LaloDiaCar's Friends
Hallow Hallowanime
The best at Smash XD
Darkrai PowerFireIce75
Plasma PlasmaGamer007
Im a cool gamer
☆ Jackie ~ arden4
Aye, i'm Anna. Appies. ♡ 12 years old. 7th grade. Loves scary things. Shortest in my class. Tomboy. LOVES cats and dogs equally. Best friends in real life: Ally, Ella, Lukas, Ashley, and Robert. Best friends on Wii U: Danny and Eduardo. Never hates on anyone... only when I need to defend myself. Lives life to the fullest. Cares about friends. Bye! :)))
Rezn Rezn93
¡Hola! :) Contrincante/Aliado en Sm4sh, MK8 y Splat. Pueden agregarme para las retas :D
Deka Princeyeol
Gael Aaron370
Nico NicoVickyJavi
hola me llamo Nicolás o Nico soy de chile y me gusta super smash bros, splatoon, yoshi mega man x6 y muchos mas.
Gemelo Jemelo55
Ãdélíãnnà ADthousand271
Kon'nichiwa, my name is Adoriana in japanese. I really like watching Yaoi (BL). As you can tell, i'm a weird person and kinda hard to deal with in person. Umm, ok I guess I will talk a little bit of BL. (BL) means boy-love. What that means, a central theme about a relationship between two boys or men. See I told you i'm a weird person. At least thats what everyone else thinks.∞¥
Mama MamaLinda55
Sarah Jamcam64
Hi My name is Sarah I Have three Profiles with my name as Hannah, DeDe , and this one If you have ever followed me on any of those profiles be sure to stay in touch with my most recent posts Please: I love playing the following games : Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, and Disney Infinity 3.0 etc. Thanks for Reading P.S. Follow me I follow you. ♥
Joey 654321jkkk
Hi if you wanna play super smash bros my nintendo id is 654321jkkk i'm sorry for the k3 it's a typo
Somegirl Chickenandbeans
Greninja zero suit samus and pizza
Kj-Storm kj-storm
Im back after 7 months no wii u i am back and feels so good.. i like games i play lost reavers and smash alot and roblox....i like anime i cant tell u how many i like cause its way to much for me to put
kam jackson9091
PRINCESS PrincessDela
♪Meow♪♪Let's♪♪Play♪^ω^☆names Dela nice to meet you all☆☆I'm 15 yrs.old and I like drawing alot so I'll do mostly drawings ok☆☆l hope we become best friends☆^ω^ umm0-0 ☆ok now your scaring me☆ O~O ☆STOP PLEASE☆-cover my eyes with my tail->~<
Rika Tapatio_Rika
Hello, amigos.
Rhys. SancturayOfLife1
Picture perfect mutilation ;) Das Leben gibt mir nie Zitronen :(
BlackWolf jaboo56
Hello Everyone! And welcome toooooooooo my beautiful profile!!! My username is Jaboo56 and It's pronounced (Ju-boo) . My real name is Jake. I love videogames!!!! I DO have the Nintendo Switch, this Wii U, the New Nintendo 3DS XL, a Gamecube, and a Nintendo 64! I use game chat, And I am a great videogamer! I am also 13 in age. Hope you follow me and be friends! (With me) #VideoGamesAreAwesome#
kakashi BernerBear
****** gamer1320
This user's profile comment is private.
шεεd мап ShalalaDunno3
Ded meme. Rip ClewdStrif.
Edwin gamerwin-774
hola amigos mi nombre es edwin soy de mexico los juegos quéme gusta jugar son de acción,aventura,carreras, deportes y juegos de rol los videojuego que mas megusta jugar son mario kart y mario maker eso es todo lo que me gusta adiós
Yasmin :D AshKetchum143
Omg! Super Smash for the Wii U is amazing keep up the good work Nintend!!
Pedro pirrus01
¡Hola a todos!, yo soy de México y tengo 14 años. Los juegos que tengo son las comunidades que tengo marcadas como favoritas, los otros no los uso ó se me perdieron XD.
*Silver* bunnyblAJ
Belief Shall we believe in one thing or another? ... Or should we just be ourselves? ... Why do we choose a belief that many people have ... When we are all unique? ... Can we be prepared for lots of rejection ... If there are other people with the same belief? ... We will never all be the same ... So why bother trying? *** ☆~Silver~☆
Vênus raps10
Olá pessoa! Tenho 13 anos e adoro jogar(principalmente super smash bros hih) então me add pra jogar junto c vc! bom, é só isso mesmo...(?) bjs e obg por ter lido! bye bye :3
Gamer Kid Eddypina730
Hi everyone i am Eddy who likes Smash smash bros for wiiu and call of duty black ops 2 we can play together if you send me a friend request and my favorite song is F-777 Space Battle i play minecraft as well
Sussuca Sussuca
"I will..never be a memory!" ~~Miiverse coming to a end~~ I will miss... Apparently it seems~I will no longer accept random friend requests. It's overwhelming. Nevertheless~ Enjoy ^^ No Wii U Chat~! Never ask my age! No Exceptions~!
☆JORDYN★ dea1014
ηεω~Daddy monkeypower
Hi everyone! This my profile where I make drawings and other posts! (mostly Sm4sh) Go follow Meme~Dev as well! She's the creator of the awesome ηεω clan! \(˙˘˙)/ Thanks to all my followers and friends and everyone who supported me! Miiverse ends at 10:00 pm today... Goodbye everyone and Miiverse... 2012-2017
weston iceman71
hi my name is weston and i love games! the games i like are racing fighting and sports.and plus it dont look like i have that many favorite communities,you guys can tell me if i should put any more favorite can know many more of me on the bottom below.anyway thats all the time i have and oh yeah check out my weekly comments and videos.and so i will see you later.bye-bye!
Dylan Dylan.Winner
• ¡Hola! • DylanTenshi ………………………………………………… Tengo 17 años (10/Diciembre/1999) »☆« ~ Amo dibujar y crear Me encantan los juegos y la música de Mario • ♪ Juego desde los 3, siempre fiel a Nintendo ♡ Personaje favorito: Pauline ♥ #MakePaulinePlayable in spin-off games! —————————— Gracias por visitar ^^ —————————— ENGLISH: ★★★☆☆
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
GME64 luigipower137
Howdy ya'll! Games I likely play are smash bros. wii U, splatoon, hyrule warriors, Super Mario Maker, and Pokémon Rumble World. I do occasionally post funny stuff or give helpful advice from the games that I have on communites but one thing might change on where I need help on a game though ^-^'. so to those who have followed and yeah'ed me, thx friends! :D
Lalo Mexildor