Geanie's Favorite Communities
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Community
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies Community
Phoenix Wright®: Ace Attorney® - Dual Destinies
Hi, I'm Geanie!
*23 year old Lady
*I'm in a serious relationship right now~
*I love drawing, but...
Hi, I'm Geanie!
*23 year old Lady
*I'm in a serious relationship right now~💗💗💗
*I love drawing, but most of all I love my boyfriend so much!!!!💗💗💗
*Yeah bomb me away!
*I love Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective and the mystery skulls animated video.
*Great friends:Tori(Layton),Bri,Jion,Kit,Sora
*Please no request at this time thank you
*Have a SUPER day!:)