Doggy Dan's Friends
GREG WOUT.vanaert
momo momo44240
bonjour je me nomme morgane j' ai 13 ans :)
TheKing Barcelona44
wer will mit mir splatoon oder mario kart 8 SCHPIELEN
xtentacion Currygotfame
Im just an ordinary boy. That lives in chicago, yea life is hard and scary but i mostly find my way to make a good change for myself. Im don't think i will be looking forward to any realationship yet. Thats about it for my life, i also like Golden State. If you dont know who that is well its a basketball team.
Makinze Thoesmixgurls03
(need more followers) (♥★sunset★♥) Amaig▲ *be sure to comment and give YEAHS on our post thx allat *hugs and kisses* me!... OMG thank you guys for all of my followers and if you comment and give yeahs I will be sure to give A TBH!!!!!!!!!!!! (excitement)! thx and be sure to give this girl credit ..... OMG HELPING THE ADMINISTRATION TOOOOOOODAAAAAY PROUD OF THE ACOUSTICS OF MY CAREER!
Jacob Jakeoraptor15
I'm just a simple college student who likes video games, I don't Wii U chat, have a great day.
ahmir sharkboym8
meme gnmm13
my name is meme i love all people i like music i am 13 years old my blue & red are my favor colors i live in fort piece florida
Luke LukeIsCool13
xX_Jon!_Xx BOMBERMAN133543
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WαιτDiςnεγ SegaDisney2.0
Hello fellow Miiverse user and welcome to my wonderful world! Obviously I'm a big Disney fan! You might also know me as ☆ςυρerRιτα I mostly draw Disney related posts and other random stuff on occasion. I hope to reach 700 follows again to avenge my permanently banned account before the end of Miiverse! Otherwise, TTFN, Ta-ta-for-now! "There is nothing funnier than the human animal."
Alex AlexBreck1
hi my name is Alex i like titanic do you like titanic??? i play minecraft do you??? i like tornadoes!!! see you later!!! friend me please!!!
mya terryross01
my name is mya i am 8 years old. do anyone want to be my friend give me a friend request
BPMGamer WebSlinger123095
a person who luvs tøp fav album: vessel, regional at best fav song from movie soundtrack: WDBWOTV fav song: lovely fav single: tear in my heart, fairly local fav food: pizza, corn dogs favorite game: super mario bros, minecraft, roblox i dont accept random friend request alot only wiiu chat with people i know irl dont comment nasty or violent comments thx for reading the autobiography
Garrett GarrettMinecraft
Hello welcome to my page and please help me get 300 followers i will be so thankful
mat cmachado1974
olá meus eu chamo-me mateus,quere-me conhecer? eu gosto da cor azul,e tenho 7 anos e tenho o recalbox (es){rasberypi] JOGOS ★★★★★★★★★★★ INTELEGENTE ★★★☆☆ JOGO FAVORITO super mario maker BRINCALHÃO ★★★★★
michelle mscarlett
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Angus Inferno133
I love the Wii U a lot.
Derpsstuff johnnyX54
Officially not retired yet, made a comeback. will post more often now deleting other 85-86 post
Jo Jo Joholly7171
Greetings Hello, Welcome you are in for a treat my name is Joe i am a artist rugby player on left wing and a Great gamer so i hope loads of u guys will give me friend requests and ask me lots of questions on the way so every day when u guys are down and lonely i will come up to u and stick up for u and all ways cheer u guys up whenever you need me so i'm Joe and thats all i want to say so pease <3
gaminggirl berlinfeiern
*SCREECH* 600+ FOLLOWERS,HOLY MOLY HULLO!My name's Mystery and im a crappy artist! i draw splatoon(own oc`s),eddsworld and some creatures i create randomly and use im starting to draw way more detailed then before! posts left? yes(●) no() online? yes(●) no() heh,i only reply to people i know.. wait a lil' MY GAMEPAD BROKE RIP (Release day-2017)
wow HappyAlisaAnna
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
david nationals_38
im dav and im a gangsta ya
grabriel pt_ranger
helo my name is gabriel im portoguese joponese:☆☆☆☆☆☆ espanol:★★★☆☆☆ inglish:★★★★★☆ francies:★★☆☆☆☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓ ↓↓↓↑ €€€€ #100
moni monicaw123
Bryson Brysman06
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ProF Terra ZT-REX
bonjour merci pour les 363 abbo go pour les mille abbo et je cherche des groupe pour terraria et minecraft!!!! bye bisous si vous etes de nante ou a côter moi je suis a ST PHIL je vous dit plus rien aller bye je suis ban de miiverse a cose de quelqun!! qui a lancer une infraction et l'admin a rager et je suis bann ouais sinon abboner et sachez que vous etes les plus fort booooo!!.
опз·эуеð·Ζ zlight12
YO YO YO! Wadup every1 This is yo boi σηε·εγεð·Ζ Yo information bout me: Yo im 15 yo Orange is my bro yo Super smash bros, Splatoon, Pokken Tournament the games I play tho And ey I follow back u following u know Friend request are needed I need U succeed it And I hope u all get it It is wat it is yo But seriously I luv u ALL tho U KNOW!! I'll miss you Lucy....
tink tink000
tink hey im willing to make friends
Arianna Tb34Oliver
hi my name is arianna i am six years old i love dogs my b day: feb 10th and i love my family if you friend request me i will accept and if you follow me i will follow you back bye!
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
brian◆ brianx1
hey que hay amigos tengo super mario maker yoshi`s wooly world y minecraft wii u edition aun que no tengo mario kart 8 ni super mario 3d world. en yoshi wolly world y super mario maker publico mas y mas soy un jugador expectacular soy el mejor no me gusta splatoon me gusta todos los juegos de mario y super mario tengo 1 nintendo 1) WII U no digo groserias solicitud ID:brianx1 meta 100amigos adios
☆JimmyBun☆ JimmyNeutron03
Hello my name is Jimmy Jordan, but you can call me "JimmyBun".I am 14 years old.I also have high-functioning autism! I'm also taken by a really special, kind, and funny girl WereCupso. I'm a very artistic gamer.Miiverse is ending soon. Thank you so much for your support...
Soft Sweet amyatheboss
Hey guys! its Scootaloo the filly info about me: she/her pansexual Taken by a beautiful female UwU supports gay rights animator nerd weirdo lazy insomniac funny shy cinnamon roll loves furries love anime loves movies loves cuddles hates hugs (depends on who hugs me) requests:closed commissions:open
Grandma Grammy518
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Boi anjin911
hay hay hay look whos here
natnatcake Sahirate
Let's all play nice-like! and cool
Landon landonallbert
Hello.My name is Landon.If anyone wants a Clan teamate just friend request me.Call of Duty is my favorite game to play.I like Clan tryouts.I use the KSG pump-action shotgun its a 1-shot killer and its my primary.My secondary is the SMR.Its a 2shot killer.I only die 2 times in matches since i have good Guns..
I am LITTLE, and I'm 23. I am a skilled classic gamer, and a major Brony. I love games from Atari 2600-N64 era, MLP, cute things, and muscle cars. I love ALL Ponies, but stay away from my Fluttershy/Princess Cadence! I'm one of Equestria's rulers, and a Son Goku-like hero with inhuman skills. I'll miss you all. Thank you for your support. :'(
Laneison hankuyken
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Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and ha...
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.