For my last and final post for now, enjoy this image of Mugman as a BLU Medic from Piemation's last Meet the Class video. So long, and good luck, my friends! Bye.
United States
Game Experience
Systems Owned

Favorite Game Genres
This is it, guys! This is the end! D:
Hello, I'm Erika! I love underrated things and 12's my lu...
This is it, guys! This is the end! D:
Hello, I'm Erika! I love underrated things and 12's my lucky number.
Right now I'm in the mood for Cuphead! So you'll see me do drawings of that for a while.
Series I like: Cuphead, Conker, Sailor Moon, Equestria Girls, Rayman, Super Smash Bros., Mega Man, Pac-Man, Sonic, Mario, ect.
Nice, friendly people and guests are appreciated.