Eman2100's Friends
jackson theprogamer121
super smash bros player that needs friendz
dragonboy dragonboy0722
Pichu SpuukySmashPichu
Scott FlyontheWall412
Just a guy who loves video games :D
Zachary Airbourneillness
Alpha Red FireRedM8
Co ddo512637
lp☆tims stefan-Tim2004
splatoon ist cool und mario kart auch unddd mario bros u
megan Le_Derpy_Megaman
hello! this is the miiverse account for __MegaMan__ from ifunny!
jake quake29
i cant draw memes, sorry
Amber Electrah3art
Hiya, My name is amber and yeah. :) I love this wii u though freaking awesomee.
Blue Whale Pixelnaut88
Become part of my NERDic Empire!!!
Tacos 15 mexicantacos15
hello yall i love nintendo sugoi deska
Will willobedat1234
Mains: Shulk and Villager ONE OF THE LAST SURVIVING MEMBERS OF THE F-ZERO COMMUNITY i accept all friend requests so go nuts
Dan Dan3003
GrumpCH CHughes20
black hole Eeveeman133
Rez Rez1999
Kieran Kpdiddy
This is my profile, I do stuff ocasionally, I used to review splatoon weps, might bring that back. I also am absolutely terrible at drawing, any decent drawings you see here probably my sister's she doesn't use the Wii U too much, don't expect more. Mostly I just post splatoon stuff though.
Lès Arc Armagus11
Hi, thats all
Evan JunTrun
Ludus EpicBro369
Wanna play sometime?
Waluigi AaClontz
gus mew678
Patricio Patricio430
Are you ready for awesomeness? I play all kinds of games and do let's plays. I also do pixel art.
Spore4ever Joeyk2011
MLG.exe™ iBallistic
I regret my decision
Nick SortinoBrothers
Zilist DeadlyDarkrai
MRGO Mr.GameOverd
People say actions speak louder than words, they never met someone as loud as me. But actions do leave an impression. I wish to make a worthwhile time here and see the rest of the community of games for how it is in terms of network. Should be fun. please send friend request SO I MAY HAVE PARTERS IN CONQUEST! MAY WE BEFRIEND AND ASSIST!!!!
Sandy S4ndwichM4k3r
Jason jolak123
I have no idea what I'm doing!
Tyler FuturesRetro
sup peoples
Chris TheNamesLink
May be back for a short while, hope my fans still like me. Ill try to post more often. Heres some info on me. Age: 14 Birthday: 12-30 Favorite/Best Smash Fighter: Shulk Second Best Smash Fighter: Link Anywho, I hope you guys like me and enjoy my post!
えるしゃあるレイトン Crane043
スマブラでゆる〜くガチ戦しております。 最近スマブラ→スプラ→ポッ拳→マイクラ、という黄金ローテーションを確立。でも忙しいので実際はスマコミュでネタリプレイを投稿する程度。 ちなみに海外在住なのでスマブラでの対戦募集はしておりません。血管切れそうなラグ対戦でも構わない方、もしくは気軽に何かを送り合いたい方なら是非フレンドになってくれたら嬉しいです!
Arcane joeyman117
(×¼½‰¾ thebestaroundand
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Brando Mr.Mister912
Hey Peter, can I borrow your egg beater. ★"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12
Prandy Cyberman5012
Eddie eddie123
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.