Haley's Followers
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
timothy timster2007
poke'mon, got to catch 'em all!!!!!
Mama Luigi Mariosonic427
Its a me Mama Luigi and i'll post about my self and other people to i love my friends and followers if you wanna be friends let me know
jj Kahne08
Wilsonsays edwards01
The wii u is AWSOME!!!!!!Favorite game: Minecraft and splatoon! Favorite game franchise: Legend of zelda.
riley xxTOMBRAIDERxx
I love 3.D.S!
mr cool mrcoolpie
i love, anime youtube and video games i think nintendo really SWITCHED it up with there newest console:]
aph marioravelo
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Alexis Alexisx123
Hi my name is Alexis. I love going on youtube on my 3DS and listening to music.I love fashion.I know how to do all kinds of braids to do on me and other people.I have a sister named Alaina and a brother named Paul and my mom's name is Jennifer and my dad's name is paul and my grandma's name is Lorraine and my best friend is Kayla Cuesta. I have 4 cats. Follow me and I will follow you back.
isma luxe§ Sokplgy
Qui je suis Ismaël un jeune homme de 12 ans qui aime beaucoup le gaming et un grand merci à toute mes abo. pour finir j'ai une Xbox 360 mon noms est Marketing7098 vener dans ma teams#jaguard dite isma pour venir dans ma teams gentil ★★★★★ méchant ★★☆☆☆ patient ★★☆☆☆ coquin ★★★☆☆ si vous vous abonner à moi je m'abonne à toi .Ces tout se que j'avais à vous dire bye
Miguel MiguelR1
Hola amigos :) Soy Miguel naci el 10 de Agostos de 1998. Originario de Venezuela , me encanta “Pokemon” y mi frase es:“Si el es Feliz por que tu no puedes serlo”.
Muerto Poke3force
I'm a pokéfan! I'm also a fan of Zelda games! I haven't encountered a Layton puzzle that I didn't enjoy! Mario Maker can be fun...when creating (or playing) a fun & creative level!
Alyssa Lil_Pro06
hi, im lissa im single i love EDM i love drawing i love making new friends i dont care about the haters im sad cause miivers is ending i appreciate 200 followers bye ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AND I DONT DO WII U CHAT
teen yosef awesomness568
Alex alba81
Hey Leute Ich bin Gregor und bin 12 Jahre. Meine Lieblingsspiele sind Splatoon,Art Academy und Mariokart 8.Meine Haustiere sind ein Hund.Meine Miiverse Freundin ist ♪Dana♪:). Ich freue mich über jeden Folger\Freunde.Ich folge Jeden Der mir folgt Hier ein Keks →●← Da das Miiverse bald schließt würde ich mich freuen wenn ich 100 freunde habe Bis Dann -ĺêğřēğ06★ƒς™
AnimeZac kingzack2005
Hello World Of Miiverse , My Name Is Zack And Here Is A Little List About Me. Fav Show: The Loud House Fav Food: Pizza (Obviously) Fav Movie: Trolls Fav Sport: BaseBall Fav Games: Minecraft, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, And Super Mario Bros U Fav Age: 5 Fav Console: Nintendo Switch Fav Animals: Bunny , Puppies , And Kittens And Finally My Fav Game Character Is KIRBY! Thanks For your Support Guys!(^.^)!
AnnoyinDog SquidPartyer
I'm sorry that I didn't see notifications for so long. Doggy Speech v Hello! Finally on, huh? Just visiting! This profile isn't in use anymore due to the fact of Miiverse shutting down. I would like to say goodbye to you all :3. I will not be posting any art or drawings on Miiverse since this will be my last time on it. I hope you understand! -Sincerly, a dog lover.
maxime yvon.spieserSFR
Mat kghfjj
boujour je m' appelle Matéo fan de minecraft je recherche des amis pour jouer a minecraft ou mario kart 8 j' adore mes abonnés et aussi abonnes to
Sweetcrash Bluecat98
This is my 2nd account.
Eric olv_wood_001
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mommy nikkibmore
Hi guys I'am nikkibmore So I'am 11years old I LUV ALMOST EVERYTHING BUT MOSTLY... SPENDING TIME WITH MY FAMILY!!! I HATE mean people LUV PUSHEEN FOLLOW EVERY FRIEND Female Emo Nice wolf girl baiiiiiii <3 - Nikkibmore
Jojo Sisi321
˜Salut tout le monde moi c'est Jojo ! J'ai 11 ans , j'habite en Alsace et j'adore les jeux vidéo… Tu peut me suivre en ce moment ont est 1112 alors , Abonne ~ Toi √ Je fais principalement des messages sur Minecraft , nésite pas a aller voir mon Journal de jeux et mettre des Ouais aux messages qui t'intéresse et aussi les commenté √ Voilà je fait des messages le Mercredi et le Week-end . Salut⇒
かたきまつる iharusara
~*+ミカサ+*~# 051222
~~~~~~~~~キリトリ~~~~~~~~~~ ~プロフィール~ 年齢→小5(11才) 性別→女 兄弟→姉(14才) 妹(6才) 二次元大好き人間です。!爆笑 ハニワークスも大好き! 新しいクラスあんまいいメンバージャナイ!! フォロワー500人突破!ありがとうございます! 顔ポチありがとー!顔ポチ=フォロー………ですよね?……。無言フォローも大歓迎♪フォロー返しも100%です。 【更新:5:4】
cαlίρσ nais-neko
.·•☆βιεηνεηυε☆•·. ♪•Rένε•♪ Tυ εs sυя ιε ρяσƒίι d'Αηαϊs, ρ'τιτε ƒяαίsε ! Icι, cίτατίoηs, ρнoτos Δcηι ετ dεssίηs ! ▲мαηgα ƒαν: Inuyasha !▼ мα νιllε αcηι : Vίllε ηατυяειιε ετ καωαί ! (ια мαj dατε dε ι'έτέ)♪ C.o:7E00-0068-A407 -Alors comme ça, fini Miiverse ? -Non, on valide pas, là ! :/ ★Αβσηηε τσι, Sτяαωβεяγ!★
Andrew♪ 513367
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カクセイたっちん E10.21
マイクラをメインにやっています。バトルミニゲームであったら教えください。皆さんとのバトルを楽しみにしています。好きな曲はシオカラ節、ハットラット、UNオーエンは彼女なのか?、エブリデイアシャフリン、色は匂へど散りぬるを、恋色のマスタースパーク、少女綺想曲です。 (フォロー返します) ©®☆★△▲○●▽▼◇◆□■♡♥#♭@◎∞÷´§§„¶„„↑↑`§§↑'¶`∞„'↑‡”§ ('∀')←ごめんなさい (`∀´)←見てる人(怒)
no eat バニラ sasaki7010
はじめまして、no eatバニラという者です。 名前のとおりバニラの入った食べ物が嫌いです。でもソフトクリームは、食べられます。 好きな物は、ゲーム、釣り、動画です。 嫌いな物は、バニラです。 いつもやっているゲームは、スプラ、マイクラあたりです。 よろしくお願いします。 後、3DSでも開設しました。 タイマグラ で調べてみてください。
Nexz2ByNex azamouz
texi trillsteverwas
hi im texi nice to meet you guys my real name is personal information here and i am personal information years old and i luv coloring and drawing shoutouts for oct Grαcie cαt/social kitty Phillip/PWNwarriors Angie/evilmuffin21 mary/cupcake.m56
anais licorne206
salu tous le monde je mapel anaïs j ai 10 ans mon anniversaire c est le 20/01 gentille★★★★☆ méchante★★☆☆☆ pour les demande d ami quand vous voulez !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! est aussi je t adore jojo ♥•♥ est merci mes abonner je vous adore♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ est merci mes amie je adore aussi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ on bientôt 40 mes amis
dantdm hunterboyluke
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Hanif niffe123
Hello. My name is Hanif and im 12. I know much about consoles and old games especilly from nintendo sega square enix capcom konam and sony cause i own many games from them and consoles. Favoutite console Super nes Favourite game Chrono trigger Favoutite zelda game Minish cap Book kingkiller chronicles Movie Rogue on Check out this other peeps Dani jer taylah nonami Connor s Ever Daniel
Gαβγ misslittlelolo
Bonjour je m'appelle gabriela j'ai 12 ans, mon passtemps préféré c'est l'aventure!!!Si vous vous abonnez je vous suivrez et n'ésitez pas à me faire des demandes d'ami(e)s!!!!!!
Gymnast10M PrettyBowJ
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JP justinpppppgh
sun glasses at night
ιм оιd мαп spinoff23
You clicked me. My name is Im Old Man. Things I like: Pizza Terraria Mario Kart 8 Sleeping BBQ Chicken Wings. If you want, you can follow me for a follow. My inability to code has gotten worse.
eve evylynn
hello my name is eve i like wonder trading and getting shiny's from them i hope we can be great friends i like useing miiverse a lot so expect for me to sometimes reply to u atleast everyday or the next day who knows.#memes
Scott GoldTomahawk
Hey everybody! Welcome to my profile! My favorite YouTube Channels: Lordkronos100, BrawlBRSTMs3, MunchingOrange and SilentWeaponsIII.
becky rebeccag2010
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antonio batis4
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eloy Eloytcl
Hola Soy Un usuario petado de cofres chetados de Minecraft, soy un progamer de Splatoon al que revento a mi gente con mi tintazuca y En yoshi woly word me ahorro ya 86.903 moneditas. Hola soy Eloy me gustan los videojuegos y me gusta la fotitoh kawaii malvadilla de ↑↑. Edad: 830 Por cierto en minecraft quiero ser amigo de todos. Asique si teneis Minecraft de Wii U nos hacemos amigos chaoo.
Yeray Yeray987
Hola me llamo Yeray
Hello My name is Doglover219 And here is a list of the games i play
- Minecraft
- Yoshi Wolly ...
Hello My name is Doglover219 And here is a list of the games i play
- Minecraft
- Yoshi Wolly World
- Super Mario Bros.
- Pokemon games
- Tomodachi life
- Animal Crossing (all)
And if you want follow me and or friend me
Also check my latest or my old post and i got two sisters doctorwho219 and magicmaker219
follow them and friend them if want keep it up and read my post!(^-^)