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Animal Crossing: New Leaf Community

Heyy Leute!! Bevor Mv schließt wollte ich gerne noch ein paar Schlummernummern haben!! :) Leider werde ich es nich schaffen bevor MV schließt mein Schlummerhaus zu...
Heyy Dude! :)
This Profile gets closed at 8th November 2017.
But what did i do until that?
- You ...
Heyy Dude! :)
This Profile gets closed at 8th November 2017.
But what did i do until that?
- You can send me Friend requests. My main Profile is 20HUIBUH04 There i am regestraited with my Nintendo and my Wii U so please send me a Friend request on this Profile here if you have a Wii U and a Nintendo for Playing Acnl
But who am i?
- I am Jana
- 12 years old (getting 13 at 1st December)