Users Peedee :) Is Following
SeeDank thelunafamily7
Hello Everyone My Name Is SeeDank Or Thelunafamily7 And Everyone Plz Plzzz Follow Me My Goal Is To Get 330 Followers By The Begining Of November But Am Trying Not To Let Miiverse Die And These Are The Dayz I Play:Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Thx For Your Time.
Chan NordicWiiU7
Thank you for support to my profile! I am pleasure for having fun of Miiverse! Goodbye Miiverse forever. Merci pour votre soutien à mon profil ! Je suis content de m'amuser de Miiverse ! On ne revient plus au Miiverse. Goodbye forever Miiverse. My posts remaning for today: 1 Comment OPEN:
old vip annefran
CatTiffany Princessa909
Hi! I'm ♪Tiffany♪, a gamer girl and music lover. I play: Animal Crossing:New Leaf Minecraft:Wii U Edition Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Started Miiverse:9/7/2016 About me: Age:13 Listening to: ♪Train - Play That Song♪ Something is better than nothing at all. -♪Tiffany♪ I don't Wii U chat. No blank/random friend requests. That's pretty much it, so have a cookie! ^ω^/●
KillerX CyberguppyGamer
Hey, I am a pro gamer. I have these games (some you guys might not like as much as other people.) Minecraft, Clash of clans, Clash Royale, PIXEL GUN 3D!!! Dig out, Spirit animals, and Horizon. I also like ROBLOX and my favorite book series are Harry potter and Diary of a wimpy kid. Also I am starting a new acount. My ID is going to be ShadowAssasin92!!!
Lil Wolf<3 madelinerules12
my truth my life sucks bad irl i have 4 friends on miiverse i have 100 or more why the big difference? friend me to find out! whatever *slowly fads away*
Tails legoburger6
Hi. I'm Miles Prower But my friends call me Tails I like chili dogs My best pal is Sonic I hate Dr Eggman and Guylaine and Red Clown Stay cool fans. And i mean way past cool Fly high my friends Don't just leave yeahs. I prefer comments hehe. Also, Sonic if ur reading this, pls don't let Eggman get me. Also, no wii u chat. EVER!
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
Isaiah LolTmiTtyl
Hi. I like playing Mario games, Minecraft and Splatoon. I accept every friend request so friend me. Kindliness: ★★★★☆ Violentness:★★★★★ Talkitive:★★★★☆ I am online almost for 3 hours. Bye!
mario97436 ethan280303
hello my name is mario would you like to join me on youtbe
R-DOG!!! rybrermi
Johnny Somecallmejohnny
Review writing, animating, game playing, fun-loving person.
Evilchu zapman529
Hello my name is Evilchu and I am evil. Follower goals 1: 100 (completed) 2: 200 (completed) 3: 300 (completed) 4: 400 (completed) 5: 500 (in progress) A party in minecraft when goal 5 is done! Soon I will try a scary game called ''tattletail''. I played it, and I liked it kinda... Controlls are hard on tattletail I FINALLY BEAT SPLATOON!!!
arturoware ArturOWarE
Drawing funny faces on a 3DS for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for passing by :D
Belle dreamyhoney
mellow awesomesness-ari
insta: me.llow_ye.llow twitter: xSpookyHelenax thats basically all whoops hmu anytime
J-Wittz JWittz
This user's profile comment is private.
Thinknoodl realthink
Hey everyone, it's your friend Thinknoodles!
Trayaurus RealDanTDM
emmanuel 5.5.0Emanuel
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Tobuscus TobyTurner
Audience? What are you doing on the WiiU? That's precarious!
GT Live GTLive
Nanokoex nanokoex2012
RY★Stitch★ Hironatushima29
wesh tout l'monde ça va j'espère que ça va devenez mon ami mrc beaucoup 230 abo
Αυχαριο sethtoth
Hope you follow me and like my favorite post!
★Aαιiγαн★ pinkpeachfan13
Hi Im PinkPeachFan13I love to play games i am a HUGE fan of mario! I love all Mario games! I am just obsessed with Mario Luigi and especially Princess Peach! im shy DoNotWiiuChat! I like to draw &Listing To♪ Thanks βγε!
gamerwolf trigog
hi im gamerwolf
Giovanni TheBureauGamer25
ˇ˙·*•→WELCOME TO MY MIIVERSE←•*·˙ˇ •Lover of all things Nintendo :)♥• •Have been gaming since 2007 with my bro when the GameCube first launched [: •Earliest experience with any game was playing the original Pac-Man with my Dad and my 4 year-old younger brother ›:D ˙°•·.∞ I appreciate all my followers, you guys mean the world to me :-) ∞.·•°˙ “…But in my heart, I am a gamer.” -Satoru Iwata
zekken SageKid02
♪ my heart is tearing through the walls in the corners of my mind wanna tell you just to hold on to nights we spent so long hold on i still regret every word the day i never said i waited for u i waited for u i had so many chances i could never get thru i start to think back but then i lose track i spent so much time that im never getting back whoa now i will never get the chance to tell you♪
Jason Michaeltemo
I'm Jason. I love games. Sonic, Mario, Youtube, You name It. And Everyone is awesome!
JUSTIN T SonicBoom7183
Greetings I'm Justin and I'm a autistic 15 year old. I am a kind person and DOESN'T post negative comments towards people. I'm a shy person so I DO NOT DO WII U CHAT. But I can accept friend requests depending on the person that wants to be my friend.
Smoldot TheRubyPikachu
im a noob to miiverse
ProJared ProJared
I can't say where, but you can find me on a popular user-created video site, a tube that you view of sorts.
SpaceHammy Spacehammy
Spacehamster from YouTube!
Stampy stampylongnoseyt
RubberRoss RubberNinja
I FUNderstand!!
If you are reading this then you probably dont know where youre going. im PD :) and this is wher...
If you are reading this then you probably dont know where youre going. im PD :) and this is where i write about whatever is in my mind.