GEL Playz's Followers
パンダベビーゲーマー P4ND4-PL4Y-WIIU
♡~Koni'chiwa~♡ I'm Panda PanDub: for my France,Japan,German,English… Friends. (My Posts) Soshite panda wa sayõnara o iu ♥ Et Panda dit au revoir maintenant ♥ И ианда прощается сейчас ♥ Und panda sagt jetzt schtüss ♥ And Panda says goodbye now ♥ →←↑↓⇒‡†$¢¤€®©™¥♥♡●▼◆▲■☆★♂♀¾½½%¼‰^ˇ˙˘˛′″°µ˙¬¹¯²³ªƒ{ƒ♪• ~FOLLOW ME~ ~AND I FOLLOW YOU~ ]|![[@&=&!,,(!»;}º‚;»¶⇔¦¦!††¢↑↑—?™¶$¶>∞<±>+⇔ LOL
281 Followers! Almost 300!! Follow❹Follow Hi im Connor. I <3 video games I mostly play: Splatoon Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga 200 followers may have been reached but I'll still keep counting and I will put the latest follower on my profile. So if you want a shoutout follow me! I won't be able to update all the time tho. Latest Follower: Sixty Thanks for following! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Hey guys whats up
gavin downey66
Name: Gavin k. Age: 16 Gender: male likes: friendly/mature players only Bio: Hello! im gavin! i dont really play the wiiu alot, but i mostly play splatoon!
cloudheart ariaswordsman89
i watch anime, movies, tv-series, & k-dramas. in love with Willowstar. -Huge fan of black clover. --Thanks for reading !
ari finalgirl16
Toad Tizetre
Dernier jour Miiversien... C'est comme si on attendait une météorite qui va s'écraser... ˇ^ˇ
☆Cloclow☆ chloe4242
Hilow c Chloé g 13 ans et jveux te connaitre! donc n'esite pas a me dmd en ami ♡Aurel jt'adore♡ Je suis en ♥ Mes catégories préférés =Minecraft,splatoon et ytb c la base ! Rejoin moi stv ! Mon caractère : - gentille ★★★★★ - méchante ★☆☆☆☆ - intelligente ★★★★☆ - sympa ★★★★★ Mrc pour tt les abo Je suis la chef de la team ☆ ♥abonne toi stp et soi mon ami bye♥ ☆abonne toi et je m'abonne a toi☆
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
Joe 856Lavalamp
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow. Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon. My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig. Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan. No rudeness/be mean/spam. evil account - Dark_Joe658 I don't do drawing.
waafles awesone123
Welp. Miiverse is almost over and I haven't even lasted a year. (;w;) I sure will miss this place. Thanks for 800 followers! (My goal was to get 1000, but at least I made it this far.) "If Miiverse is going down, I'm going down with it!" -Waafles
ChloeClue Fluttershyb
Meow I'm Chloe And I'm 8 Years Old I Love Cats And Loz!!! My B Day And Year Born: 12/19/2008 I'm a member of the zelda fan club and the mario fan club.
sylv peachisawesome
Hi Im Sylvia and I have two accounts on miiverse this and another one with a identical mii. I love youtube and being a christian also be sure to follow both accounts im 11 turning 12 in a couple months. I will follow if u follow and thanks for reading BYE ;);-D <3
みなお cyakura
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
τκz★Kaiden kaidendadude
ThE EnD iS aLmOsT HeRE... Thank you for Supporting me and following me these past Months It means A Lot to Me... Here are my Best freinds that I will Miss:JT Moose, Nicole, Sienna, Stargirl, Jon303, Tj, And Charles My favorite Games are:Mk8 Splatoon And Minecraft Favorite Nintendo Switch Games:Super Mario Odessy, Splatoon 2 And Mario + Rabbids Kingdom battle. Follow4Follow #SaveMiiverse!
Jhoogel jhoangeldavid
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
Alyssa muisead
clementine ManguiDanse
bonjour je m´appel Clémence j´ai 11 ans j´habite en Bretagne Et j´adore la danse moderne dédicace a Mangy game nouvelle importante a vous dire pour sa aller en bas encore plus bas abonne toi
Sabrina♪☆ ZAouda
Wesh ! bienvenue sur mon profil je m'appelle Sabrina et j'ai 14 ans ! :) dédicasse: A.G Aless,Ma bff (tu te reconaiteras t la meilleure bff ) a Samuel samuel c'est une personne bien ! à chann! et voila ! je suis célib lol :) et je suis une fille très compétitrice je n'aime pas perdre ! je suis aussi une fille ki se laisse pas faire alors fait gaffe (y'a pas de raison qu'on es pas amis !) #teamO.R
★и¢κ¤★ THeDaRKPLaYeR404
Hola! Jugadores...Mi nombre es Sebastian y tengo 13 Años Me gusta.. BTS...El anime...los videojuegos...El Yaoi :v Mis juegos favoritos son... Splatoon...Terraria...Shovel Knight....Minecraft Bueno! Ojala seamos bueno amigos...y nos divirtamos mucho :'D Sigan de los bueno Xq siguen aqui Estas esperando q algo pase??? .... Sigues aqui?! .... ahhh! alfin acaba
giulia ★☆★ giuliapagano
♥ciao e benvenuti sul profilo più carino e felice della Terra! io sono una giovanissima ragazza che ha la passione degli animali in particolare dei CAVALLI!♥ Seguitemi e sarete dei carinissimi unicorni che faranno parte del mio branco super coccoloso,1º profilo(vecchio)giulia, adate a vederlo e vedrete i miei progressi con voi e con i disegni SEGUITE karolina², CuteMelody misia☆★☆ e Minnie çìάσ★
katelyn katelyn1119
hi im katelyn. i love cats and pugs. splatoon is my favorite game but i also play other games to. i also like pokemon i like snivy and charizard best. science is my favorite subject. i like all my friends and everbody else to. so thats it thanks for seeing my profile bye! also recruiting members to my SS☆clan where we defeat woomy! our motto: if woomys try they DIE.. bye miiverse!!
.•сαяια•. CarlaVillar
Hola,Soy Carla!! Gracias por tocar mi carita!!! TKM! NO CIERRA MV! buscar en google"interrupcion de MV" y lo vereis! Mi lema: FOREVER SMILE :) :) Estoy escribiendo una serie. Dale a MOLA si te MOOOLA. Pίπυιεταh→Laura Mαgδαιεηίταh→ Alba Azυcαπίταh→ M★a☆r★t☆a Mαηzαηίταh→ Яaquelita Pαηδίταh→Alba Gαιιετιταh→Marta BFF: Julia∞∞∞∞, Sara, Laura, Carolina, Laura, y muchos mas! ↑↑Seguidlas↑↑
▲к.нёаят▼™ laur9124
--> Roses Are Red, Violent Are Blue, If You Are Looking At This,Thank You☆ basically im a girl ♀ Miiverse is ending get ready :< You all are pinnaples :3 Im taken ♡ i wuv my art OFCORSE ^^ and idk ._. are you there? ye? Ok now go go Give me cookeh then go ._. Are you going now?! Ok baii everyone •˛•
lucas lucasg3527
abonner vous et je m'abonnent et je vous dirait mes jeux préféré si vous êtes dans ma liste d'amis ( no fake ) mes youtubers prefere son furious jumper etlebledart merci de vous abonner:-) et j'espère que je vous est pas fait gaspiller du temps de vie !
me mialivingstone
SpoopyKris kristalgem
OML I hit 200+! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING MY CONTENT HERE ON MIIVERSE! Thank you to all my friends who supported me all the way untill now! Ik its not the end of MV but... I LUV YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Here have a Thankyou Cookie *hands le cookie* SYKE *chomps on Le cookie* Dat wasnt le thank you cookie! THIS IS LE THANKYOU COOKIE! *actually hands you le Thankyou Cookie* *you eat it* Yum!
PLUMETTE plumette.bonjour
plumette bonjour.
Dad Brent509
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undyne FlutterDolan
SaveMiiv'Ω OmegaTheKing
POUR SAUVER MIIVERSE, SIGNEZ LA PÉTITION SUR: On est +1900 à avoir signé ! Faites passez à vos amis et mettez des messages et commentaires sur Miiverse ! Mettez votre Mii en vert pour soutenir Miiverse ! #Ω PS : la pétition sera envoyée à Nintendo !