Christina's Friends
Pac-Man48 WolfMaster61
Sup It Pac-Man48!!! Follow me and friend me to have much fun!! Well my favorite games are: Mario, Zelda, Pac-Man, and Minecraft! Console:NES, SNES, Wii u, Nintendo 3ds! Name: Call me 'pac' Age: Uh... Nope Sports: Basketball! Final Message: Bye Friends!!
Alyssa eq48887
hello im eq
リュウタ xxsuzukiryuta000
MetaKnight Korey594
Hi I am Aurora! Be a good friend to me please. My favorite game series is kirby super star. Somtimes I can be a silly goof ball with any of my friends. : fav game character is Meta knight and kirby Have a twin sis and lil brother. bad memory Don't wiiu chat...ç-ç friend me follow to follow changed my mii to meta knight I'm very playful I am in ink squad Hope you have a blessful life! (^o^) ☆♡★♥
ninou antandoye
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RPG Ropapega
Hola soy RPG me gusta jugar just dance 2014 just dance 2017 mario kart 8 super smash kirby and the rainbow curse y no se olviden de seguirme por que si me siguen los seguire y tambien haganme el favor de seguir a mis amigos gracias
[SBD]Luca luca3456
røi joss josselin12
Jade JadeKahn
Derp Emoji ellabellaboo2007
hey guys my names ella i like to chillax and play my wii u =) i love to play minecraft sooo if u have minecraft Friend me! oh and follow me if u want. my FAV youtubers are Dantdm,the pals,LDshadowlady,Popularmmos,yammy xox and lots more! oh and i almost forgot all of you and this is for everyone your all great people and yea! #Keep calm and ♡ MCDONALD'S!! Peace out See ya Have a good day (^o^) BYE
Pixel Da-Pixel-Artist
Yeah...this account is inactive, so I guess you can say my account is dead, I have a switch now tho. I may sometimes visit the Wii U, and talk to old friends, and..well yep. XD Thank you all so much for the followers I never expected to have more than 800! And..yup. Cya around..
ин★Tom tavooso1
Nintendo said that we can't exchange our Wii U friend codes...what about the Switch?
Komason Tailzthefox39372
Hi im Tails! I like games like Yo-kai Watch, Sanic I mean Sonic, Zelda and more. COrrupTion ISn'T LiKELy. E.X.e ISn't likely EITHER. Btw, my Roblox account user is Kamason301.
Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
Emmi luizawald
Ich heise Emma bin 9 jahre komme aus Deutschland und mag essen und wohne in harburg
69∞wolf notalex18
dennislp embi1234
hi ich heiße ruffy in der miiverse und mein echter name ist dennis und ich bin ein großer one piece und zelda lieb haber wer alles mit wir auf der switch befreundet sein will müsstet ihr erst mir eine freundes anfrage über der wii u schicken
Sarah SarahElisa2003
~14 Jahre ,aus Kärnten ~liebe Herr der Ringe und der Hobbit(alle Teile) ~liebe Kochen und eben die WiiU
Sgas#geilo 321-kj
wer splatoon oder mk8,nintendo land supermario maker rabbitsland minecraft usw hat der ist cool! fakten über mich bin 12 habe nen 3ds bald auch ne nx liblings youtuber mr.feuerstachels desteny cst concrafter domtendo rewi vivehd und viele mehr. für freundschafts anfrahgen würde ich mich freuen:-D. spiele gerne splatoon hide and seek squadparty hi liest hier●●●●●Kekse
Tray TrayTheFirst
Wil jemand mit mir hide and sike spiel code2222 privatkampf
Maren Maren1995
Rixnard banel155239
Name: Rixnard Nickname: The Keyblade of Wisdom Number: XV Weapon:Keyblade wielder Keyblade Charms : Oathkeeper, Ultima, Lightsaber, Circle Of Life and Dual Disk True Name: Darrin Description: The Best YU-GI-OH player in the organisation I defeated all of the other members if anyone of the members wanna play yugioh against me again bring it on I'm the only Autistic Organisation XIII member
Zocker 07 nickjan2609
Páηdà(οεο) atomisk147
hi Guys Heres Things About me My best friends are Sushi And My favorite Games are New super Mario Bro.s You and luigi U and Minecraft And Splatoon I have The best Friends EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Guys
LP Johnny Drachi5555
Ich bin Let's play Johnny. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir eine Freundschaftanfange geben würdet. ich freue mich über jeden Freud.Ich bin You tuber.Ich spiele alle möglichen Gams. :]
[MG] C A T gmkrall
OWEEE! You poked my face! Well, anyway, First, there are three rules for posting on my profile! 1. Use Kind words. 2. Be nice. 3. No advretizing your levels on SMM. I Commonly do Mk8. You will oftenly see new posts every day, so keep updated! The [MG] in my name stands for "Master Gamer" If you didn't know. I love cats, if it wasn't obvious! Well, other than that, have fun!
Juventino Juventino500
Willkommen auf meinem Profil 11 Jahre alt und mein Lieblingsspiel ist Minecraft Würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir eine Freundschaftsanfrage schickt . Meine besten Freunde chanel-schenk und!.Ok bis dann Tschö
Luca LucaL.2007
Tyler tylerjakes07
Hi I'm Tyler and I'm a big fan of minecraft.If we have some fun playing games together please add me as a friend
Rocko arceus1himmel-45
Hi wie gehts Bin 15 jahre alt Lieblingsspiel/e:Mario kart 7/8 Animal crossing : New leaf / Happy home designer Pokemon omega rubin/X Super mario maker/Super mario world+Super mario 3D world\ New Super mario bros u & New super luigi u/ Paper mario-Color splash/ Pikmin 1\2\3 Splatoon Wenn ihr mir folgen wollt, nur zu. Ich folge zurück. Und noch viel spass im miiverse
Seby :D sebyminecraft
Hi, I'm NLMTrueSeby! I play games such as Super Mario Make, Minecraft, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and more! Super Mario Maker: If you make awsome levels, you can get a shoutout! Minecraft: Give me a friend request so we can play minigames together! Splatoon: We can do a private battle together! Just send a friend request! Mario Kart 8: Regional battles together are so fun!
LovePixels LovePixels
Hi! I am LovePixels. I love Nintendo and their games! Nintendo is AWESOME!!! Am I right, guys? :D
Star maxGY murmel1706
psycho boy AUINGER
hi ich werd mich lusa nenen ich hab bernd imer in meinem herzen wen du das liest bernd LG fon den luser
CoachIsaia CoachIsaiah
hello my name is Adrian I am 13 1/2 yrs old . Here are some things you should know about me. I am a pretty serious gamer I love anime otaku My favorite game is SSB4 always looking for a challenge I am also looking for friends please follow and send freind requests. If you follow me i'll follow you back. MERRY XMAS
Lucas FlashiLu
WoHBlake crazyrandomman
I'm WoH member WoHBlake. My favorite games/game series' are The Pokemon series, The FNaF Series, The Legend of Zelda Series, Super Mario Maker, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and SSB4. You should go follow zackdavidson1975, PrincessZelda357, NCnumber2, candypandagirl, iKachow06, KoH-Jayden3ds, noki_elfqueen, Adam559, NordyTwo, and the WoH members (I've listed some here)! Miiverse member since 5/21/2015
lear lear29
Ich habe viele Wii u spiele schick mir eine Freundschaft anfrage und wir zocken zu sammen
L3on L3on1211
aloa ich bin L3on 13 jahre alt und spiele sehr gerne splatoon, ssb u, mk8 und super mario maker mein lieblingssppiel -reihe ist zelda und das beste zelda spiel ist zelda tp
Luigi cat eli41506
Jayden JaydenD2005
Dan Horlix1
Epic★Domi anuska73
Willkommen auf mein Profil
Karyne Karyna123
Zomrei mrs.marky
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Cameron Cameron679
Hello! My name is Cameron and I really like animals and Mario! Hope to see you in a game!
Ayano chanel-schenk
Don't let me down
Timon Timon08.10
BRODIE XD! shezaree
Hi my name is BRODIE in game name Shezaree and i love Miiverse Minecraft and Youtube. Fave youtubers PopularMMO's and Jen XD. MY BFF's Bpanther11 Luffylikaboss Epicgamer Awesometravel 09Vortex and Hippertortise XD. Feel free to comment follow yeah and friend me k thx c ya XD. I have a GF!
mastermari RangerX22
quadtaious hopeschool2004
i love a girl named tree she is super pretty-pretty i don't know if she going to be my friend and im awsome at games
Eva's Son Dolphinetta382
I love gaming.
Lillop barbara05
CFA☆いな ina0424
T-man 2.0 TannerI
Hey, fellow Miiversians! I'm Tanner! I have a knack for drawing silly pictures of Link, Cloud Strife, Darth Vader, and more. Follow me to see what new drawings I'm working on. No Wii U chat. I WILL NOT be accepting any more drawing or friend requests. Just too much of a burden for me to handle before Miiverse ends. Thank you for your understanding. >Click!<
taku grs202
Benny bennywiiu
Name:Benjamin Age:26 Country:Germany Games:Everything but especially Adventures Music:Melodic or progressive Rock, classical music, jazz
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