Jack's Friends
HEYA!im a nice guy that likes to play games ALOT.so BYA.
Karim KarimN64
roy hhhjgd
been playen mario kart 8
∞Tio52™ NigerianPride
I love Smash!
Vocal Neko Nonis.2004
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SpiX Gamer cuautitlan
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ØSA Kaiden Xeorush229
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Mæçh MarioRocker1492
i love playing sonic and sega all stars racing but i cannot seem fo be able to play because of the wii menu and the wiiu menu. i just wish i could pkay it.
Ant mario92305
mario is awesome link is awesome and so is sonic
Fluffy LilEly
hello i have nothing to say .-. i have no life ;-;
Mercxoxo perkins55
hi my name is Mercedes i love playing games and making friends age: 11
BIO3★いわ¥† Peace774721
もしもし!ボンジュール!ごめんよ。 へへ、よろしく!(`•ω•′) ¥3650¥ 私の名前は響になるだろう! :3 私は踊り子です 私は英語と日本語を話します!!! Pες★ リーダー Fıς★ 共同リーダー BIO3★ メンバ 宿命は 、ここで終わるで 私は15歳です. はファイナルファンタジー7と12 レベル44ランクA メイン:わさびスプラッター シスター: ƒλм ★ Jαммıε BFFS : Vecy 、パンケーキ☆ 、 Zen 、 Mercxoxo 、Dev & тогиаðо ♥ クラウド ♥ [] オンライン [×] オフライン
lj ljkenden
Hi my name is lj i am 14 i love playing nintendo games Mario games are my favorite. My favorite games are Minecraft, Lego games and Nintendo Land. My favorite characters are Mario, The Flash and Spider-Man. I love playing games with my bros. My bros are superkenden69 and captainnick43.
98º/• salt RabidWafflez
Jordan * Male * Mother Nerd Hi! My name's Jordan but you can just call me Claus or Salt. I'm sorry I don't post often but I plan on doing cool things with this Miiverse account (though I'm mostly on flipnote...) Feel free to add me!
Journey FLAMINGpenguin12
Hi! Lets Party!!! :D
Santino familyrudko
My favorite game is supersmash Bros. Wii U
Xavier minecraft803
frankie frankie1025