WhiteIsMe's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: GameNgeek

Art Academy


09/04/2016 11:34 AM

This is a WIP, me and a strory in the description about another long time disappearance. I'm sorry everyone.

Art Academy


04/03/2016 2:08 PM

W.I.P Sneak peek. Can you guess from which game this outfit come from? Also good news everyone! I should be much more active from now on!

Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow Version


02/29/2016 5:37 PM

Here's my new journey, but not any kind of journey. For Pokemon's 20th anniversary, I'll play the only Pokemon I haven't played on the original Game Boy/ Color. Here's the beginning of my Nuzlock r...

Xenoblade Chronicles X


12/04/2015 3:52 AM

I couldn't resist when i heard Shulk's voice in the samples. Now i only wish that the Character editor had more to offer and a little less confusing. Anyway, i already thought of some possible char...

Art Academy


08/14/2015 5:27 AM

So... I got Art academy. After derping around, i doodle this. He's Gany from Zelda Oot. I don't really know if it's good, should i continue?

Monster Hunter™ 4 Ultimate


08/10/2015 4:49 PM

Hi, i'm Goreman and welcome to the Gorecave! Ladies and gentlemen, fear not! Because the Konchu's tyranny has come to an end! Here is our new super (z)hero: Goreman and his sidekick: Miaowbin!... M...