Riley W's Yeahs

Comment on Riley W's Post


2 hours ago

Don't worry folks! There's Closedverse.

Comment on Riley W's Post


2 hours ago

Piece out Riley. I'll miss how you beat me to uploading Mario Explorers. :)

Comment on Riley W's Post


2 hours ago

Yo Riley, I'm sure this won't be the end for us. I hope to see you on the switch. Who knows, maybe somewhere else too.

New Super Luigi U Community


23 hours ago

*sigh* Welp, this is it. My final post. It’s been good! IT HAS. Just never thought that it would end so quickly. Now enough with the small talk, you guys are awesome! All of you guys! You all have ...

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13 hours ago

so long probably won't read this though so...

Comment on Riley W's Post


23 hours ago

Riley... I know I’ve not been online for a while. But I just want to say that I’m gonna miss you. You are like the brother I never had. You were always by my side, you always made me laugh and you ...

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Super Mario Sluggers > Mario Super Sluggers

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

That Sonic Forces trailer was pretty sick dude

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1 day ago

Too bad the actual game will make you sick

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Hi everybody, I just wanted to say thank you. Miiverse has been a great adventure, lots of fun and will always have a special place in my heart.

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New Super Luigi U Community

Riley W

2 days ago

Dang. I actually got 4 of my closest friends from here... Guess this wraps up the last Weekend for Miiverse. See y'all on Monday!


1 day ago

Get Minecraft!

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

Tfw you have to go to school on the last days of Miiverse...

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Mr T

5 hours ago


Comment on MacKenzie's Post


2 days ago

And Riley, smaller glasses are too small... This means... GROW UP AND GET USED TO BIGGER GLASSES!

Play Journal Entries Tomodachi Life


2 days ago

My own Jacob!

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

well a friend called me a dip and you no what his right. Back in a bit bonfire night here now where them rockets.

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2 days ago


Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


2 days ago

Probably one of my easy-est levels i have made . I hope you like it and carry on making...

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2 days ago

Better give it to the ducks!