That's a keeper!
Eli's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I think I'm getting the flu, already have a fever and feeling achy. Here is the kicker, I have an interview tomorrow... f'ing great, p e r f e c t timing, man... -___-

Kingdom Hearts II: Atlantica. Need I say more? Hyrule Warriors: The story, especially in Legends. Then again, who plays Warriors games for the story, anyway? SSB4: About 75% of the players on For G...

"Looking for specific item for a sidequest" Xenoblade Chronicles "Game is too short" Luigi Mansion "Connection is...u get le point" Spleshtoon "Sometimes I have to wait for awhile for a certain ev...
Welcome to my little slice of Miiverse. Feel free to check out my drawings from random series...
Welcome to my little slice of Miiverse. Feel free to check out my drawings from random series.
I'm a huge fan of Zelda, as well as the Tales of series, and pretty much anything Square Enix.
I love FMAB.
Thanks for stopping by! No blank friend requests, please.