oppii's Followers
GOOD BYE MIIVERSE,,,,, MIIVERSE 4EVER,,,, CONTINUE IN SWITCH?,,,, good bye friends of miiverse universe,,,, and all followers in my all accounts.
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
εχ•ηεσπ• SnowyIV
Hi. I'll mostly share my experiences and have fun. Shiny Pokémon giveaways here too. Go follow Msv-Bai Tyler(Japanese name) Zam(NN) Mito Each of us is self-created and self-projecting. What you belive yourself to be is who you ultimately are - Lindsey Stirling #FireEmblemHeros Save Miiverse please! D: No Wii chat
♭Zοгα♪ SakuraTortoise
You've stumbled upon my trash...Congratulations... ♭♪Total Band Nerd♪♭ * Marching Band * Jazz Band * Symphonic Band ♪♪♪I play Trombone♪♪♪ Kaттsuya is fam I'll do follow for follow This, (♭) is a flat NoT a MuSiC nOtE (Aggravates me) Rip Miiverse G'bye guyz /\__/\ \(· ·)/ (____) ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
Susanna BabyPurpleChick
This is it… Thank you all so much for everything you've done in my life. You've helped me through some pretty rough times, and I'll forever be in your debt. I don't even know how to put into words what you all mean to me. You've helped me feel special and loved. I'll miss you all from the bottom of my heart. ~Maybe someday, we will meet again. Miracles can happen.~ ☆May the Łøгð bless you.☆
♪NyaKat♪ RainbowUniTato03
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Bre Bregee13
Hello world! I don't know WHY you poked my face, but thanks I guess. So while you're here, you should check out my stuff. (only if you want to. I can't force you to do anything.) I like to draw, and plenty of my posts are (crumby)drawings I do myself. Thanks to anyone follows or even yeah's my posts! You guys are awesome! Also Thanks to all who support me! ;D
Keegs PrinceSkittles21
Keegs // Trans guy // He/him Bi, Ficto Taken by Starscream & Tamatoa ☆☆☆ Artist // Writer Fanart, fanfiction 20+ OCs Depression/Anxiety/PTSD/Insomnia ☆You're so much braver than you give yourself credit for ☆Get some rest ☆Go drink some water, get a snack ☆Have you had your meds today?
Kellan Lame-chan0000
Bailey B. HarryCallahan71
Good Afternoon/Morning/Whenever You Get Here. I'm Bailey, Bailey is a boy's name too. I've been here since 2012. I'm 18 now. I play the Trumpet. Wii U Account: BaileyB Send a Friend Request at any time. More Cowbell. I'm in 12th grade. ''.....''~ Charlie Chaplin ''Wise guy, eh?''~ Moe, Larry, and Curly. ''If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster''~ Clint Eastwood. Have an enjoyable day.
mochi sama 612kawaiiforever
RIP miiverse ;_; the end is near ig: Bittermelonsoda aaaaaaaaaaa I love my little honey bun <3 (è//ω//é)
TJF588 TJF588
#ACNL Dream Address: 4B00-000F-D9FD I also play on Windows, PlayStation, and iOS! I enjoy following artistes (seriously, how do you all draw so well, so often, on these things?!), posting hastily-conceived smart-aleck-ery, and capping Splatfest announcements. I apologize in advance for my Likes binges. As for my own posts, I assure nones cringes hard at the typos than moi. #i2
nana blackskud
bonjour je m apelle nana et j ai 9 ans mon plat préféré c est le boeuf bourgignon mon dessert yaourt au chocolat mon snap: nana mon facebook : #je ne m en suvient plus abbonée vous mes petit bébé tigre ma chaine parlera de manga tous les jours de dix huit heure a vingt heure # soiée nombreux a vous abbonée mes solgaleo cherie bonne soirée
Samsung deadwood4me
im samie, samsung whats easiest i own a 3ds my favorite animal is llama im a christain im in 7th grade and i play the flute my favorie games are mario cart, kirby and the rainbow curse, disney infinity, ect. i hope we can be friends. (^-^) (^o^).
SmolAudino campbelllisa
Hello! I'm the founder of the Pokéclan (Go to Pokémon Sun's Community, you'll find me in the Discussions!) Some guys you should follow: Steen CoolKidYT And some other people that are in my friend list. boop.
Sonic SonicDamien1
Søck hail2michigan
Suddenly, PINEAPPLES Uh... How does one art? My skills are lacking for it. We've had nice memories here, huh? 3 days. G e t S c h w i f t y
~Charlotte Sam_l0ves_ham
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Alibaba™ CaptainQuint75
heyooo i'm back from a short break :0 anywayyy... Check these peeps out: °•memesenpai⇒★★idol child★★ °•Kani⇒creativity boi ˙˘˙ °•Hope~♪⇒smol art child★☆ °•_DERP_⇒meme machine •—• °•Bia⇒anime picasso ♪♪ °•Anne Chovy⇒mp100 friendo ϋ °•Emma¦:)⇒sweet art child ♡♡♡•°
Frodigan astridcat.3000
Hello i'm an awkward homeschooled teen... That's basically all you need to know.
mooogZ teamcraft2
Hello person that decided to click my profile for some reason Just call me Zee I draw things Remember when making a profile comment like this was cool? :)
benson whoiskenzie
kenziedrawsstuf2 ↑i dont post here often so follow my main↑ This account is so old ewwwww
Cуclonε LotadPlayz
Welcome to ! ┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ ┈╱╭▏╮╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮╭▏ ▕╮╰▏╯┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃╰▏ ▕╯┈▏┈┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻╮▏ ▕╭╮▏╮┈┈┈┈┏━━━╯▏ ▕╰╯▏╯╰┳┳┳┳┳┳╯╭▏ ▕┈╭▏╭╮┃┗┛┗┛┃┈╰▏ ▕┈╰▏╰╯╰━━━━╯┈┈▏ Clans I'm in: MКЯ [ST] (Co Leader) λJ (Member) (R.I.P) ΣΨ [AI] (Co Leader) S☆Я ★¥ Mς★ (Co-Leader) Fя Λθ #SaveMiiverse PR★ λκ (Leader) ξJ My Community- 69-7846-7025-4622
Gummy GGummy
Vincent ludanna0208
ill be inactive (on and off) for a while after today :/ pleebus Sup im vinny and im just a really stupid and mentally ill transboy lel im in highschool but im never telling you my age :) "ayyy spaghetti oi oi oi" -italians throughout history
Gooberstin Gooberstin
Hey I'm Kearstin and REQUEST ARE OPEN I don't like it when people correct my spelling and grammar. Everyone makes mistakes and I usually realize them after I make them. "Jean, I–I fell in /love/ with you like droplets in the ocean. Every facet of you was just a drip. But the ripples they caused were massive." Every day I'm TUMBLin' eveRybody: Sharkgoober QUOTin thatEV: JeanKearstin
Gabbster Zelda-Garza
Call me Gabby woop woop Btw follow Y_Are_You_Here, he's really good and he's really cool! >v<
Fiodex :/ CherryFaygo
sup homeslice- breadslice-dawg I'm a edgy, teen weirdo that draws weird things like maniac sheep (baa) so yea, check out my trash and reality is a illusion, the universe is a holigram, bye gold bye!~ ~Fio
hmm hnwks1109us
spook in the hoUSE :) //Fingerguns eyy I'm spoOK Fear me I'm a 10 year old bean that is horrible at art If you want q u a l i t y art then go somewhere else :) Go follow these precious dank beans º¶ieces RK☆Xeno RK☆Ołło spoOK OUT //slams into door
ig "oppii blob", and stick an underscore between the words!
blubirb~ spacecato
Friendly reminder...
ig "oppii blob", and stick an underscore between the words!
blubirb~ spacecato
Friendly reminder that Shiro loves you baby
• Korra/Des • ♀ • Ace • 20 • 5'4 •
Currently obsessed with:
~The Raven Cycle series
~Voltron Legendary Defender
~cute clothes
Yikes yikes yikes