Users ezra Is Following
nate greenday9876
hey pepes, glad to be here, please folllw me
siah Sonicsiah87
hello!!! i am josiah im 13,i like legged of zelda ,xenoblade ,sonic the heghog, and want to play splatoon my favorite food is fris.
PLUMETTE plumette.bonjour
plumette bonjour.
awsome guy barento11
pokemon sun moon
Hercules KevweID
So Miiverse....LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!! Pink sheep style (IF U KNOW MINECRAFT!) Lets-a-go! (IF YOU KNOW SUPER MARIO BROS!) Follow me I follow you. UNfollow me and I UNfollow you. SEEMS FAIR ENOUGH, RIGHT? IF you like Minecraft, Mario, Sonic, Lego, Splatoon, FIFA, Super Smash Bros or any other games the world might like, UR ON MY FOLLOWER'S LIST!
cj 6cjohnson09
Nathan CaptainTnTAswa
hi im nathan if you follow me ill follow you friend requests are welcome and half the time i might do wiiu chat You can stop reading #SAVEMIVERSE
daisy mmrutherford
hi, my name is daisy and i am 11. i love super mario, the legend of zelda and splatoon. i love to draw, so most of my posts are drawings. i currently like playing splatoon, so if you want to find me take a look on the splatoon community. -you can stop reading now. -seriously stop. -why are you still here? -Bye. -seriously though, R.I.P. miiverse.
LJB ZeldaGamer326
im 16 love zelda mario super smash #Darkpit ... games love to talk and get freinds been watching anime for as long as i can remember up for conversations any time nintendo for 12 years going!!!! im adding on to this i started ussing miiverse for real yesterday and in one day of useing it ive got 116 followers im so happy to see that so many people want to be freinds i want to thank everyone!!!
mikey MikeYadier2007
so you stombled upon my page so hi do you play splatoon i like private batles if you have splatoon can i be your friend my favorite youtubers popularmmos dantdm cobarnemani456 sullypwnz the basement stampylondhead theodd1out jaiden animanitions nevercake something else yt
Rowan Kirojo
hi welcome to my profile i like to draw i do a few drawing requests.i would not like to have friends anymore don't ask why.also please follow me i'll follow you back i all ways follow back also my goal is to make it to 500 followers.also don't ask me questions...well you can ask questions but i might not answer some mostly personal.i might not be on miiverse most of the time i'm just telling you
blue eyes theradbrad1
hi i am new to neintendo net i would like to have some friends
JT jared.evans
Mallory StarwarsGeek508
What we have here is something special, i will miss it very much, i have miiverse to thank for teaching me its okay to be comfortable in your own skin because no mater what it is you like theres allot of people who like it aswell also mv gave me me access talk to those people, and for that i am thankful, but time goes by things change people get older and we have to say goodbye. #DontEndMiiverse
CrazySquid Mr.JackAdvance
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Hi i love video games and i like to watch tv. i love pizza and Mountain Dew
Imp AdmiralScipio
Luv is Rage-Lil Uzi Vert Graduated...... Advid Gamer.... Flordia State Commit* God+Family
†~Zσεγ~† misunpikachuu
hεγ sαlυτ,jε m'αρρεlε Zσέ συ Zσεγ εη jαρσηαιs sτν ^^j'ai 13 ans .vσιcι cεrταιηε ιηƒσ sυr mσι: gεητιllεssε:★★★★★ méchante:★★☆☆☆(il faut pas me chercher) j'αdσrε lεs mαηgα ετ j'αdσrε lα cυlτυrε jαρσηαιsε ετ vσυs.Aβσ τσι sι τυ mε cσmρrεηds merci bcp ! Vous êtes +880 moshi a me suivre! C'est juste génial <3 Bonne journée ou soirèe mes ptits moshi d'amour ^3^ sur miiverse depuis:29/11/2016
SkillerPvP shade321
♪canine♪ LinkNOTzelda12
あやち♪ Ayaka123466
皆さんこんにちは おはようございます こんばんは 2017年の4月18日からゲームをプレイすることとなりました あやち♪ と言います! 皆さんよろしくね 私は今年度からは高校生になりました! 勉強と部活にバリバリの高1です! あと誕生日を見てください! なんと私の大好きな初音ミクちゃんの誕生日{8月31日}と一緒です! ちなみに、私の最高のフレンドはスーちゃんことすうがく92てん↑様です くれぐれも私の大好きなスーちゃんに悪口などを言わないようにお願いします それでは改めて皆さんこれからもよろしくお願いします! あとスーちゃんと現在ゲーム対戦しています。詳しいことはスーちゃんのプロフィールをみてね!
すうがく95てん↑ suugakutokuinaKO
私は現在15歳で中学3年生の数学95点↑と言います。皆さんよろしくお願いします。名前の由来は今までの学校のテストで数学を平均95点以上(正確に言うと95.044)取っていることで名前がつけられました そういうことなので私は完全にリケジョの仲間入りです。また、好きなソフトはWii party Uです あと、私の大親友はあやちっちこと、あやち♪様です あやちっちに悪いことなどを言ったら即通報するからそこ気を付けて皆さんよろしくね そしてあやちっちと現在いろんなソフトで対戦をしているんです。皆さんは知っていましたか? あやちっちと激しい争いをしていますが、8月29日現在で46勝29敗3分けと私が少し勝ち越しています。先に100勝に達した方が『別のソフトを指定できる、または同じソフトをする』というルールを2人で実は作っていました。果たしてどっちが本物の勇者かな? ちなみに私は17連勝の後17連敗中
IbroKing Streethawk57
Hello! Welcome to my profile i like art im in the 5th grade and i like track too. Follow me please if you can lol.
kamari KamariG
i like Naruto is my favorite is my CHOOSE NARUTO IS A AND BEST BOY ON TV
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
loan loan.claudon
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Joe YaBoyJ-dizzle420
OMG Hiiiiiiiii
Miles miners775
hi im miles miner @cindy lue(lennon miner) is my sister follow and yeah her posts i post daily follow yeah my posts and join SnPe clan @call of duty®™ lol im italian il mio nome é migila come te la passi voler accier amichi so o no translate my name is miles how are you doing wanna be friends yes or no i<3gaming,eating,school,jk,pizza,and ova cot o ΄ω΄ have fun ps love nerve good movie ♥
smokeys CatMaster_Lacey
hi my name is smokeys and i love disney channel, i love to have conversations and i am not the best at drawing but i hope i am OK, allot of the time i am busy but i try to make time for everyone, i go to church so i prefer for nobody to swear at me, i don't like people to judge me and i like them to wellcome me as i wellcome them, hope i can get some more followers!!!!!
Wildeye209 Wildeye209
Gopher A_G00D_Sandwich
If you are reading this, you can read! Good job! Did you go to school to learn that? well, good for you. Oh, I also own a 3DS, but never LINKed(HA HA HA... nope fail) my NNID because of a very long story. YUKON ROCKS! oh, and we don't live in igloos and ride polar bears to work as a lumber jack while only eating maple syrup on pancakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eh?
maera maeraga
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********** LPLPLOLI
どうもrintoでございます。 ~自己紹介~ »今はまっているゲーム« オセロニア,スプラ,youtube でございます。 »今見ているyoutuber« ゆーたけ,ツトッキー,HIKAKIN,SEIKIN,ぎこちゃん 饅頭丸 でございます。 »今使っている武器« (スプラ) スシコラ,リッター,ボルネオ,ノヴァネオ,ダイナモ プライム でございます。 自己紹介は、ここまで 更新日、2月11日
Chelsy chelsyrey17
i am a nice friend and sometimes i get crazy. i kind of like fnaf and school. I like social studies and reading. Also i like minecraft. Its really great to have some friends and to make miiverse peaceful and fun for kids or other people and to share good post to people to make them feel more relax and to have peace. Also i will always try hard to make miiverse being peaceful like always.Heisenberg
Jõël Éßυßé joeliwunna
hey whats up guys my name is joel and i think that some wiiu games are awesome and you guys play them so yeah you're awesome oh yeah ebube means strong by the way , i'm a luigi fan and i love mario and sonic but i mostly have mario games but that dosen't mean anything ,when i get a game i complete it no matter what that's why i am a expert and i like anything that involves nintendo !
Rhiyan lrbrothers
izarbe lymvil
★hannah★ doubleobutters
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frisk slieff4
hello my name is frisk i like sans as a brother and also papyrus i like his spaghetti it fills me with determination. i also like cheese pizza and grilbys im 9 years old and hang out with sans alot with sans and papyrus sans: do you want to have a bad time if you don't then follow frisk if you do then don't follow frisk. sans thats not how it works any way please follow me stay determined by crowd
kiki lasharaleesha
hey friend request me please , my bff is oliver so i do not do wii u chats so see ya
hello im ezra and before i go on please follow my page and my favorite games are zelda and smash ...
hello im ezra and before i go on please follow my page and my favorite games are zelda and smash and splatoon check out all of my posts injoy! :p