★Star Pit's Friends
【KM】★そらまふ☆ dokupe46
顔ポチありがとうございます! 軽く自己紹介をします!! ★ユーザーネーム★ 【KM★そらまふ☆ ☆好きな曲(おすすめ)☆ ヒバナ シャルル 産声 ウミユリ海底譚 脱法ロック フラジール 終点 すーぱーぬこになりたい ★好きな歌い手様★ まふまふ そらる うらたぬき あほの坂田 センラ 志麻 Luz…など、様々 ☆好きなアニメ☆ おそ松さん 覆面系ノイズ 進撃の巨人 夏目友人帳 暗殺教室…など ★一言★ そろそろミバ終了ですね…寂しくなります。 今まで、フォローしてくれた方や、フレンドの皆さん、感謝しています。 更新日:10/29 PM7時3分
§×SMVPάΠק Seplier
Zup:>This is my New account of Wiiu and now my main profile iam the princess of Evil mushroom kingdoom and the boss of blue team of ssb:3 ⇒★DA:DarkyRosyPatt ⇒★ClosedVerse:Seplier Fav songs -Goddess of the ballas -Neo koopa city(Mk7/8) -Wario ware inc -Bowsers castle(allMk) ~♥l love u fabi my rubyuwu -l fight for my diamonds and for my mv familyòwó powers:darkness&Fire♥ Btw…Im Evil Not Edge>;)
Christian3 PacManWorld2
Hey, i'm Christian. I main toon-link, Pac-man, and zelda in smash. Favorite game: Pac-man world 2. I'm a big Pac-Man and rhythm heaven fan. Electric Light Orchestra is my favorite band. Talk to me anytime. Vinesauce 4 life. Nothing but trash post on here, with a drawing occasionaly. Get cozy and make yourself at home in my trash bin. Christian X Ava is best ship
Allan D. wiggedrocket516
Hi, I'm the older brother of MemeSenpai. I can't draw like he can, but I can write up some spicy fanfiction while telling you that Dio Brando is the coolest character ever. I seldom take Miiverse seriously. The majority of my posts are about as useful as the points you could earn in 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?'. I'm 22 years old. I work in a pharmacy during the day. I play games at night. ★
Dark Gwenn femaledarkpit
My drawings aren't good but at least I try? Right? Do I get some credit for trying? No? I don't yeahbomb on this account so don't worry... Other miiverse: Gwenn-the-angel
★Triple.D☆ TheLoyalWolf
★My gamepad is broken :(★ If your here then you must be wondering if i posted something Anyways, I ve broken my gamepad from being incredibley stupid, so the chances of me being online now is slim, sorry Im an Anthropomorphic Wolf that just trys to do his best I use to draw artwork of splatoon and myself but im not gonna be for a ισлĠ time until i get another thankyou and have a lively day..
Gwenn gwenn-the-demon
Sorry I haven't been active:( I'm just a 16 year old female who draws... Even though I'm not great at it... XP I draw on a WiiU Other account: Femaledarkpit Gwenn-the-angel Account Started: 12/26/15
Hellia bobwic
Howdy I'm Hellia, Hellia the human U just fell onto this File didn't maybe I should teach U how it like here.....here we're friends and U act nice play nice and most of all KiLl EvErY tHiNg j.k. haha have fun hope U like my posts I DO like undertale and MLP I'm 16 this is pretty long so I'll leave it there and NO I'M NOT A FEMALE THATS JUST MY O.C.
§◆zero◆§ Neto10o1
it doesnt matter about what you are its about who you are hello ....you dont need a description of me ...i asure you that it wont make a difference
Niles jabidik
Hello, internet. I'm Niles. Follow my girlfriend Iro Oscuro (heyitsiro21), or else. Hehehe... Sadistic but seductive outlaw serving Prince Leo of Nohr. I joined the Forces of Nature long ago. Don't ask why. I'm bisexual & taken by a lovely malig knight who goes by the name of Iro Oscuro. See you around. ;)
§мφφ†ħίε max2002wiiu
Hello. I'm Nin★M@× and I like Smash bros. I'm really insane. I make Mario Maker levels. Friend me. I am also on the 3DS. Look for Max20023ds. I will do splatfests. Why do i even bother anymore?
Justin Lugia32
hey everybody Justin the Gengar here im happy to be on miiverse i love undertale,fnafworld,smash,street fighter 5 my favorite foods are fries and crab when i was a gastly my parents put a chip in me which powers up my night shade attack but at a cost... it turns me crazy like korrina's mega lucario crazy and i can't be stop so yeah can you plz follow me im a really nice guy i hate yeah bombers
Nova QuickSilver2004
HI, im Nova. I like to battle in smash bros.Marth pit and captain falcon are my mains, i cant wii u chat sry :/ . feel free to send me a freind request. And im always down for a challenge on smash i also play splatoon and mariokart 8 Follow these cool freinds Nid:Varsity Kid Nid:RobloxRPGMario Nid:RyanTheBest123 Nid:Kevin199914 Nid:PikaBooPikachu Nid:yungjjd Nid:Andrew_Conway123
Devon Johnson162
senpai TRwitcher
im 17 year old i love jrpg s and classic franchise s like legend of zellda or donkey kong
Caolan☆♭♪™ Caolan-1888
Hi i'm Caolan! I'm 14! I Like To Play Smash U Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Mario Party 10 SkyLanders and Mario Tennis Ultra Smash!Also I Am The Captain Of The Yoshi Fan Club! Someday I Want To Reach 1000 Followers! Follow And Friend Me! Also I Watch YouTube! I Love Collecting Amiibo's! My Favourite 2 are Palutena and Inkling Girl! I Have Palutena Toad Inkling Girl And Link, But Im Going To Get More! BYE!
Sean seanvelez
Hello people. Welcome to my profile. My name is Sean. I'm 14 years old. I'm a Christian. I want to work for Nintendo's dragon quest series. I like puns. If you want to chat with me, chat on my favorite post.
Quill HeroixInc
Hi I'm Howard. I'm 22years-old. I'm a PokėManiac and a Brony, so Brohoof. I hope to be a writer for TV and video games. Creator the Terec region. Favorite Quote: "Love is a friendship set to Music" Joseph Campbell I am a Cubone
Kib Lil_L0ki
hi my name is chris i got my wii u for christmas i was so happy i like pokemon and mario the games i have are super smash bros ,mario kart 8 nintendo land and super mario 3d world and yes wii u chat and i am 12 i like pac-man
Suzan SuzanDrmaku
Hey, Suzan (16) here ♪ ♥I'm a PoKéMoN fan♥ This is my second account, my first account is: ID: 412934 Only drawings ↑ On this acc:Super Smash Bros screenshots and drawings ♡ The best: - Dark Pit ♥ -Pit ♡ -Link ♡ -Toon Link♡ -Ness♡ -Ike♡ ☆★•˙Ciao˙•★☆
きりききりゆ Robin2121
Umm...I'm a smash bros nerd and fire emblem nerd....I pretty much play almost any nintendo game... sooooo I'm a nintendo nerd XD I'm a weird guy but i like making friends....and yeah I'm looking forward to making lots of friends and play with them online I'm a male Age is 16 I'm straight And yeah....if you wanna know more about me we can talk sometime or..... PLAY SMASH BROS
Toffee Joz920
Hey. I'm Toffee. I love it here, the people here are so nice. Can't believe it's all ending soon.
nom346 nomnomnomnomnom1
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Darklia Timmyjr.0904
Darklia:Hello. I'm Cresselia's dear Sister:Darklia. I'm a hybrid of Dreams and Nightmares. I'm Princess's oldest sister of COP-Empire along with Cressy. Wish to join? Find Purosion. Anywho. We achieved over 1000 followers. Whoopie!^o^ So have fun with Miiverse while it lasts... Ocs: Pralina Mythosa Alia Eclipse Cresselia Timmy(Artist) Latias Pharosia Alt:"Timmyjr.Cressy" Status:Normal
derpygirl seatown2ooh6
Hoi guys :3 im Derpy Girl ^w^ so sorry if my drawing's are bad is just is hard to draw on the wii u :T *gives you a cupcake*
lashay sparkle444444
hi name is destin i like to have a sleep overat my house but i like to dance,sing play video games.i on dancing dolls . i am 13 yers old like to play games like gtv 5,call duty ghost
Gladvin DashX1
Sup! :) Status- Fixed Gamepad :D Check 'em out! Especially Sonic. Good People- Rachel, LunaTheFox, Azidea, Scarlett ,BMan, Hazel Chip, Kai>>şf>>ąw and alot of others! O.C. Ðáśн Appearance-Green eyes, Light Blue Hair/Black Hair...Red Shoes..Black Pants...Blue Shirt...Black Skater Gloves Status-Runner, Good at Flute. Elements-Speed,Fire,Flight,Telekenises, Chaos Energy.
LTIMT battlefront147
It's been almost two years since I've been on Miiverse... Well, this is Smasher LTIMT here. Competitive Smash player, Mewtwo main, Pokémon Breeder/Trainer and former artist. As much as it'd be nice to chat with most of you, Miiverse is closing down and I'm not all that active here.
Kyle Xavier830
Hey there everyone! I'm Kyle Lyons, also known as Karisen and I'm an artist. I love drawing, painting, playing video games, watching movies, listing to music and going on the internet. My plans for the future is to be an Illustrator, an Animator, a Cartoonist, an Actor, a Voice Actor and a Singer. I also want to make my own comic books, animated series, movies and video games! ;D
KirbyLuigi KirbyLuigiSF
♪I'll see you again, my friend!♪ ♪KirbyLuigi♪ Feeling: Let's Rock Out! Fav Followers: @Blue, @Astrid, @Citlali★, @Viridi, @Earthquake, @Chalo☆, @Shaids, @Crispy, @Chandler, @CloudLuigi, @Sammy ★, @Star Pit, @D-Pit (neko.sonchou), @Dragoni, @Liv, @AnimeXFate, @εvε~♪, @Neo, @Areane, AND MORE! LETS DRAW (^▼^)^
Pit KleberSF
Alt account. My new main account is called KlebersWiiU, it's the latest in my following list. Pit here. Your non-flying, Lady Palutena-serving, floor food-eating angel. I'm here to get raise awareness about Skyworld & my franchise. I'm also serving as Lady Palutena's Captain, cheerleader an bodyguard and massage. Don't Spy on her hot-spring or you will met my bow and arrows. Roleplayer:Kleber
ZjeroXytz WonderrOne
Hi! I'm ZjeroXytz ^ω^ Nice to meet you! <3 I'm just some ace girl who draws animals. :D My favourite games: • Pokémon • Kirby • Super Smash Bros. 4 B-day: 20th of October Have a nice day! ☆
rye guy Bigapebananafred
Hello, Bubs! The names Ryan! Im just a 18yr old who enjoys playing any video game put in front on him! My main games are Sonic, Pokemon, Mario and Mega Man. Im nice once you get to know me, so take a chance and lets chat! Im almost positive you won't be disappointed! He He Yeah!
toy chica minionlover12009
here u will see alot of drawings made by me! hi guys heres stuff about me: im 16 years old i love fnaf (definitely obessed with fnaf!) i love cod and gta5 i'm a gamer thx for 398 followers! :D --------------------------- joined miiverse: 7/18/14
FCOSZ FuturePhoenixVA
Salutations everyone, allow me to introduce myself l'm FutureCosmicOblivionSparkZ however in simple terms it's FCOSZ. Ok here's my description; l'm a MLG Hardcore Player that loves Video Games, l watch Youtube/MLP(Semi-Brony)/Anime/Cartoons/etc & l'm a artist that draws for fun. Also if you guys have any questions or request, don't hesitate to ask, ok you guys stay parky. #WoH #O.R.C.O.StaffMember
Kaneki Ken rockstar4lifeXD1
hey im Noah im 15 and i like rock music of course and anime lls ummmm i like playing the piano and guitar hi ummmm add me not enough? welll text me lls aldnoah and tokyo ghoul & parasyte ok im done still here? ? (dark vador voice) if your looking at this i am your fathaaaaa xD no really i am i didnt claim you ._. xD i act dumb lls =3=
Ljay9696 L-Master96
Hi my name is Liam,im 18years old huge gaming fan my favourite games are Sonic mario games and megaman love smash wii u also love animes my favourite is naruto i also have played the naruto games and love it i also like dbz bleach and one piece,i am also making my own manga, if you want to know more about manga and if you give an idea i can add it if you like
Viridi ForcesofNature
Welp Miiverse coming to an end soon. RIP Miiverse 2012-2017. It was fun was while it lasted.
PK Ben supersonicboom92
TW: @ben_faulstick YT: PK Ben I Love to play Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy AND MORE! Join me on my epic quest to.. well, I'm just postin stuff. Facts about the guy that is me -I'm 18 -Fav game: Sonic 3 and knuckles -I'm an amiibo collector -I love to draw -Fav food: Spaghetti -Sm4sh main: Mewtwo -Video gamer since 3 years of age.
Dylan theshadowstar
super awesome nintendo fan boy! i have a brain, do you??
Danny 679832
Hello Everyone, I'm Danny and I just play games. I also like movies, TV shows, and animation. However, I'm not into anime as other people are. Currently, I play Anther's Ladder to practice on Smash 4 since For Glory is not good. Also I am disappointed with the Paper Mario series right now.
Red Redarrow232
Lemonte15 erickingjr
Hey guys im Ace and Im cool and you know it im a gamer -I do wii u chat -I also play online game thats all :-) :-D :)
InkMatthew Matthew3030
I'm going to miss miiverse. "This game is epic. Especially the hub and charas" ~ My first ever post.
Milan Capt.Viridian
Hi There, My name's Milan and I'm 18 years old. I'm also known as MilanPires. I'm a Game Art student outside of Miiverse, I'm currently working on a game called "Mimi's Rabbit Trip"! I rarely post anything here, because I don't really like Miiverse anymore, sorry! But still, enjoy my bad posts ;)
ΛΛΛJosh˙˘˙ joshcurtis1
Hi. Put ΛΛΛ in your name to be apart of our clan. If you do, send me a friend request. I will accept! ^_^ About my drawings: —————————— 1. Illusion- These illusion should work if you follow the instruction carefully. Drawn: 18 2. Pokedex- A pokemon will be drawn in 3d, or smash, with information about it! Drawn: 75 3. Something random. —————————— A Leader of ΛΛΛ #TehSquad ~(˙˘˙)~
I am LITTLE, and I'm 23. I am a skilled classic gamer, and a major Brony. I love games from Atari 2600-N64 era, MLP, cute things, and muscle cars. I love ALL Ponies, but stay away from my Fluttershy/Princess Cadence! I'm one of Equestria's rulers, and a Son Goku-like hero with inhuman skills. I'll miss you all. Thank you for your support. :'(
Nicole ZeldaMaster9000
Hey peoples of the miiverse. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Some games I play are Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, SSB, Animal Crossing, Kirby, and Pikmin. Some stuff about me: I am 18 years old. I love God, dancing, video games, exercising, drawing, and sewing. I may post random drawings on random occasions. Shout out to PK Ben (supersonicboom92).
PKPollyana supernerd1010
I like Earthbound and smash. That's about it. Support one another, that's what bein friends is about~
ZockerKauz ZockerKauz
Adam adamhero
Hello i'm Adam i am 18 year old. I am a gamer at heart but i'm a lover of Movies, TV shows, Cartoons, Anime and Super Heroes. FVG: Super Smash Bros and Persona 4 FM: The Avengers FTS: The Flash FC: Teen Titans FA: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood FSH: Batman Some things i also love: Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, Friends, Power Rangers, Star Wars, RWBY, Telltales, Mass Effect, Disney and Crash Bandicoot.
Kie Tsunami33
my name is above this^ Currently playing azure striker gunvolt, mighty gunvolt, monster hunter 4 ultimate and bravely default.
Λитн anthonyDarnell
Art • Drama • Performance • Music technology • Music performance • Photography • Acting •Animation
JR sonicfan21
Hello Miiverse, welcome to my profile. I am a really cool guy. You'll like my profile. Also make sure you yeah all of my posts and follow me! I only accept friend requests from people I know well. Note: Bad comments are deleted and mean users are blocked.
Logan SamandLolaRock
lmao rip miiverse
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Noah rockstar4lifeXD
i like rock like , skillet, 30 seconds to mars, paramore, trapt, close your eyes, evanescence, saliva, etc am 15 now and like nintendo alot. So friend me. oh and anime too lol Tokyo Ghoul !!! and bryhilder into darkness =3= ssb4 anyone and i like talking alot xD Noah aka Squashy son lol jk
Arttu lamppu
Kept you waiting huh? Welcome to my profile. Game series I like: Super Mario The Legend Of Zelda Metroid Professor Layton Ace Attorney Super Smash Bros Mario Kart Metal Gear Solid Things I like to do: Play video games Play chess Parkour I accept any friend request, but a message in one would be nice I don't Wii U Chat with strangers
¶SP¶Vlada vlada0807
Как зовут: Влада Сколько лет: лол наконецто 10 лет любимое хобби: Рисовать Любимая игра: Wii party u ну я ее давно не играю и Minecraft Wii u Edition Как учится:Просто отлично! Любимие ютюберы: Ял,Rosana Pansino,Budgethobby,БугагаТВ Лучшие друзья: TanjaRekling, Ew☆Vanessi я думаю я правильно написала ее имя \-.-/,Sined,Влад Языки: Русский ★★★★★ Англиский★★★☆☆
Hello world viewers of this channel! I am a major fan of the game known as pokemon and im looking for other fans of the game! I am also a fan of mario, legend of zelda, kirby, disney, and minecraft I would be glad if anybody had any wifi-games of any of these choices and would befriend me on the Wii U or 3DS.
Tyler DragonMaster1996
Hello. My name is Tyler, I am currently 20. I LOVE drawing. I am working on my artwork on Miiverse I play a lot of Smash. So maybe you could hit me up with an invite and we can have some fun! Smash Bros and Pokemon are my favorite franchises Add me as a friend if you want, but I don't accept all requests. Also, DO NOT BOTHER ASKING/CALLING ME TO WII U CHAT!
ToonShadow diego1234567890
My name is Diego, and I am 13 years old. I live in Mexico. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I'm a good player, and my mains are Toon Link, Mario, Falco, Captain Falcon, and Marth. Have fun!
Rachel kellygamer
Hi! My name's Rachel! Feel free to follow me and send me a request! 2016 is here! May 2016 be a better year than 2015. <3 Rachel
tom tom jessie13
my main goal for miiverse is to make people smile or laugh and i try to upload content like. killager drawings funny pics in gaming and funny comments and i use alot of characters in my posts like luigi, zoidberg, metaknight, kirby and me.also now if you follow me i will make a drawing of you and thankyou!! (2nd best in the smash clan)
mìηí Jα©øb Mario-Cheevo
I became gamer when I were 5 years old with first gaming console for owned & played is Super Nintendo. ♥Gaming♡ I owned Switch, Wii U, XB1 & PS4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + Switch + The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is awesome and best. I am Jacob, friendly deaf & gay gamer. Enjoy share with many things include games. I am 32 years old.
Yusof supermarioworld3
I have been a Nintendo fan since Melee! In my opinion Melee is the best Smash Bros ever.I am a really really nice looking 6 foot tall man with darkbrown hair. and I love Donkey Kong Country!I am 19 years old.I am the youngest in my family but, I am the coolest.
Chad Chad59wiiwii
Goodbye Miiverse and everyone on here so sad to see it go :(