Dracula wants some COCKeral 😂😂😂 Miiverse, it's been emotional. Now your gone to silicon heaven with ask jeeves and AOL and all the other gone websites. Caches to cashes, we condemn you to the great...
♭rad's Yeahs

It's been a pleasure people. By morning this ship will have sunk. Goodbye Miiverse, and admins, I hear venus flytraps give great head👌

Hahaha, this thread is brilliant! What did i start? 😂 The last day of miiverse was brought to you today by the word fannies!

Let's charge into their lair armed with cauliflower. They'll never see it coming! WE'RE FIGHTING BACK.. With cauliflower.

This is for you admins.
F*ck you f*ckers! Ban this you piece of sh*t! Screw you guys I'm going home! F*ck you admins!

Did Craig put a fruit in that post? Didn't know that if it is. @rad- If you want me to report it, just ask. ;)
Animal Crossing Dream Address: 4400-2153-2213
"The keeping of pets has been suspended until furt...
Animal Crossing Dream Address: 4400-2153-2213
"The keeping of pets has been suspended until further notice. Domestic beasts have been deemed highly susceptible to Phazon madness, and are thereby a hazard to personnel. All Gronkats and Olbaps must be disposed of immediately. Failure to comply will result in the loss of pay for a cycle and reduced rations."