Users Fΐς★£цίgί™ Is Following
»RX√■■×_×■ WiiUJoshy
Hello i'm Josh. My favourite game is Splatoon and I'm getting really good. I'm Level 50, Rank B. The highest Rank I've been is A! My favourite ranked battle mode is rainmaker. My favourite weapon is .52 gal.
CHLOÉ chloe-abygael
J'adore Soprano et Tal
elo poissonavril
le logiciel est trop bien on peux parler avec des gens commenter et voilà
Nominoé Tompannet
Dans Théories, je parle de théories. C'était le moment captain Obvious, Nominoé repart dans son Tardis pour d'autres aventures... Rendez-vous chez CuicuiLoizo ! Fin de l'affaire.
Adam isthisnameinuse
I just want to get this out of the way, I can be very stupid at times Fav games Super smash bros Earthbound Mario kart wii Tomodachi life
Dafne locassomos
¡Hola a todos! ¡Amigos o no! Les hablare sobre mi ☆Amo: leer, dibujar, los lunes a mis amigos y familia, ¡y a ustedes! ♥Tengo 11 años y 11 ◆¡Amo lo KAWAII, ^▼^ y siempre lo amare! #AmoATodos #Kawaii ¡Pasense por la cuenta de Joaco, Alber, María y Tron19! No hace falta que sigas :3 Ok, eres mas bueno que nadie Ok, te sigo Ok, toma caramelo
Shulk cortaise9
i am Shulk, wielder of the monado! i am 18. (not in rl) i travel through my world called Gaur Plains. with riki, dunban, Reyn, Melia, Dickson, And Fiora. Recently i just recovered from fighting metal face. Oh! im also in smash bros. when using me, remember this: use a flurry of my attacks till ur enemy is at high damage and use a smash attack! I'M REALLY FEELING IT!!!!!
lordepic69 kml666
This user's profile comment is private.
Aaron Gorestale
l have a strange game setup. I started out playing LoZ but now I play SSB. I have a 3DS and I love to draw. My younger brother thinks of some pretty funny ideas for me to post. If you follow me I'll follow you. I really want to get better a drawing so if you feel like giving me ideas on what to draw, fine by me.
Michael crashbandicoot60
What's up, everyone! BlazingFireOmega from YouTube here, and I play Wii U! WOO-HOO! I'm usually playing Smash Bros., so don't be surprised if we ever cross online.
Beast163 beastminer163
I like video games but my favorite video game series is TLOZ and Super Mario Maker!!
AntonyM14 minecraftm14
Bonjour je m'appelle Antony,j'ai 16 ans. Mes jeux préférés:Mario,Minecraft,Lego,Fifa,Skyrim. Mes meilleures amis:Sebastien,Dylan,Salim,Mathieu,Hugo,Max. Mes Youtubeurs préférés:Hooper,Bengous,GugaTV et Aliotop. Abonnez-Vous.Merci pour les 424 abonnés.
A.starrs astarrs
Hi I love to play games and talk plz I appreciate people following me ! and my other page: astarrs
★★Luki★★ Kruemelkeks01
Hallo ich bin Luki. Ich komme aus schleswig holstein.Ich bin 13 jahre alt. Ich spiele gerne MK8. Lieblings Youtuber: Troplay, BlueX My best Brüder/Schwestern sind: Sweety Phil Yanick Henry Pascal Juli Jojo Alexis Alex Krishan Paul! Meine besten Freunde sind: Sweety Phil Marlon Kevin Alex Paul Luki Alexis Dana Kahtleen. Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit schreibt, wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt. Luki
Santiago SantiagoMarquezA
;з StampyRainbow
Pablo PaabloRules
♂☆Darling☆ kawaiito9600_mx
Hi everyone!I'm 20 y's old, I love my Sweetie☆I met her in Splatoon we are so in love. If you ever want to join us and have fun please do but please be nice to us. Im not spanish, I like videogames, metal music, I'm the drummer in my band and I like anime but dont watch it that much. Warning: DON'T EVER SPLAT MY GF IN GAME CUASE I WONT FORGIVE YOU!
I bims LOL MariUs210
★ξς☆Dark★ One_Garden
⇒$ubscribe↑Salut! Bienvenue sur mon profil , N'hésitez pas a vous abonner je fait pareil de mon côté ★^o^★ Thank's you 400+ folloyers! ( Nо Шii U Снат ) Tous des super giga mega amis! Je fait partie de la ξς Je suis plus actif sur la Switch mais vous pouvez toujours m'envoyer des messages je les regardes tous les jours Grand fan de rayman legends →Amateur de Spaghetti (Carbonara) ^ω^←
L↑jpt JuanPablo5
hello there my name is jp and i am 14 years old and mexican, i love my friends and i would like to have you as a friend and as you can see i speak english because in miiverse almost nobody speak spanish....(i love to play smash pls help me to get better)bye >:3 i said bye go away i will kill you if you keep reading i will see you this night...
Im the big brother of a creepypasta named BEN Drowned, and friends with a lot of the other creepypastas. I like Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart 8, Terraria, Minecraft, Star Wars, Smash Bros, etc. Friend me please!
Enderdrew djsweep41
Hi Welcome to my profile! -Likes- Drawing Eating playing video games Making people happy! flying pigs -doesnt like- Mean people bullying bad words - About - Im a gamer (OBVIOUSLY) , I love minecraft and all things nintendo related. I love chocolate!! I love cheese.Im usually very happy (^o^). you can join my ender clan by fallowing me!!fallow my friend jezrah, I got a NEW MII!#miiverseswitch!
Oясα ƒεялί LuigiDaisy12
xdude kingaiden1
Lee MarioMaster91
zirexssgss zionhill
school is real! instead of turning up we need to be learning up text books and skills not nexflicks and chills!
george jajaman2100
my name is well no one will have to know my birthday is when I was born (^o^) my five favourite game series are sonic, fire emblem,kirby,xenoblade and megaman x oh an alien needs my help i'll just wipe them all out and blow up their planet for a great suprise
Danny DMC2K12
Hello there. My name's Danny! My favorite Wii U games are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Splatoon, and Super Mario Maker. I don't chat with strangers! My mains in Sm4sh are Mario, Luigi, and Sonic. Nuff said
gracie mattharris888
heyyy favorite song: loyalty kendrick lamar im 16 years old
Pollos jakeman827
I'm just a normal nerd that has an interest in video games. I PLAY SPOATS TOO. I dont have anything else to put here so...IWATA WILL NEVER DIE IN OUR HEARTS
Lucas Luigi26Kirby
Hello my name is Lucas and i live in the U.S. and my favorite Characters are Kirby Luigi Lemmy and King DEDEDE and please follow me so i get to know you better and i love mario kart 8, smash bros. and mario tennis ultra smash .
Nigel Ntmradical
Hello, My name is NTM! I will be posting N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, NES, SNES, and MORRRE! I will also post Trophy Rushisode and Fight Might videos and more!
けんと kentokento3512
●ご注意ください プロフィールコメントに以下の内容を記載されるとMiiverse利用ガイド違反となり、プロフィールが非公開になります。 ・住所、電話番号、メールアドレス、学校名など、個人を特定できる情報 ・ソーシャルネットワークサービスや、他のゲーム機でのIDを含む外部サービスのID、アカウントまたはそれに類する内容 ・直接連絡を取ることができる情報を含む外部ウェブサイトへの誘導 ・3DSのフレンドコードや、相互登録を求めるためのニンテンドーネットワークID記載 ・その他、利用ガイドに反する内容
Sybilchan™ Lightning_Liam97
I do play on Steam and PlayStation 4. (Alt. profile: Cyrus™) I shall be posting Smash Bros. replays, drawings, and etc. I do not, however, play online with random people, I would say why, but I have a post explaining why. Why're you still here? I said go away...
Letsa go!!!
It's a me, Fΐς★£цίgί™
I'm a drawer & designer!
Maybe you know me because I HAD a anot...
Letsa go!!!
It's a me, Fΐς★£цίgί™
I'm a drawer & designer!
Maybe you know me because I HAD a another account.
My BEST Friends:
My Hobbies:
•YouTube (We love Sans)
•Flirting ;)
My real name is Tyrone and I'm 14 Years old.
I life in a tiny village in Germany. (Gütersloh)
Have Fun ;)