KAI-LAN's Friends
Star★Kat★ Sosokitty45622
HELLO MIIVERS!! how was your day? good? cool!!! i really like you all i don't hate anybody i only hate my haters also if you have any of my games tell me so we can share ideas!!!! (me dont wii u chat) when i play mincraft i hide out my voice but sometimes i talk SOMETIMES!!!!! anyways umm.... errr... bye \(^o^)/ have a lovely amazing day friends!!! Fallow me and get free cookies!!!
TinCan idk_02
idk why I made this account. main: idk_13
Jasmine csimiami19
I love my dog.I want a lot of friends.My favorite movie's are star wars.(I go to the light side)
◆Jalia◆ madapoo2016
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Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
Eevee pewdiepie2one
hi bros this is me second account splatoon minecraft and more brofist im girl fun nice will kick you if you troll on minecraft almost at 100 friends 47 more so friend me so i will get to 100
®enato Galtieri33
Oi sou do Brasil... Sou muito novinho por aqui.... Mas, gosto de fazer amizades..... ;-D
Cyrena79 Lucy_Campbell147
grimreaper MANDY09754
hey my name is mandy
Lance dugsmith4
Real Name: Lance Plays: Mk8, Smash Favorite track(s): Music Park, Cloud Cruise, Piranha Plant Slide (Pipeway) Least Fave Track(s): Rainbow Road (New, Snes) Baby Park(HORRIBLE) Mk8 main: Isabellle Follow MemeSenpai
Lexi☆★ LilyKitten01
There's no good art here. Just doodles. Main account: Lexi0727
sophie sophontheshelf
Hi my name is Sophie! SISTERS Ronika (xecris) Vivi (cutestgirlever) Bye
Cuddlebear sigfredo325
MEOW!!!!!!! stop!!! don't poker-faced me any more!!!!! I have a life! anyways, i am mario fan....... no judge. I LOVE ROSALINA PLEASE FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!! AND PEACH TO PLEASE. i wish to have a trillinon followers so it is a pleasure to follow me and i will follow you back Plz can I've friend smarty pants★★★★ happy life over 9,000 peach fan over 9,000 rosalina and other over 9,000 goooood bye
sora godsora40
luna Soluna7
I love Mario and Just Dance
jen_the_k ramisa123
hiiiii~im jen the killer but you can call me jenn jenny or jennifer i dont care really and enjoy! p.s im kinda wired i don't know hehe and heres some things about me have fun~ senpei: I WONT TELL YOU boyfriend: no one best friends: deed daisy,dr.smiley jeff_the_k, jane,ty-j,liu,gray,row annnd many more... favorite food: sushi,chocolate annd hearts and SMILE!!!!!!
Łυηα ›–‹ PrincessLuna0323
This user's profile comment is private.
Chris24 jodoya70
Temmie mummy170304
... Bleh. I am back online. finally. AWAWAWAWAWA! I don't Wii U chat sorry :( Online and Active: Yes Out of posts: no :D Is Underfell Temmie edgy? Yes ;) If you want, ask me (Or the AU versions of myself) questions; we're always happy to answer your questions no matter how baffling they are! Oh ye, and PLEASE don't offend the Temmies... or you'll have a bad TEM. bOI!
Jay★ IGotBills62
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Alex Alex113425pigh
[online] [√] [offline] [] [out of posts] [] [working on a post] [] i give a follow for follow. I am a anime fan and video game fan i love almost all kinds of animes & games. virtual sisters:Neko Jani, NinjaAmy, ±BigBug11 my second account [ID]Alex113425
Lucky lucky1418
Hi guys name is lucky,i do fnaf n some other stuff. I friendrequest n follow,i follow u back if do follow me,i recent got a new dog max,so if i play minecraft,or whatever u guys,might hear him in the backround,only if u lucky.Some of my besties are finn,alyssa,r, ash,superboy,cookieboy,karen and raya.Thanks everyone for your follow,{lucky out} :) ^~^ *^*
Gisselle OnePieceNaruto8
☆Don't Be Shy To Follow, l Follow Back☆ ♡HELLO FRIEEENDS♥ AND HELLO READER! (yeah you, l'm talking to you...HI!!!♡♥♡♥) follow →“GisselleGonzalez”← (my DS3DXL) \(• ω •)/ I L♥♥♥VE VIDEO GAMES AND ANIMES!!!! I TALK ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL and ALWAYS REMEMBER!!!! G I S S E L L E LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!♥ ¡¡te amo CON TODO MI CORAZÓN ♡!!
Lοƒτγ j. jewelm31
Hi! I'm jειιγ οττεг! I watch both BFDI(A) and II(2) at the same time. I love Pin and Lightbulb! I wish I can be smart like them! (BTW, they're both girls.) Well, I hate Trophy!!! Man, he's overrated! I'm a teenager! I do not Wii U Chat! I take friend requests. No blank ones! So thanks for visiting my profile! See ya! Peace!
le potato luna.sakamachi44
age: 15 #imasophomorenow :'^)))) bi i love: -anime -video games -drawing -music im socially awkward... i play piano hope we can be friends lucky number is 8 OVERWATCH IS LIFE dont make me bash on your waifu... cause i will waifu bash im a walking meme
sophie dimasfam
Ash GalacticGiraffe
Hey! I'm an easy-going, optimistic gal that likes to doodle and play a trumpet. I'm a big fan of Nintendo and video games, and my favorite game of all-time is Kirby's Return to Dreamland with Shovel Knight being the runner-up. I like to tell jokes and generally goof around. I love all things space and my favorite animal is a penguin! **No Wii U Chat ~Simply Smashing!
kc maryelinsantos
name: cloudy favorite anime: one pice,fairytail and others i like to draw anything favorite games: undertale,all fnaf,the legend of zelda, super smash bros,and other games and i like to make some animation for fun and i do roplays sometimes senpai: he is to cute! gender : ♀ and here have a cookie and i don't wii u chat so see ya later 0w 0 love you bye-bye <3 ^w ^
SGG★Leon Leonidas7878
Just a Nintendo or Microsoft gamer who will create 100 more considerable ways to fail on Mario Kart 8 and 100 Ways to not succeed in Kinect Adventures!, Body and Brain Connection, Kinect Sports: Season Two and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. And truly I am, a golden boy on Mario Kart 8 at every time right now. Yes... I'm the real Saturn. Next up, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
Thanks for stopping by my profile :D Things you should know I have been here since 2015 My height is exactly 5'9 Music- Perfect cell theme Trait: easygoing introvert confident That's all enjoy your use of miiverse Farewell. Following 247/1000 Followers 1190 :D Friends 70/100 Goal 100 friends Status End of Мiiverse #DontCloseMiiverse
Sara SilvrTails
'Hoy! I love Wind Waker HD. I love drawing Toon Link. I play WWHD, Splatoon, and SSB4. Best Friend: Digital(JTheGR8pro) ♪What's so good about picking up the pieces...? What if I don't even want to...♪ Cool peeps NNIDs: Spirittracks1234 MelloSmitty Bad_Brony MCHammer85 Ivothegreat125 mariasirianni
Helen sonicwerehog57
Welcome everyone! This is Helen mii girl and i hope you like it to do be like me. :-) Thank you so much for watching my Miiveres. I'm really miss you and I love you all. Goodbye.:') ♡★Stay Fresh!♥☆
ΨΩゆっくりちるのΨ BowserGirl98
hello, i'm cydonia Ψleader of team LoruleΨ doctor strange fan♥ Ψ Karin & Ed are my SFV mains Ψ i'm left handed I beat Cuphead on Expert mode I ♥ the Devil from Cuphead i beat sans without taking damage je parle français study: quantum physics i ♥ dragonforce i play the trombone #goth_girl #aries Creator of Invictus Infinite and Metal Sonic are my life
Cinnabar CobraPug
Emma/Cinnabar 13 She/They Pansexual Steven Universe Gravity Falls Over the Garden Wall Homestuck Flight Rising Undertale Zelda Game Grumps Jontron Earthbound/Mother 3 Ava's Demon Cucumber Quest Knight of Space Land of Hives and Frogs Prospit Zodiac: Terezi Patron: Gamzee It will never not be hip to frick bees.
я€D☆ robot4me
favorite games: Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen - Gladius - The Legend of Zelda NES - Mario Kart Wii - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Centipede - Saint's Row 2 - Conker's Bad Fur Day - Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem - Crash Bandicoot - Transformers Devistation - The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Royal PJ ace1354
Name's Royal Pj! 1. I'm a GIANT sonic fan 2. I'm ♂ 3. Don't anoy me 4. Follow my freiandz :D My Awesome Peeps! *Arteest76 *Vortex *Richard *Giz and Storm *Shadowfang *Kurio/Light *Nibbles *Ezra *KawaiiChan Have a good day and smile, and I hope to see you beutiful sons of guns again, next time.
jcat93 Jade2007Marie
sup my name is jade and i luv cats , animal jam btw im jcat93 , watching youtube and netflex , i have 3 cats a dog a toad and a lizard , and i have the best bffs in the world so ya follow me and friend why r u still here go follow me and give me a friend request
Hey I'm Alex and I'm an irl squid. 18 | gf is potatocoyote ♥ | she/they I draw sometimes I suppose.
Rogue Helena160
Hi! my name is Kelly. my hobbies include many things, like drawing, cooking, gaming, cosplaying, surfing the net, and writing stories. my favorite animal is the dingo. and I'm good at creating my own characters. I WILL LOVE ZELDA ALWAYS AND FOREVERMORE. also, stuffed animals rule! also...i stand up to bullies, and trolls. i also like to rp...in case anyone is intrested...keep being awesome!
Critter qal1453
i'm really lovable so invite me to play with you and i will as long as you want! Top 3 cartoon shows 3: The Fairly Oddparents 2: Spongebob Squarepants 1: The Powerpuff Girls Top 3 Mario characters 3: Toad 2: Birdo 1: Yoshi Top 3 Sonic characters 3: Sonic 2: Cream & Cheese 1: Tails All of you are AWESOME!