Jon's Yeahs

Thank you so much buddy! I had a great time one Miiverse with ya! I'm gonna miss chatting about Metroid with ya and such. You were a great friend! Thank ya for hanging out with me on here and being...

hadnt seen rainz in months, bix has a switch and is enjoying all sorts of games , patricks doing well enjoying his xbox

Frank...I remember how you and I didn't start off on the best of terms, but I'm glad we ended up as friends. I definitely plan to keep in contact with everyone through Xbox one, PS4, or Discord. ...

Pat - thanks, I tried, hopefully I didn't let everyone down. Hoping for a positive future return of the 'verse Angel, gracias, I feel we never spoke enough... so many regrets that I didn't know peo...

Doodle Swap, eh? I'll download it tonight, thanks Mossy! @Jon: that final post of yours was great! Thank you for including me. :)

Now, THIS is the best farewell-to-Miiverse post I have seen!! My final post is akin to those anti-piracy snippets they put in movies! LOL. I'll be sure to keep in touch, Jon, and good luck out th...

I NEVER REALIZED I NEVER FOLLOWED YOU. ;-; ah well, you have something better than that, out of ALL the mii'ps I've seen and interacted on miiverse, you are one of the only ones that I can recogniz...
Welcome to a person who has a little art and too much opinions! I am a big Nintendo fan and I wis...
Welcome to a person who has a little art and too much opinions! I am a big Nintendo fan and I wish to expand my experience of gaming even further. I'm a big fan of film and TV, especially when it comes to animation, and love Lego (Bionicle esp.). Also, if I come off too hard on my opinion (which happens), sorry. I should mention that I'm 17yo and don't do facechats.