Users Queen Is Following
VicGamer VicSquids996
Ah! Me has hecho daño Muchas gracias >:v Bueno te voy ha enseñar mi perfil para ser una buena persona :v Años:10 pa 11 Cuenta 1:AdamLolXd Cuenta 2:Garciamix Cuenta 3:Ruizmix Cuenta 4:AlexRuizGarcia Cuenta 5:AdamLolXd2007 Espero que os haya gustado! Agur!
Salut je suis Fraquita en gitan et Françoise en français je suis en 6ºe et je vais faire 11 ans le 28 décembre j'ai une meilleure amie qui et toujours la pour moi c'est Robina depuis que je suis a miiverce je l'ai adoré et aboné a elle svp et a tais mon petit chaton mon caractère méchante ★☆☆☆☆ si en m'enerve gentile★★★★★ folle★★★★★ tous le monde me le dit cuisinier★★★☆☆ j'adore bye
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
Marie ORTIE78
Ally ;P carloscorral85
hi i am ariana can i draw no what can you do be lazy and play video games for SIX hours what do you what to be when you are older a photographer do you have something to say about the closeing of miivers yes i think that is very dumb to close it cuz many people love and have so much fun on it and you get to see what other people are doing with ther lives [wii u]
Kirito A07krch
Hi I'm Chris. Nice to met you. I'm very popular in school. And I make friends real fast. So i want to make friends in miiveres to. And I'm a real nice person too. And I specialy do not swear. And my age is 17. If you guys wanted to know. And in 11th grade too. And I'm Rich and I go to private school. I go to church every sunday.And i have a girlfriend already so girls out there i'm so sorry.
ヘルドラドXZXV pesu1982
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ÑÎGĦŤмάŕě hood05
Ħēĺĺő fгîêñdš Łėť мê ťěĺļ yôù мÿ fàvõŕįť ťħiпgś Animals:Dogs,Dolphins,and Cats Fam Colors:blue,green,and black FamilyHere:Texas,Beverly,Caitlin,Vicky,Alice,Nicolous,Aaron,Kenneth,Undertaker,Yomomma.... (If I missed anyone please forgive me) But thats all I wish you a very good day☆★♡♥:D
かのん satoe2329
みんなよろしく~ いつもフォロ一されたらかえしてまーす どしどしフォローのボタンおしてくれると嬉しいでーす まってまーす あとがき いろんなゲームをみんなでケンカ無く楽しみましょう
Neko★Gal AnnabelleTheGirl
Best Friend: τκz★Star☆ I'm 13 and I love music. I'm new here and I already got a lot of followers! Peace out!
$hawty qveen-zaire
8 grade taken bhad bhabie boss so nobody can compare to me. follow me on sc@zz_2113 follow me on ig@breezywifey2113
Migirane™ ARSON-1984
I don't complain for attention I complain because I want help I know my skin isn't paper, but I still Ctu it I don't cry because I'm weak I cry for my friends Say what you want, You'll never hurt me I'm hurt enough I've already snapped But my friends are putting me back together I'm a 12 year old female. It said 17 cuz' I used my older sis' age Obviously depressed Laly:3 is mine only >:0<3
こあくまことこあです iwaawi
プロフィールコメントは運営者が学校に持っていき、没収されました。 基本的に悪コメ無視します!名前変えましたよ!(フォロー205人ありがとう!)ねこ>>こあ 青鬼運営 Dįff,poklさん サブだいちゃマンさん 好きなYouTube かれぇらいすルナ まどねす! ゆっくりK 主チャンネル たこらいす 28(ふたば) ロン 葉桜チャンネル ゆっくりルート たくっち てきとう太郎 好きなアニメ のんのんびより ごちうさ がっこうぐらし!
Jake★WN Wiiu_Jake
Hello everyone! I'm Jake★WN! Here's some stuff about me! ● I've been a Miiverse user for 4 years! ● I love pizza, video games, cats, dogs, family, and lots more! ● I play Nintendo Land, Wii Sports Club, and Pac-Man. ● I've played video games for 9 years! ● My best friends on Wii U are AwesomeGamerland, Layla264, TheLightsaber, GYSPEY, and bible47. ● I DON'T WII U CHAT. That's about it, bye!
【きゃらめる】 1315_snoopy
【サブアカ注意だよ】 とりまプロフィール書くから見てね((*´∀`)↓ 【プロフィール】 名前→きゃらめる(あだ名*める)←めるって呼んで* 性別→見た通り女子!笑(10代だよ) 好きな動物→犬.猫.鳥.うさぎ.りす.金魚(?) 他にもたくさん! ねむねむ星人です(。-ω-。). 。♡(スヤスヤ 【神友】 さわ←話しててすごく楽しい♡本当に楽しい!笑 りん←絡みやすい!優しいし他の人の気持ちよく分かってるから尊敬♡ あや←話してて楽しすぎ!毎日話したい位!アドバイスくれて頼りになる♡ <よくお話する仲良しグループ> ぴの←面白いし可愛いし誉め上手♡皆から好かれそう! ゆら←もう可愛いの一言だよ!あと話してて楽しい♪ きら©←頼れるお姉ちゃんみたい♡その場を支えてくれてる☆ ↑上の皆大好きだよぉ! 【更新 11/5】も - カメムシ多い嫌い本当にやだ泣
DanieleBre MIKEHH2
I am a nice person i cant stop myself doing things also im a youtuber Favrioute Pet:CAT Fravioute fruit:Strawberrys Fravioute Food:pizza Age:10 Thankyou for your suppourt miiverse will be closing down soon so make the most of miiverse enjoying ur life enjoying entertainment from the pictures i'd like to thankyou so much miiverse for all of this, this just made my life really good 120! followers!
Kεviп♪ RickiNNID
Heyy! I'm Kevin. I draw and game like you and I'm Christian. LoZ is awesome. ′· ω ·`)
★☆YaraM.☆★ yaraniepink
Hello my name is Yaranie and my favorite games are Minecraft and Pokemon. I love Mithology, Music and Videogames.
★Luna★ omghihi01
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•☆Sugar☆• paprri
abe bribri1717
Hi my name is David i like blue i play sports i have brown hair i play soccer and baseball football and i like under armour i am a zebra i have 90 friends were i live linkin is my is my best friend he was my friend for 2 years and have a good day !!!
alex masterpumkin
hola amigos/ Hi friends
Niya.some. mannyandniya2015
Name:Niya if you know what follow me @niyalovespie or @zoeyandniya3379 i have 8009 following so maybe i'll follow you roblox niyalovepie or reisnotanoob REAL NIYA.SOME. IF SOMEONE ELSE SAYS THERE NIYA.SOME. THERE NOT, BECAUSE JUST REMEMBER MY NINTENDO NETWORK,MANNYANDNIYA2015 EVEN THO WE GOT THE WII U IN 2014 SEPTEMBER STILL.
αδπι★☆★ςмν AdrianaMontero
Holi ADRIFANS. porfi baja↓ gracias por bajar :3. Bff: ~Clarita209 ~LuciaSepeaker ςεğυιδlας sister: ~AngiMontero ςεğυιδlα estoy viviendo en noruega y mola mi animal favorito es el tigre blanco me sigues? no?!?! dale a eso de arriba de seguir,plis :3 :P ~you love de life,you life to mach~ βαγ βαγ!!
SpoopySυn SunShineAnderson
*Wαvεs…* ωεl©oмε τo мαн τ®αsн♡ »ı ροsτ ®αndοм sτυƒƒ нε®ε ŇÔŤÊ: »ıм ωεı®d/vε®γ sнγ…вυτ nοω is γoυ® onlγ ©нαn©ε 2 ωυ© ωıτ мε. вγε Miivε®sε & Wii U Cнατ… †R.I.P мε вεing on нε®ε sin©ε I ωαs 11… 2012 - 2017† 2/13/17♡ ~ƒo®εvε® Love you Cris. ;u; you too Briizy…♥
Angelique Angelique1533
Noα SMV gatogato2005
Hola yo soy Noa y aqui van algunas cosas sobre mi: Mis amigas en мiiνεгςε son: Marti Olafi Ana belen Angy KCROSSNG FresiSMV Julia Emily chispita y nuria Os seguiria pero no puedo Adoro los gatos Mi sueño es llegar a los 900 subs Hablo un poco de ingles No bajes Que no Bye
Nolhan nolhan02
ξŁεćтгσ☆ chouchoumachine
"If you want, you can" ..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·.. #SaveMiiverse
mitch to333m
Crystal Si3rraFam
Hello my name is Crystal and im protector of the lumas and aunt to them also may the stars shine down to you Have a good time of whats left of miiverse JOIN the Cute Star Squad Bye I know that you didn't read it now go back and do it Bye
anna d0r0e0i0e0r0
Hallo! ich bin 12 jahre alt , habe am 3.11 geburtstag und habe die spiele animal crossing new leaf , animal crossing happy home desinger , pokemon sonne mond x y art acedemi alpha saphir und omeba rubin , terraria , cube creator und noch mehr schreibt mir in die kommentare wenn ihr mal ein anderes spiel sehen wollt oder dabei hilfe braucht . ★ :) #JaddiiClub«3
Ink♀Sophie SophieRosebowman
Hi! my name is Sophie!(^o^) i am just a 13y/o Woomy who wuvs Splatoon & is Still trying 2 Reach lvl 50! XD ma B~day is on da 27th February & i have 2 Brothers (only 1 of dem has a wii u!) PLZ READ!--»my Feelings Can B hurt VERY Easily so pls B very careful about wat u say in the Comments. thnks!^^ & thnks for over 850 Followers! Woomy!\(^o^)/
antoine antoineb2S
★Aysha☆ happypersonlovel
Hey Woomyz I'm Aysha, I Play:Splatoon,Legends of Zelda Breath Of The Wild,Just Dance,Super Mario,Super Mario Maker,Mario Kart And More!I Speak English (As You See) I Am Known As A Cat Lover I Love Squid Parties And Glitches. I LOVE ART And MLP!My Favourite Youtuber Is Vannamelon And i was born 22|12 And thats All The Time I Got! Dont Get Cooked Stay Off The Hook WOOMY!! >:3
box head jacobandfamily
legoflash TheLegoFlash
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P.Peachy mezeewillor12345
hi its princess peach toadstool i'm the rule of the mushroom kingdom and oh how i love when my hero mario save me from evil bowser castle thankyou mario tehehe i love when me and my friends play gokart and tennis and golf and fun party's and brawl fighting and adventures boyfriend:paper mario (mimos5) my best friends : kuma, buk, lindsey, ziggy, drew, mark,toon link, luigiGS,☆Rσςαłιηα☆,
Hello everybody . This is my account an no body elses.
My favorite games to play are :
Hello everybody . This is my account an no body elses.
My favorite games to play are :
mario cart 8
I am 14 years old