Tingle's Followers
SquidProof Triforce476
I love the legend of zelda
リンク hirokazukun
どうも! わこっ!!! 僕は特に「マインクラフト」 「スマブラ」を やっていますん。 好きなyoutuberは「まどねす!」で、嫌いなのは「さどねす!」です ・スマブラではよくフレンドあつめに名前を 「フレンドなろうよ」としてバトルしてもす。 ・マイクラでは特にこれといった目標はなく。 リア友やフレンドの人と遊んでるよ。 ・・・・ ・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・ ・・まあこのプロフィール見たら できればフォロー・フレリクよろー
KarenSlaya Karebear190
Hi! I'm KarenSlaya. Fav games: Zelda series (Duh!) Undertale (I <3 Sans) Kirby games & Tomodachi life. I <3 to draw art & write stories. I <3 Cats & Foxes. Fav animes: Black Butler Black butler: Book of circus Black butler: Book of murder Black butler II (#Sebastian4life) Erased One punch man & Assassination classroom I'm very shy & lonely. Thx 4 125+! (^u^)
memesuhh sabrosojj
Laura La12Midna
Ciao! AMO I GIOCHI DI ZELDA!!! Sono davvero la mia passione!!! ( anche se non sono un'esperta al 100% :-< ) Non mi dispiacciono i giochi di Mario, Just Dance, Animal Crossing e quelli originali della Wii ( Wii Party U, Wii Karaoke U ecc... ) Questo é tutto per ora! ;-D Ciaoooo!!! :-))) P.S. : W LA WII U E IL 3DS!!! :-PPP
XZEHEDI Hedi01700
André quaresmagq
hi i am andre im portugues so if the inglish is bad you now why my favorit game is the lengend of zelda wind waker see you bye
AzureHero HerofDarkness
This user's profile comment is private.
blue mael34300
bonjour a vous je m`appelle maël gentil ☆☆☆★★ exclueur dans minecraft seuleument quand on me soule trooleul ☆★★★★ français ☆☆☆☆☆ englais ★★★★★ j`aime bien minecraft splatoon super mario maker mario kart 8 et nintendo land g aussi la nintendo 2ds allord demender moi en ami mes aussi j`aimerer des ami pour jouer a the légende of zelda tri force héros et new super mario bros.2 abonnes toi
Julio HeroOfShade-Link
I love the Legend of Zelda games! My all time favorite game is Ocarina of Time. I also grew up with Dragon Ball, Spider-Man, Pokémon, and many other franchises. Nintendo and gaming have been a part of my life since I was 2 years old, with some of my first memories being playing the family's old Super Nintendo. I'm 18 years old.
Joel Mommyisonfire2
Hi! My name is Joel! I like Mario and Zelda games! I've played almost all the Legend of Zelda games out there! I'm very shy, but I am friendly once you get to know me. I like singing, acting, and dancing! I love being a part of musicals! My favorite video game character is Yoshi because I love the Yoshi's Island games! Yoshi's Wooly World is so cute! My favorite genre is turn-based RPGs!
Hyrulewryr LinkFlares
hi im hyrulewryr and my favorite series is zelda and i have loved it ever since the first time i ever played a zelda game which was the legend of zelda skyward sword p.s. you should all play Azure Striker Gunvolt #IFYOUHATENINTENDOIDONTCARE #IDONTLIKEMARIOTHATMUCHTHO I also love anime. My favorites are: Fairy Tail (Natsu is amazing!!!!) RWBY,(watch on rooster teeth) SAO, and Attack on Titan
Sadie 1LunaRagdollCat1
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
PJ ZeldaMaster2580
Hey there! I'm PJ, and I'm a HUGE fan of the Zelda series, as well as Fire Emblem and Splatoon. My favorite video game is The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask! I'm 13 years old and I love Nintendo games, and have since age 3. I'm a pretty friendly person, so feel free to talk to me about whatever you want! Outside of video games, I like playing music (drums/piano), and fencing! See ya' around!
boy damonhines
Zach~~~~~~ noswal1990gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin. This my alt I will be using this one from now on because false reporting. Don't worry I'm still using my main to post in game post but commenting on other post I'll be using this account.
Daniel daniel20134
chay waddleslina
hi i love zelda windwaker
Jared freddyfazbear670
hi my name is jared im 15 and my favorite games to play are The Legend of Zelda series, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Fire Emblem Mincraft PC Smash Bros Halo Warface Fallout Shelter and RP ☆official Ryoma of the shepherds , joined 10/29/16, and official Arthur 11/11/16☆ ★Official Link of the Smash Brethren 11/12/16 ★
Clarence pearence670
hey this is pearman670 altearnet account
GamerXD 927333
Hello! i'm Gamer XD! i play games. sleep alot. and eat alot. i am a christen. *insanity level 99999999999999999999999! i'm going to be a youtuber soon!XD(GAMER XD). I LOVE the legend of zelda. i draw. i don't accept blank friend requests. follow and support midnight! she is awesome, and nice!(goal100followers) love u all, bye!!♥♥♥★★★
Bagel kaybecca111
Err...Hi... I am a person who draws on here sometimes. I have been finding myself checking Miiverse less and less frequently, so I appologize if I am inactive sometimes. Bye...
Spøøky Catluver_2005
Observer The_Observing
This user's profile comment is private.
Zach—————— noswalgamer
Hello this is my alt account. my main account is noswal1990
Draven Draven321
hi i love games my name is draven :D
Emperor P mario-too-luigi
Titles: General Hylian Empirial Minister of State Emperor Doctor Ambassador
Cinnamon98 HyruleHunter626
Hi! Whats your favorite game series. Mine would have to be the legend of Zelda games! I LOVE THEM! Although Majora's mask or The Twilight Princess are my most favorite Zelda games. Probably not ocarina of time because navi can get really annoying. lol
Robert robraze2000
Hey what's up, I'm 17 years old and love many game Franchises! I adore watching many Cartoons and Anime too with drawings I like to do when I'm bored. I also like to eat at diners and such, especially my favorite foods. Movies that involve Action, Adventure, Comedy, and Horror, count me in! I like playing any type of video game in my free time.
Éclair EclairMarie
Favorite: Legend of Zelda Playing: Triforce Heroes
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Leon spraymickx
Hello! im back on miiverse... again... i have been gone for quite a while because i was getting a life instead of watching anime all day, i had a major problem! I want to thank people for following me whilst i was gone. (Can't believe it) I will be making posts again soon so... bye Ill have a better description about myself later. i wont be on miiverse that much though...
Abby BlueLink101
Hi I'm Abby! I like Loz Fourswords,Kid Icarus Uprising,The Amazing World of Gumball,Mario and Undertale,and did I mention Loz? I like yeahs,comments and people too! hope my pics make u laugh! :D X3 ^3^ Please follow meh Join the Foursword club always looking for members! ^^
☆★Emily★☆ triforce305
Hi! 'Cuz ur here, and you might not know me, I'll give you some facts! •HP, PJO/HOO, LoZ, Gravity Falls, RP, fanfic, UNDERTALE, Quotev, OHSHC, + Doctor Who! •Slightly yandere •FANGIRL •CLIQUE CONSUMED MEH •Smol gay Italian emo bean is mine (Nico Di Angelo) •♥♀Pansexual♂♥ Check out these awesome people! BLURRYFACE, ςaďΐέ★Ace, GaminGomba, R-gal, Angel, and Nonami! [] Online [X] Offline
Joshua Sarah-is-bff
hi how are you?
Link Linksimus
Ghost Cora Articoco15
Hi! How's it going? I'm KoCora. I'm a Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy typing poems, drawing pictures, a Christian, and I am a kind person. And those of you that are wondering who I am, I am also Coco's alt.
Marcelo PlayGuy2015
hola :)
Coco Wyldegamer15
Hello everyone! I am Coco. Awesome to meet ya! I am a huge Zelda fan. I enjoy reading and writing poems. I am a Christian and I am a friendly person! And also I do not use WiiU Chat.
Cooper R. SpeedzGrove
Hi! I love majoras mask, megaman, tf2, smash bros, sly cooper, earthbound, mario, scribble nauts. anime, metroid, shovel knight, pokemon, wario ware, f-zero, fire emblem, zelda, and sonic! I like alot of other games too. If u wanna battle me in smash bros, just shewt me a message! Im a complete nerd when it comes to games! #Mighty No. 9 HYYYPPPEEEE!
Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Requiem of Spirits Events! This group is an LoZ...
Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Requiem of Spirits Events! This group is an LoZ event group that wishes to bring back the quality and livelihood of the community by creating original, diverse, and more forum-based posts.
To see how it works, look at the "RoSE revamp" post, and come join us in the chatroom :)