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Sister's birthday coming up soon, I have a request
My sister's birthday is in a couple weeks, and I want to give her a special suprise.She loves to play Splatoon and breath of the wild, loves to play football (favo...
Hi! I love to play football and play videogames. My other profile is terrariaprogamer. I cannot f...
Hi! I love to play football and play videogames. My other profile is terrariaprogamer. I cannot friend u there.Best friends on miiverse: Woomy, WARREN, »— Toon —>, Madine, Dogegaming, BARÇA, and ÐЯįИКМУÏИК. I check the person's profile sometimes before following,and allways check before friending. If u could follow all my friends and followers that would be great they earned it ;p Thanks a bunch!