David7 Dylanyahu Gary.efc Markus Nicobr Josh (Awsomguy67/Awesomeguy067) and a bunch more!

Comment on Riley W's Post

Riley W

21 hours ago

So, I've actually been in a good bit of Drama. The most notable was the TFAO-Spammers. Now, a lot of my Friends were tryna get rid of 'em a few Months ago, and this resulted in Pinch 50 getting Rep...