Recent Play Journal Entries
Open Discussion

filling in the 'dex' but missing some pieces.
what's #107 [after lycanroc but before tentacool] and the one after dhelmise?
filling in the 'dex' but missing some pieces.
what's #107 [after lycanroc but before tentacool] and the one after dhelmise?
i will return...
please take your shoes off before entering... i just mopped.
i am a loreseeke...
i will return...
please take your shoes off before entering... i just mopped.
i am a loreseeker and horrible artist [apologies in advance]
i write an odd little series of shorts in FE fates [conquest], play halo, main R.O.B, makes mixed sets in MH4U, and i'm soft-resetting for a good tapu fini in pokemon sun.