Matt's Yeahs

@Matt - your goodbye pic man ... i definitely felt like i accomplished something when i saw myself up there those other artists, and it was drawn by you another great artist too ... man ..thank you.

i remember how much this put a smile on my face the first time i saw this ... thank you Matt, thank you for the memories.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Goodbye my Miiverse friends. It has been a pleasure, and I love you all for your Yeahs, support, laughs, art, help, and games we have played together. I will find as many of you as I can once the d...
Welcome to my all original comics & art profile.
The title of my profile picture is "Don't Take ...
Welcome to my all original comics & art profile.
The title of my profile picture is "Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously" - A Triple Self Portrait.
This is a remake of a drawing I originally made in college years ago which combined Norman Rockwell, Vincent Van Gogh & my cartoony style.
Make sure to check comments on my Splatoon ART GALLERY 1 & 2 posts & please join in the fun if you have Splatoon!