я¢м★Tомás's Play Journal

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Mario Kart 8


10/27/2017 5:40 PM

This was an awesome room \(^o^)/! GGs everyone :D

Mario Kart 8


10/20/2017 6:07 PM

Probably the most agressive room Ive ever joined lol. GGs to Eric, Joanna, Brandon, Groggy and everyone else :) Quite a few old RF members in here too, which was interesting

Mario Kart 8


10/14/2017 5:44 PM

There's 25k! Im now 1/4 of the way to max vr (as if ill ever reach it). Thanks to Alistair, James and Dale for joining me! GGs. Also insert TWD98 quote here ;)

Mario Kart 64


10/04/2017 2:04 PM

Ill never understand how CPUs get items on this track. They will mysteriously pull out items even though they never hit the item boxes :\

Mario Kart 8


09/30/2017 5:38 PM

Congrats to SlipStream on getting 95k! Just 5k more until you reach the old quintuple 9s lol. GGs to Mel also :D

Mario Kart 8


09/29/2017 5:41 PM

GGs everyone! Man, this room was chaotic. Doomsday was an item h@cker which made it even more fun imo xD

Mario Kart 8


09/24/2017 6:19 PM

This is a great screenshot! GGs Slipstream, Acel and Ben! Also Good Luck on 92k Slip :D

Mario Kart 8


09/23/2017 1:15 PM

Well, this is next to insanity. GGs to everyone in Tylers BDay Froom! Happy Birthday man!

Mario Kart 8


09/22/2017 10:05 AM

So, I'm thinking of reviving my tourney. It use daily to be really popular until you know who came in and ruined our fun. So why not try and make it big again? Feel free to join :). I'll be racing ...

Mario Kart 8


09/16/2017 6:25 PM

24k! Huge Thanks to Joey, Joanna and Groggy for helping me reach it! Those games were awesome :D! [As you can see, Joanna clearly finishes behind me xD]

Mario Kart 8


09/16/2017 7:42 AM

That was a good 300+VR grind session. GGs to χγη who joined! Hopefully 24k later on

Mario Kart 8


09/15/2017 6:42 PM

GGs Groggy and Tyler from earlier c: Congrats to Tyler for reaching 16k and Groggy reached 19k!

Mario Kart 8


09/10/2017 4:24 PM

♪DK! Donkey Kong! He's the leader of the bunch! You know him well! With his Cocunut Gun♪

Super Mario Maker


09/09/2017 1:14 PM

OMG! I beat the original Fire Field by Barbarian! This took a combined play time of 3hrs and 29 mins to beat! YATTA!

Mario Kart 64


09/05/2017 12:02 PM

If this game had online then Id probably buy it instead of MK8D tbh xD

Mario Kart 8


09/02/2017 5:16 PM

GGs Dale and Miles! Long time no race lol

Super Mario Maker


09/02/2017 7:11 AM

I just wanna give Failstream a huge congrats on uploading this monster. Might be the hardest level in SMM so far. It took 480+ hours to upload and NOBODY has cleared it so far!

Mario Kart 8


09/01/2017 4:57 PM

Well, this room was a bit 'normal', if you ask me :p! Thanks for this awesome froom Joanna! It was fun :D! GGs to everyone else that joined!

Mario Kart 8


08/27/2017 5:23 PM

23k! This took FOREVER too get because this lobby was salty af. I hope the admins dont delete this post because of second place...

Mario Kart 8


08/26/2017 5:49 PM

New Profile Picture :)

Mario Kart 8


08/25/2017 5:57 PM

GGs Lucy and SlipStream! Those games were awesome :D! Very Happy with my VR increase too. Hopefully 23k soon :).