Dexter's Followers
cj rickpoldo1234
Hi. My name is CJ. I love meeting new people and making new friends. Please be my friend and follow me. I do youtube, Minecraft, MarioKart 8, and mostly Hulu. I love Naruto. You will see a lot of these in most of my posts. LOLOLOL #BenSmells #SmellYouLaterBen #YouNeedAMintBen I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this. See yah later P.S I love Wii U chat.
Silver IV BabySil4
★Nΐn☆Gαbέ★ Jughead111111
Oh, hey! You've found my profile! I'm 14 from England. Here's things about me! ★ Love to make people laugh! ☆ Performs improv comedy! ★ Likes to meet new people! ☆ In the 9th grade! ★ KING NSLU!!! ☆ Loves Stephen King books! ★Absolutely loves to make comedic jokes! Talk to me, I don't bite!★ ★ Has Post(s)! ☆ Doesn't Have Any Posts! ★☆Thanks for 700+ followers!☆★ 12-28-16, I joined Miiverse!
Maxx maxxriley
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★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
cj 01skuta
grayghost1 danandsome
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antony ourworld59
i like trains
Nin★Luigi™ KyanSampsonSmith
Hi I'm a kid who likes luigi. I'm 8 years old my birthday is on 31st of march. i Like people who Like my posts about games!! i hope i meet new friends!! i like Mario,Minecraft,sonic,youtube,and Pac-man!! i'v got an ipad,a wii,a playstation,a gameboy,a Ds,a WII U Luigi is cool because he has a spooky game called Luigi's Mansion and I've played the gamecube one.
AIDEN LuigiDidIt
こます yumama271919
piggybank piggalette77
οм¢☆Seb☆ supermariobash
Welcome to my profile! let's be best friends restrictions: 3 Follow me, i follow you! iam kind i use miiverse mostly. i like drawing Thx for stopping by.;) P.S. I do Wii U chat but no spam call plus, I am co leader of ом¢ Also, I am 13! Feel free to send a you know what!!!!! My favorite games are MC and COD:G I watch yt I play MC most. My dream is to make lots of friends! Have a good day!!!!
λzυîî XxAzuiixX
Sup im Azuii this is my third acount ahmad_of _light ahmad_of_light55 XxAzuiixX im taken by↓ ♥Sereniii♥ ♥›—5/3/17—>♥ i have lots of friends B) i listen to nightcorez a lot my favorite color is blue ^^ follow me pls xDDDD bai bai ˙˘˙
lisa piscine45
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TheAlex178 Alexgamer8000
¡Hola bienvenido! Mi nombre es Alex, y me encantan las consolas de nintendo Consolas que tengo:Wii,wiiu nintendo switch,3ds,y game cube Hago directos Colores favoritos:Verde,rojo,y negro Juegos favoritos:Minecraft y los dos splatoon Clan:RK Adios
esai esai548763
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Matt townsendsm
るーくん Haruna-0511Rui
Tj grabboid86
Bubba bubba0705
speedy speedyssr
Pickle ThaJohnson5
Hi this is pickle. I make lots of stuff for friends.
yadiel yadielchristian
мςν★sky★ willets5
...its over AGAIN MY LIFE IS A BLACKHOLE >_<....and its happening again....... :( its over....
Diamond jmort123
Hi! Im Diamond! I play:Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D world, Super Mario Bros.U + New super Luigi U, Donkey Kong Contry Tropical Freeze, Super Smash Bros., Mario and Sonic at the 2014 Sochi Olypic games, Splatoon. Finaly, Poken turnamet.
Myles LordHatter42
røi joss josselin12
Cameron camerongamer963
Bonjour je m'appelle Cameron j'ai 7 ans.Mes jeux préfèrer sont Mario Maker,Splatoon,Minecraft,Luigi bros.
Elien vcnetwerk
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miyo CoolLayne10
vishichalu victorkenzowatab
end miiverse se o miiverse ainda esistir digo que foi bom ter a experiencia não tirem o miiverse porfavor eu sei que provavelmente o adm do miiverse não verão esse comentario mas nem tudo e do jeito do que ajente quer não sei porque mas pelomenos acho que vão colocar outro aplicativo enves do miiverse então essas são minhas últimas palavras no miiverse eu sei que e triste e eu sei que e triste /:
Bari24 jabri071908
jabari ward
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
Laney 0301bowser
ом¢★Sabre tymc22
Hi. Age of 13. 💪😐✌ Twitter Name: TylerMK813 Clash of Clans Clan Name: salad warrior's. (Don't mind the name. I am not leader) Bye Miiverse. Nice knowing y'all.
tito arturgouveia1975
hola disfruten el nivel, enjoy the level
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
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