Spoilers · 18 minutes ago
Massive? Meh, I've fought bigger dragons.
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Spoilers · 31 minutes ago
This is how I usually do the second to last battle of Revelation: have Ryoma, Xander, a...
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Hello! I am gamer with a strong passion for The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem series.
I am curr...
Hello! I am gamer with a strong passion for The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem series.
I am currently attending college in hope of joining the video game industry!
My fave Wii U/3DS games:
-Breath of the Wild
-Hyrule Warriors
-Tokyo Mirage Sessions
-The Wind Waker HD
-Super Smash Bros. 4
-FE Awakening
-FE Fates
-FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
-Project X Zone 2
-A Link Between Worlds