Drew W.'s Yeahs

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


8 minutes ago

Thanks you ALL!!! I'll really miss all of you. It's been a lot of fun.

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

10/22/2017 10:52 PM


New Super Luigi U Community


24 minutes ago

Play Journal Entries YouTube

The Yu Man

21 minutes ago

Thank You Miiverse!!! ^o^ Farewell... ^-^


20 minutes ago

Goodbye The Yu Man!

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/05/2017 9:55 PM

, ;-)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/06/2017 7:20 AM

Thanks for play my level, Gracias !!!!

Comment on owen's Post


25 minutes ago


Comment on Eeee-Money's Post

E$ Wii U

28 minutes ago

Still have some left w/this acct tho

New Hampshire Club


30 minutes ago

This is my last post with this account before Miiverse ends, due to the 30 post limit. Check some of my recent Play Journals for more concluding posts! Also, ask the bird that is blue about "coolje...

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14 minutes ago

Love ya too. XP

Comment on owen's Post


32 minutes ago

I may see you on Twitter or Google plus if you got it. Can't wait to watch! It's been fun, but it's over now. Bye Drew! Thanks for everything!

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


38 minutes ago

I hope we can meet again somewhere!

Play Journal Entries Star Fox Guard


47 minutes ago

As far as I made it in SFG before MV ends:

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD


44 minutes ago

Okay Nintendoer, I'm switching it to Friends Only; this'd better work...

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13 minutes ago

It is the end for Tingle bottles. It was fun while it lasted. Have a great life fellow Nintendo fan, much love ❤️

Play Journal Entries Pikmin 3


51 minutes ago

My final Pikmin 3 info before Miiverse closes

Play Journal Entries Golden Sun


1 hour ago

I beat this one before Miiverse closes, but never got the sequel...

Play Journal Entries Fire Emblem


1 hour ago

Final FE7 stats

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Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


1 hour ago

Last save data for this before Miiverse closes

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


7 hours ago

Well, this is definitely my final post for Miiverse. I guess this is it, until we meet again.

Play Journal Entries Splatoon


55 minutes ago

I never made it to Level 50 in this before the end of Miiverse...


52 minutes ago

Pretty close, at least

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


1 hour ago

Well this isn't exactly a perfect screenshot but for one final time, I want to thank all of my friends for everything. Thanks for all my support. I plan to still be active and probably even more ac...

noe n stvn

1 hour ago

take care! i grew up in daytona