VöídJancer's Friends
Jacob Bowser.JrMario12
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GOKU Ryzx09
Gaurnia Gaurnia
Zelda top teir in smash. Get rekt
Jacob JacobGamesTMZ123
Hi every one I am JacobGames TMZ And im a gamer who loves all games Exspecly smash bros. Become my freind so we can smash
Ray d3adm8n
I'm great... You're great.... Nintendo's great... We're all great!
Aiden MrKimreyGames
Worlds best weeaboo, Love TvFilthyFrank, have an xboxone ( yes i play it) am downt to talk or chill, rp, whatever, if im not busy(>_<) suck at drawing but love it. Add if you want to. any questions just ask. :D
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Noir SmirkyJr15
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Sharky rainbowzombie03
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Charlie FunnyAwsomeC
Some person who plays Smash and Splatoon really competitively. Dr. Mario = Main Pac-Man = Secondary Currently trying to get someone in mind for just in case.
MrSchacht DaEpikGamer
YT is SchachtGaming. I play ssb4 most of the time :].
tripp Sub-Zero537
lets play
Sloopoo sloopoo
discord sloopoo#6555 closedverse sloopoo GOODBYE YALL Interested to see what nintendo sends me when i get my post history
Angi~☆ Purpadunkle
‹««Welcome to my home page»»› • I love to draw, I just don't draw very often • • Currently have 58 amiibo • • I watch some anime & cartoons • • I'm very friendly, just don't upset me • • I own a dog, thats it • • My favortite hobby is video games • • I'm a short person, and I love being short • • And, umm... idk... have a nice day • yo i've got a Switch now so... :)
william leodarkrider
Fenway Kurse2299
JacobG TMZ spongebobnumba1
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christy canamit123
†мшChris princechris2468
hi u still there leave i have on question for ya what are those ok u can stay
Luis luisito123457
If your going to look at my profile you must know im 3.14159 pie , raised by beans, is part-time turtle, lives in a pineapple under the sea, and is know to scientist as a new type or burito. they see me rolling on my segway ¡ yo ablo español ! my name is jeff (not really it's actually luis) ~sincerely The run over burrito
xSloves Animalfr3ak12
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sam Sammax12
Hi I am sam I am a big gamer I like many games but I perfered (misspelled) fighting and adventures I am also new to miivers I hope to make new friends here
Terragold TerraGold906
Caleb pokeball11
Goku 632101
Hey guys its IBERZERK here bringing you some smash brothers 1v1 m8 lets go Rules - 2 stocks or 3 -no items on -And let the best smasher win Lets see if you can go up against my captain falcon.:-) (Also im posting some of my matchs online so check that out if you want to)
kofxi APOLL0N
MαςterDKM Victor654net
My name is xx_BD_xx (CRINGE) XD I LIK TURTLZ WHEN LIF GIVS U MEMS U GIV LIF DANK MEMS OKI FAM BY BY that is why u dont make me go keemstar on u FOLLOW4FOLLOW I DO
Mason masonwahlers
EvyBoy TheEvyBoy
Andrik★ Sonikku-Prower
shyguy182 X-Rake
welcome to my profile I play lots of cool games for wii, wii u, 3ds, ps3, and ps4. feel free to check out my page. ps im also on 3ds.
Benjamin Fluffy2710
Hi miiverse! Please friend me if you love gaming especially mario and luigi and just games for more than one player. I would like to be your friend on miiverse. I use Wii U Chat and play Smash online so join me. I will be active playing often so feel free to play with me. Thanks!
Mortem whatheheck
Eduardo lalon2001
Hola todo el mundo :-D Mi nombre es Eduardo Idiomas: Español Latino Ingles (Más o menos) Japones (Un poco) Me gusta: Los libros La música Los videojuegos Mis características son: Generoso Honesto Responsable Confiable Amistoso amiibos: Kirby Link Mario Zelda Luigi Pikachu Toon Link Sonic Consolas: NES Gamecube Wii Wii U Nintendo Switch Mis canciones favoritas: 60's Cardin Squid Melody
Darkriser Triforceluis
Oh you're here......welp. Sup im Dark im an avid smash fan, and enjoy watching anime (Clannad is my sh@#!).
Jesús Elementotico
¿Quién quiere ser mi amigo? Who wants to be my friend?
NòVaJaiden Marioguy1351
Im a Zelda fan. Aswell as a Megaman, Mario, And Pokèmon. I have Pokemon X. What is your favorite game? You can comment in my previous comments. SSB4 For life!!!! #Megaman
jayceface Bulbaface
I'm a competitive smash and splatoon player.I love mario, monster hunter and xenoblade games.I except any friend request, no wii u voice chat, and yeah.Send a friend request to me if you want to play sometime.I can't be online all the time because of GCSE's.Revision... Any way, bye!!!!!
JJ coolman6251
Hello gamers I am 13 years old that loves Nintendo. If you ever wanna play with me I have smash and splatoon so just add me. STAY FRESH
oegaboy oegaboy
Hi. Welcome to my miiverse page. Games finished. Super Mario: Super Luigi U, Mario 3D land, Mario 3D World. Sonic the hedgehog: Sonic Lost World. Pokémon: Heart Gold, Diamond, Platinum, Black, Black 2,Y ,Omega Ruby. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Wind Waker HD, Majora's Mask 3D, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Metroid: Super Metroid.
Lu~Ma J9Rob44
Hi , I'm Austin and have a sister named Reese. I run this acount,and draw trash.I like Gravity falls,Mario,Minecraft,Pokèmon,Yo-Kai watch,and alot of things.I take freind request,NO wii u chat, Follow for Follow,and yeah, that's it. bai. I'll take drawing requests. sup stalker i also like lego
Cpt. Rush RushGamingRush93
Join Me In Misadventures Messing Around on Wii U. Also do alot of Computer gaming with an account here and there, Question: Who Else Wants The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth on Wii U/ 3DS?
Mari toontown220
Nòva Luke pingpong050
Mundo mundo29
hey! my name's mundo and i love to draw and play video games. i love zelda, mario, kirby, metroid, pokemon and so many other games. yup yup :p
Aaron BassSinger313
List of all-time favorite video game series: Legend of Zelda Persona Bayonetta Assassin's Creed Uncharted Fire Emblem Mario Megaman Soul Calibur Sonic Call of Duty Tekken Street Fighter Tales Smash Bros. Perfect Dark Kirby LittleBigPlanet Pokémon Phoenix Wright Lolipop Chainsaw Metal Gear No More Heroes King of Fighters Banjo-Kazooie Minecraft Dead or Alive Ninja Gaiden Batman Arkham Dead Rising
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hey everyone! i am making a clan, Void! If you want to join, ask me!