【Thank you Miiverse & Splatoon!!】おそらくこれが最後の投稿になります。という訳でミバに出会うきっかけとなったスプラの模写絵を描きました!今まで、本当にありがとう!!
Vivienne's Yeahs
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon

People on GTS are crazy....I was looking for some of the pokémon I'm still missing and I couldn't find anything that wasn't asking for something I didn't have or a legendary....note unless you are ...

do you do requests and anime drawings because uhhh well i have a discussion open asking for a request

OMG Vivienne i sooo want that game right now ive got every one but that one, ohhhh gimme. one thing i love is the cutscenes so when i watched the movie eternal diva i nearly DIED!! Honestly i am so...
Fank' you.... •˛•
Birthday: 31st August
See ya'!