Users DONOVAN Is Following
simon alienmaster7
hi im simon im freindly i speak english and also i like minecraft everyone knows that 1.11 edition came out on minecraft wii u edition and also bye :)
Luigi WeegeeNotNumber2
Hello a everyone.Weegee here.Heres some things about me and you may need to know. I accept all friend requests. I can play a smash bros,minecraft,and splatoon with you. My rival is a waluigi! My favorite brother is Mario. I dont have a problem with wario. I love a daisy. I also make mario maker levels for you to play! Thats a it.Hope you enjoy my page!
Lexi Budgell1
Hi my name is Alexis but you can call me Lexi! Im 11 years old! And I think im a pretty nice person! I hope you have fun on my profile! ●♡● Byeeeeee
Víctor 360 josevictor61
Hola me llamo Víctor y me gustaria que me siguierais por Miiverse,me gustan los videojuegos soy un fiestero xd y me gusta bastante el Animal Crossing New Life y Yokai Watch seguidme y os seguire amigos de Miiverse
{SB}Wolf WiiU_von_Wolf
Profilkommentar ausgeblendet.
Ceci Jorgehtc
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********** How2MemeAGAIN
chris Chris_Cindy31
Wassup guys my name is Chris if u follow me i'll follow u but I won't except friend requests unless I know u well enough. A thanks to my followers u are awesome! ;-)
©theCecyTV bebafrancecilia2
cody cawhitney03
Lets be friends. Please send me a friend request.
21 savage matthewrayprice
im Matthew really cool guy, sorry i am not on on saterdays I have football games well im 12 first year in middle school favorite song xo tour lif3 by lil uzi vert uh perhaps iv said to much
kai crakai
Lukas☆Cst lukasnemo
hallo ich heiße lukas und ich werde 9 jahre alt und lieblings yt:domtendo keysjor zombey lieblings spiele:splatoon mk8 liblings freunde:alle und ich würde mich ser über eine Freundes Anfrage freun viel glück und wünsche euch einen schönen Tag tschüs.
Anthony 0Antony0
Elezar goku4you18
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freddy freddynas
«DANIEL» Catmad-1
hi i am currently trying to reach 1000 followers please follow: ayydatroll
★☆мαяιαн☆★ doubler39
Hi im Doubler (DOUBLE R) i do wii U chat sometimes I LOVE MINECRAFT Bye Miiverse.... Besties ★Aldo☆(acar25) ноśε ωατεя(Lightningbolt145) Frostey(jsoncoolman) and other people
Shadow UltimateLifef0rm
My name is Shadow, Shadow The Hedgehog. The one and only, Ultimate Lifeform. (Or my Nickname "EdgyTheHedgy") #MiiverseCringe
Sonic XThe_Blue_BlurX
Sharkbonyt MAttY150
hey im just kid playing the kidish wii u lol my yt is sharkbon the comic lol welp havs fun on my account
Sniper™SSK ajstryder
Hi. Im friends with Blue★Snipe if u cant already tell. My fav games are Splatoon, Splatoon, and did i say Splatoon. My account is managed by my manger (Paul). I am going to California (is a state in the United States) because we hit 900 family members a.k.a. followers! You guys mean a lot to me <3. If we hit 1.5K I'll go to a country that one of you lives in!!! Thx for reading. im part of SSK
†Knuckles† Brayd763
I'm Knuckles, Knuckles The Echinda! An Echidna who does his buisness like Protecting the Chaos Emerald! Challenge me to a battle if you want, but I'll be the winner! Knuckles never runs from a battle. Bye.
Tails Tailsthefox5
I'm Miles Tails Prower, I'm a 13 year old fox that loves to work on these inventions and I really don't smash really much. I also play Mario Kart 8. And I don't wii u chat. ★☆★Love you all★☆★ Status: Back online!
Silver lts_No_Use
My name is Silver, Silver The Hedgehog. If anybody sees the Iblis Trigger, please inform me as quick as possible.
Overscore™ rilesjrfam
(>●•●)›––★•:˙º·.▲◆▼ ___________ Overscore ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Greeting, It is I, Overscore! Lol Hello users of miiverse. I'm a very i n t r e s t i n g (not) person. So if ya' like watcha' see, don't hesitate to S M A S H that follow button! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ • Skeppy is best MC Ψoutuber. •Learning Japanese (J•υ•)J •I mainly post In NSLU. ____________________ Thanks 4 your time! (ÔωÕ)/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
James James2631
Hi! My name is james CANNOT Friend now but i can follow Fav youtubers,Smg4 Sml chadtronic pbg Coolness (what friends think!) ★★★★★ Mean If angry ★★★ Freind not available :/ Chat sure:) Suggest tho Wii u chat? hah lololololloloolollololol NO. Ok? just join or follow Also i will post discussions Also pls join my εχ Clan
ごそうぞうにおまかせ aokosan1
顔ポチッありがとうございます! 名前と顔を変えました! 誰か分かる? よろしくお願いします´∀`/ 中1 女 12歳です。 フォローはMAXになっているのでので返せません。 ごめんなさい;.; 字と絵が下手です…許して…うん 自分では、おもしろ投稿だと思うので←ナルシw フォロー、コメント(特に)どんどんしてください! 必ず返します!(コメントだけ..だけど) 一番好きなユーチューバーは、フィッシャーズです! (はじめも好きだよん) 好きなアイドルは、嵐です(特に大ちゃん!) これらの事一緒に話してくれる人募集中~ フォロワ一1000人を目指しています。 上見れば分かるけど 今は928人です まだフォローをしてない72人、フォローお願いします! 長文読んでいただきありがとうございます! せーの『アデュー』 なんちゃって... 最終更新日:9月02日15時36分
pancho elmore1983
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Animate☆ supersonickid09
My name is Kai i love playing Super Smash Brothers or Mario Kart 8 i love playing video game i'm not really nintendo fan i just play on for fun favorite Tv Show Db Super or Naruto Favorite Smash 4 Character is Sonic or Kirby xD see you guys later
ιBAN alien_of_yeahs
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MONSTER X SkullMaster13
Bmaster Bmaster4114
Hello every body I'm Bmaster4114 I love Nintendo and everything they do and i can't wait for the future , whatever it is I'll leave luck to heaven.
Romek Dr.JoeShmo
I will miss you all see you in Nintendo switch *NAIYZA_LOL*I will used the same name love you all :) thanks for the LOVES BEST BUDDY:light☆star, Dion, Elissa My Bestie:KAYKAY JAY BECCA kala551 ALYSON TWIN:♥COFFEE♥enderk1ttygirl♡ The people I miss out you belong her too ♥ FOLLOW MEH SECOND ACCOUNT NAIYZA PLZ BIRTHDAY:4/11
Zeldablade TheSevenLights
Hello, I'm zeldablade. I'm 19 years old and currently in college. I like action rpgs(kingdom hearts, tales of series), action adventure games(the legend of zelda series,platformers(mario series),and adventure visual novels ( zero escape, phoenix wright and fates stay night series)
Fredpro Fred_Gaming_Pro1
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
☆ΞКаьιη★χD Kevin3D
★ Ħι εvεryøηε my ηαmε ιs Kevin, ι'm 17 yεαrs øłd αηd ι'm frøm Ρчεrtø Rιсø. ★ What i post in Miiverse are : Drawings, Funny Posts and Glitches. :D ★ I'm a big fan of Mario and specially Mariokart! ★ The things i like to do are: Play videogames,Watch anime, Draw and cook. ★ I hope you enjoy being in my Profile! ★ Tambien hablo español (I speak spanish too).
Lunan Doflis
hi there, my nickname is emanuel :3 games wii u: hyrule warrios reyman legends rabids land donkey kong 64 cloudberry kingdom splatoon nintendo land amiibo tap 3DS super smash bros the legend of zelda a link between worlds majora's mask mario kart 7 pokemon sapphire and my best friend is sophia, that is all i accept friend request every time, see you later :3
Jeffkiller 156905
espero solicitudes de amistad no recibo pero si mando aveses recibo. cosas de my me gustan los gatos tengo 8 años me gusta cartoon network canales de youtube: fernanfloo elrubiusomg DSmphony nashys SMG4. tipo de cansione ♪lunchpad tetrix smash tengo 17 demos descargados mi favorito es pikimin my juego favorito del todo pronto tendre super mario maker y ya estoy soltero .necesitomas segudore