Matt's Followers
hi i love pokemon im a big fan i've been a fan since i visited the kanto region in palletown the first game i played was pokemon sun and moon ive came so far away from california to georgia and so sooooo glad to be here with you guys and thanks for your support
Jaden JadenWatts
mario is amazing
Bluedoggo6 WondertwinPowers
This user's profile comment is private.
November 7 rozo999
★♪Wesley☆® ChessFan853
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/18/17 I made up that my nickname is Eevee853!!!!! C Ya!!!! Oh and I'm part of the Alpha Warrior clan!
Johnny JohnnyLaidlaw89
I have pokemon sun and Y Because it reminds me of Johnny Jr my son
Tristan shizune08
えじえじZ4.5ねん ezuko0410
foxyfox 58 foxyfox58
Hay im foxy fox58 hopefully you will like all of my posts and hope that you will send me friend requests and i will add you to my friend list i will not block any of you im kind and cearing for others evan if i dont like that person very much i will still be kind and im also realy exited to meat more pep's and tuns more friend's and any one who has minecraft your i luck because it's my favourite!!
My B-day!★ nerdypie
Hello. I'm nerdypie / Sophie / Pie / nerd, (I REALLY have gotten annoyed with the ppl who said that) Ok, let's talk about me. It's my birthday on 19th of November! Make me a world for me or a Miiverse post! I like ROBLOX, Animal Jam, Minecraft, Terraria and Super Smash Bros. I like trains. BFF's: iceskate13, tuigimarvel, callumkimberly1 and langerer. Anyone else that I forgot? Nope. Bai! ♥•♥
Frosty iceskate13
Oh, hi there! Im iceskate13. I play super smash bros, splatoon, pokken tournament, black ops 2, minecraft and more! I love to play pokèmon on my 3DS with my friends because we always battle, unfortunately i don't allow friend requests because people send me them all the time and it's annoying, but apart from that i hope you all enjoy using your wii u, see ya!
piggybank piggalette77
アルティメット ikedakai112
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Чάmэκσ zizou711
♥♡•…‹_~ºHello !°~_›…•♡♥ ¥¦¶ My name's Чαmέκο~ I 11 years old ¶¦¥ ★˜~* I love Pokémon, Mario and Acnl *~˜★ ¤$∞▲ I speak French and English ▲∞$¤ §⇔♀♥ I'm a girl ♥♀⇔§ →†— RIP Miiverse. We love you :'( —†←
pingui mathilde5629
coucou miiversien! moi c'est pingui! j'ai 9ans et j'adore le froid! abonne toi à: réré_TDLM(Ricolas3) Mimine02 et voila! énergie★★★★ gentille★★★★ mechente☆☆☆☆ cool★★★☆ j'aime le sport, la cuisine, et la randonnée! Et oublie pas de t'abonné c'est gratuit et je rend!!! abonne toi!
Bye linkmariowin29
! Miiverse Is Close On 11/08/2017.I Want To Sad After Miiverse Close :( And I Want To Say Good Bye To Wii U,Miiverse,Wii U Chat,Nintendo TVii After 11/08/2017 :( ! R.I.P Wii U 2012 - 2017 Say Good Bye To Wii U And People On Wii U. Wii U 5.5.2 Is A Bad Update :( But,You Can Play Game With Me On Xbox!!!!!And I Very Like Microsoft!!!!! Hello! You Follow Me I Follow You Back! Thank you!
Eoghan Eoghanky21
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jordiet jordigruart
Nintendo ha estado muchos años trabajando. Se merece un premio especial y yo soy el que le va a dar ese premio especial. El premio especial sera una copa que ponga : “Nintendo, champion forever.” Para mi, Nintendo es la mejor compañia de videojuegos de todo el mundo. Si crearan nuevos juegos de Nintendo, seria una persona mas feliz que un cerdo en el barro. ¡Buena suerte, Nintendo!
Sonic KittyQueen-Dayla
hello im Sonic Heres info on my fave couple :) Kids of Sonic&Daisy:ExaliburSonic Name:ExaliburSonic Animal:hedgehog Shoes:armor Furr:blue Eyes:green Shirt:armor Family:Uncletails Daisy Sonic Auntwave Age:6 Favorite things:flowers playing with Sonic&Daisy running with Daisy&Sonic his family kindness Gender:girl Dislikes:water
mathis carrefour59
るーくん Haruna-0511Rui
Chloe rolla_dink
hi my name is JHON CENA sry back to this k my name is chloe and i am very good at games also i know almost all of the characters in the game undertale btw i always accept freind requests and i am always making posts
praxedes praxs17
my name is praxedes and am 18 years old and i love cartoons and video games and anime and my favorite youtuber is jacksepticeye and i love my little pony friendship ls magic and i love undertale and night in the woods
zak zakmehdi
bonjour je mapaille zak
mim jaycee52
Thor mdperron
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
YT=Picster justiceq9
Hello Everyone & Homies To My Profile! Here I Play Minecraft! Only Place! But If U Have Minecraft Homie! Ur Good To Go! My Awsome Homies Of 2017 Are Machosnacho, Mcjavie, An vpkn52017 Bye! Have Fun!
dee debbru
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
Jake 05Viper
hello i'm Viper. i'm 12 i play need for speed, minecraft, and i'm looking for a girlfriend friend me on friendlist at 05Viper thanks for reading :)
ブラックSKDISK kayatoto
皆さんこんにちわ! フォ口ーは99,9%返します(100%とは言ってない) 僕の大切なフレンドは、ロイk はやとk もやしレンジャーs だいすけk Genmu君 オジえもんです(本物) 今はまっているゲームは、マイクラ、スプラ2、ゼルダの伝説・ブレス・オブ・ザワイルドです 好きなアニメ 中二病でも恋がしたい・さくら荘のぺットな彼女・斉木楠雄のΨ難・ニセコイ・東京喰種・デートアライブ・異世界はスマートフォンとともに・天使の3P・ゲーマーズです! フォ口ワー目標は、1000人です。フォ口ーしてね♪ 今は、やっと900人ありがとね^´∀`^ 好きなYouTuberは、ポッキー・だいだら・はじめん・トムとマルクです★みんなは誰かな? あぁ,,,急に眠気が,,,,, zzz
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
Finn venomminecraft
Hello It's me FINN!!!. I'm a really terrible builder In S.M.M But please my levels need success (Crying). Hey Are A venom fan? If so Your welcome to follow me! And Follow me I will follow you and I will be around 7:00PM-10:00PM.No venom Haters! Ohh and Also I'm a creative builder in minecraft.
KAIRAI ueno0396
こんにちは・こんばんわKAIRAIです 主にキューブクリエーターとテラリアを投稿します。フォローよろしく! キューブクリエイターではロゴ作りや建築をしています。 【テラ友】 (テラリア) ・ふちはみのまたむちみ ・メロンパン ・クテゥルフ ・ときオカ 2016.12.26フォロワー400人 2016.12.31フォロワー500人 2017.1.30フォロワー600人 6月23日PM21時13分更新
********** f-0719
ガチ鯖街鯖バトルPVPアスレ鯖ベッドウォーズ、エックウォーズ、やっていますWIIUケータイとりまフォローしたら100%返すからフォローしてね今なかがいいのはクイカボドミノオジえもんかつきのぞむこいのぼりZさん ゆっくり実況者本物!!!かやとぐらいかなRe:チームにはいってるから参加するときは参加してくれると嬉しいお好きなアニメRe.ゼロから始まる異世界生活 東京グール 干物妹うまるちゃん youtubeは、ハピ ナギ しう りう カズさん 投稿 氏名 あのさフレリク送ってこないでよMr.KENから来た奴だよなてか馬鹿なのネタという言葉しらない?w好きな食べ物書いて送れや同じだったらいいよ!(`・.・´ゞ)バァ..((殴(イィィッタァァイメガぁぁぁぁー!やっやめろーやめろー!!!グァァー!このすばパクるなぁぁー!ギァァァー 10分後チィーン
Rachel RachelJian
I'm thirteen I'm Chinese American but I don't know a lot of Mandarin or Cantonese Super Mario Maker; 5,600 stars (Estimate) Splatoon; Rank S (Favorite game) Legend of Zelda The Windwaker HD, 1 more Triforce shard I'm a major bookworm I'm also a Christian I'm trying to memorize and understand HIS Word And I can't believe Miiverse is shutting down, :(
Nicky weiyanzhong
Joey jvp1591
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
jade jadehe
Bonjour je m'appelle jade j'adore les chaton et j'ai 9 ans abonner vous a flora ma personalliter: amicale:★★★★★ gentille:★★★★★ méchante:☆☆☆☆☆(quand on me cherche★★★★★) drôle:★★★★☆ serviable:★★★★★ sportif:★★★★★ rapide:★★★★★ Mais jeux favorie sont : Inazuma eleven,mario kart 7‚Zelda,Tomodachi lifepassion★c'est leFoot★ MERCI BEAUCOUP AU 501 ABONNER MERCI
TGN64 TheGamingNinja64
I am just a 13 year old that plays Super Mario Maker
I love Mario games. I grew up playin Nintendo games. Follow me and I will follow you. I also love...
I love Mario games. I grew up playin Nintendo games. Follow me and I will follow you. I also love heavy metal music and anime.
Updated on 12-8-2016.
Updated on 9-19-2017. I love movies from the 80's and cartoons from the 90's