Eve's Followers
After starting this user on Christmas 2015, I've had so much fun! I'll miss this place. To find me DOWNLOAD THE APP: Zelda Amino. No more pictures;-; Find me on Zelda Amino as Bitz-Player 3! It’s sad to see Miiverse go but we must stay happy! I have 0 posts now. THANKS FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS!!! It was my dream and I YOU did it!!! Goodbye I guess... (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Jose eliterodriguez
Kev ApolloIsMalo
Lexi Min.E.Mouse
Kawaii vibes my dudes! hai guys! my name's alexis but you may call me lexi ☆ ★ I adore bunnies! ★ I love anime ★ most favorable color? Mint green! ★ drawing, dancing, arts basically are my hobbies ☆ ★ Stranger things is something I'm watching that is gr8 also MANY anime ;¬; eh, that's it but anyway bai STAY KAWAII ma dudes! ★
Bebe Bebejm
space rainbow welcome to my profile all you need to no about me is my favorite colors are blue purple and white i love anime and i like drawing. some of my favorite animes are bleach log horizon soul eater lucky star noragami and good luck girl!! and most favorite game is stella glow
pancho maj071420
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham! beards_n_sketches
Corbin PrinceNorbert
i did mario kart 8
gavin downey66
Name: Gavin k. Age: 16 Gender: male likes: friendly/mature players only Bio: Hello! im gavin! i dont really play the wiiu alot, but i mostly play splatoon!
bluecandy angelwings18
yo whatzzzz up
•Nobody• Tite.Rhubarbe
1590 folloωers, thaηk yoυ so mυch, loνe yoυ~ Merci poυr toυt, même ςi ici ça a été parfoiς chaøtΐqυe poυr moi, ça reςte υηe "expérieηce" et j'ai beaυcoυp appriς ςυr moi même, merci à toυς ceυx qυi m'oηt ςυiνi, merci à ceυx qυi m'aimeηt, merci à ceυx qυi me δéteςteηt, je νoυς aime toυς aυtaηt qυe νoυς êteς ‹3
ふぁるー ikasumitaiyaki
【身体弱者の本人よりお知らせ】 このたび。右眼に手術を受けることとなりました。 以前から話していた通り右眼弱視のため薬を右眼下瞼に入れるようです。 10/15更新 【じょーほー】 性別:男(腐) 歳:12 出身:福岡 好きな言葉:千射万箭 好きなアニメ&アーティスト ・片霧烈火 ・C-CLAYS ・NCS ・ottiki ・艦これ(嫁:武蔵・戦艦レ級) ・エヴァンゲリヲン(嫁:マリ) 好きな場所 ・瀬戸内海の暖かいところ ・呉 ・佐世保 ・舞鶴 ・横須賀等の旧軍港
Chiknwafle Cloverlove22
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Kath mimkath
Hi, you can call me Kath, Katrinalink or Metacat... all those name mean the same. sayonara, miiverse. I would like to thank everyone who supported me here... I would never had been the person I'm right now if you guys didn't support me, thank you for everything. Oh, and I'm 15 years old btw.
Corbin corbeandip
Nethyr WyrmGear97
Seto Seto19
Hello fellow gamers I'm just a friendly guy who wants to have a bunch of friends to hang out and chat with Hope for the best
heather deanneizzy
☆エモンガ★♪! PokePlat4
Thanks for checking my profile to see my final drawings on Miiverse! Yet to draw: Nothing If you want to follow me and see my drawings after Miiverse closes, friend me on Wii U and ask me there to find out how! Feel free to chat in the comments of any of my recent drawings. Follows are welcome and yeah-bombs are appreciated! Arigatou everyone, see you! Joined Miiverse on: Jan 11th, 2014
Kayla sabrina477
i never want to post again and sometimes my sister and baby brother post something
shanay nayjones24
CalebT2DM narutosonic4051
Hello fellow Miiversers. My name is KailaT2DM, and my favorite games to play are 1Kirby 2Mario 3Sonic 4Super Smash Bros.(any type) 5MarioKart(any type) 6Tekken 7Wii based Games(Wii Sports) 8Metroid 9Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10Rocket League I have a male counterpart named CalebT2DM. Ha I'm kidding. I'm still Caleb. This is my Second Account. Please follow my 1st account ‹3 #loveyouforever #mewl
GeorgeNLCA GeorgeNLCA
I have the Nintendo Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, 3DS, DSi, DS & Gameboy Advance player plus an Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 & other older systems! I'm into first person shooter games, survival-horror games, racing games, retro & arcade games and of course Mario & Luigi games! I'm a huge Mario Kart & Medal Of Honor fan! I'm looking to meet some great new friends & players! Great to be here & have fun playing!
qwertyuiop Arakis00
Jeremiah jeremiah082110
§ħαδσωGΐяł AnimeLatina1997
Thank you Miiverse for the good times, may you rest in piece. I love you all. :)
Dad trob75
Goron Link KenBonePresident
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popo ggibby
i am a self taught artist and a singer and im willing to be anyones friend so be welcome to ask questions!Check out my per-fect friends Marielle,OMNI EX,GLaDOS,SweetCandi,Pixel fire,Kasie,Ash,Codeman,Sam,and Sunkist go and follow them they need it more then I do[im not joking ] 230 follows plz and thx 0 posts left online(☆) offline(★)
treva treva12
Clara Hanna14013
J'ai cru que la fin c'était aujourd'hui... J'avais les larmes aux yeux en cours d'histoire... J'espère en retrouver certain sur la swich que j'aurais sans doute le 09/12. Dsl d'être inintéressante et de raconter ma vie mais je DOIS le faire.
Jackson EdouardJackson55
★Luna★ omghihi01
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Mel Zockermaster101
Thx for 4000+*0*こんにちは!(私は日本が大好きです)I'm Mel!Tokyo is my love,Japan my life!I love DEATH NOTE, Anime/Mangas,Japan,Science,Medicine,Psychology,Math,Art,Music&gaming.I speak German,English Japanese&Latin.I draw Pokemon, Anime,Creepypastas&gaming fellows: ウルフ ナナ Brilly♪ EVERY MONDAY FOLLOWER OF THE WEEK DURING THE WEEK DRAWINGS &POST ナナ,ウルフ,メル together unstoppable! ~WOLFI AND MEL TOGETHER WE´RE STRONG~
James M martinforeverJm
i been at wii u since last year ago in the wii and sure have made lot of accomplishment has made me a one true skillful martin despite my run in some miieverse because of my action i was able to beat my toughest rival and help my fellow team at splatoon and smash bros because of miievers will be ending since i back in nintendo i going too continue keep on fighting win or lose i still got it.
Berda Berda.g
Hello! Berda here. Born and raised in Alaska. So I have Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Bros. U, and Yoshi's Wooly World. I am new at this and I'm excited to start playing!
あまくさ たかひと ayabe1023
:)around the world :)make a wish :)survive or death :)grow up :)pleasure/laughter :)peaceful ~END~
ZeldaKat♀ MariaMashka
yes, i changed my whole profile comment. i decided to start fresh beacause im in frikin grade 5. im a cat person and i like kawaii things. im ten yrs old. im an introvert. i love to sketch and love when art people follow me. and normal people too (not leaving u out X3) i love the legend of zelda and chocobos dungeon ff. forget my old comment its very stupid.
rainbow horsehart
Hello! Things I Love: Horses, Anime, Animals, Hunter X Hunter 2011, Killua, Anything With a Face, Miku, Rin, Len, My Pets, My Family And Winter! Things I Dislike: Summer, Haters, Gundom Unicorn, Being Sick And Hisoka! Favorite Anime: Hunter X Hunter 2011, Gundom IBO, Jojo Bizarre Adventure!, Himouto!, Shounen Maid, Dimension W, Lucky Star And Kanon! Alright Thanks For Readings! Bye-bye!!
giulia ★☆★ giuliapagano
♥ciao e benvenuti sul profilo più carino e felice della Terra! io sono una giovanissima ragazza che ha la passione degli animali in particolare dei CAVALLI!♥ Seguitemi e sarete dei carinissimi unicorni che faranno parte del mio branco super coccoloso,1º profilo(vecchio)giulia, adate a vederlo e vedrete i miei progressi con voi e con i disegni SEGUITE karolina², CuteMelody misia☆★☆ e Minnie çìάσ★
reece cool-boy-dub
hello friends?
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page!
Thank you for 1600+ followers!
*I do n...
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page!
Thank you for 1600+ followers!
*I do not take requests.
I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;)
I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :)