Yeah, so it's about time to reveal the real me. My name is Jasmine, if you don't know. I'm 12. Ma...
Yeah, so it's about time to reveal the real me. My name is Jasmine, if you don't know. I'm 12. Many people ask that question. I'm in 6th grade, it's fun!
I like to sit with my friend and play my clarinet! When she is not over, I like to sit around and play minecraft with my bro, Yoshi Cool. And I also like to play Miiverse with you guys! I ♥ nintendo!!!
Hi everyone! I know it's bee awhile since I posted anything. It is only because my Wii U has recently stopped working on me. I know, it sucks. But I'll try to get it to start working. It just dosen...
Good morning, friends! I have a announcement. If you got any of the new amiibos, there is some games that they work in, but be aware. They don't work here, wish Nintendo could do something. But jus...
Luigi: Did you hear that Link? Link: Yeah! That's bad. Luigi: You know what? Link: What? Luigi: My bro went on that battle! Link: Let's go see what happened to them! Luigi: Good idea Link! Now, let...
Callie and Marie: Breaking news, we haven't seen the squid ship in a hour, and we have no clue were it went, so now the squid contest has stopped. More news about it will come up shortly. Toad: Wha...
Bowser: Swag!!! Everybody: What? Bowser: You stupid idiots have fallen into my trap! Bowser Jr: Hehehe! King Dad, my lord, we have captured who we needed! Bowser: Ha! Perfect! Now.... for the final...
Yoshi: Hi Mario! I just joined your side! Mario: Yayyyy! Bowser: I'm on your side, fellow Princess! Inkling Squid: What? What's going on? Rosalina: I don't know.
Yoshi: ♪I came in on a recking ball! I crashed into the squid -a-fight! And I squirt da other team!♪ Peach: Say waaaat!? Inkling Squid: Crud.... Mario and Rosalina: What?
Rosalina: You get away from me, Peach! *She shoots ink at Peach* Peach: NOOOO!!!! *Shoots back* Inkling Squid: I'm going to splat the ground now..... Mario: Me too, this sucks.
Yeah, so it's about time to reveal the real me. My name is Jasmine, if you don't know. I'm 12. Ma...
Yeah, so it's about time to reveal the real me. My name is Jasmine, if you don't know. I'm 12. Many people ask that question. I'm in 6th grade, it's fun!
I like to sit with my friend and play my clarinet! When she is not over, I like to sit around and play minecraft with my bro, Yoshi Cool. And I also like to play Miiverse with you guys! I ♥ nintendo!!!