Erl's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: Erl-Xtb

Freedom Planet


09/04/2017 4:43 PM

Posting this while I can

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero


09/03/2017 4:54 AM

I bought the DLC, but it doesn't show up

Super Mario Maker


06/23/2017 7:10 PM

I'd like to thank everyone who has starred my courses ever since I stopped.

Super Mario Maker


06/23/2017 7:08 PM

This is a message I haven't seen in well over a year

Super Mario Maker


05/26/2017 10:27 AM

Just playing some MonHun Gen again, today. Long since I've played, and this has been my first Lavasioth hunt ever. Just slain a Najarala, gonna do Urgent quest, and tomorrow I'm gonna play the test...

Super Mario Maker


05/20/2017 11:33 AM

This is the course I am currently working on. It takes the main items of the previous Railing levels and combines them in different ways. This level is very ambitious, and will be longer and harder...

Super Mario Maker


05/20/2017 12:55 AM

How did someone die here, let alone it being the registered death?

Super Mario Maker


05/17/2017 3:21 PM

I am almost done with my upcoming level. This will be my last level before I hit 800, and this is the second last level in the Railing series. The last one will feature and combine the main items o...

Super Mario Maker


05/15/2017 10:49 AM

I have made it to the halfway point of my next level, though I don't get the same time to make levels as usual cuz: 1 I make art now at a certain place that I cannot mention on Miiverse (ya gotta a...

Super Mario Maker


05/13/2017 7:42 AM

Well, now this course is finished. I will try and upload it later today. Maybe I'll make a few finalization changes before uploading

Super Mario Maker


05/11/2017 6:54 PM

Currently working on a level with free chomps on rails, only one subworld (ghost house) and hopefully 4 key coins. Almost halfway.

Super Mario Maker


05/09/2017 10:23 AM

With this brand new course I tried to use blue platforms as the focus. I tried to limit myself by only using a single subworld, and a single checkpoint. I'm going for the higher ends of expert here...

Super Mario Maker


05/09/2017 9:56 AM

lol hit block limit. That's what happens when I try to make it shorter

Super Mario Maker


05/08/2017 6:08 PM

Should I add optional key coins for my next three levels, and if so, how many? I don't plan to have skipable bosses or parts for the coins to be used in. just a room with 3 1-ups. should I add the...

Super Mario Maker


05/07/2017 6:36 AM

Amazed that the traffic on this course went from a static 9 plays and into 35 in just a few days. Though all the last 25 plays came after Dannyh09 played it, so I guess that's the source, and also ...

Super Mario Maker


05/06/2017 2:06 PM

In my newest level which I'm trying to make shorter than my other levels, I have two sections so far that together take about 30 seconds. Should I add another section before the checkpoint, or shou...

Super Mario Maker


05/06/2017 1:44 PM

I'm working on a level. I'm trying to make this one shorter than my traditional levels in the past (and The Great Return). How does it look? Do you like the aesthetic?

Super Mario Maker


05/03/2017 6:33 PM

Well, that's a burden off my chest. For more than 4 months, I have had these three Leaf Knight courses in a state of "unfinished but forgotten and never ready for release". I have lifted it by uplo...

Super Mario Maker


05/03/2017 5:07 PM

I don't know why, but since I released my return course to SMM, all traffic on it has remained stagnant at 9, and several of the players were friends. Am I just really unlucky now (well, like I hav...

Super Mario Maker


05/03/2017 2:07 PM

I am thinking of uploading the remains of the gravely unfinished Leaf Knight series under the name Post Autumn Withered Knight, but unless they make a fortune, I won't be able to upload later cours...

Super Mario Maker


05/03/2017 11:36 AM

Man, why can't I give wings to fire bars? The concept of flying fire bars you have to ride and jump from sounds dope to me

Super Mario Maker


05/02/2017 5:10 PM

Pretty sad that I have three unused unfinished Leaf Knight levels in storage. 2 has some meat to it, 3 only has the introduction to its gimmick, and 4 may be long enough already to be a usual tradi...

Super Mario Maker


05/02/2017 4:46 PM

5 months ago: I can't play SMM cuz all my motivation has been sucked out. Now: I can't play SMM cuz the screen fairly often stops not letting me see what I'm doing, leading me to my death