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So apparently there's a new Mushi-shi. Which is great but did they really have to call it the same thing. I'm tired of companies doing that like the new DOOM is called DOOM. At least call it Mushi-...

Did you know, Martin Luther King Jr. supported a plan for a basic income for all Americans? The idea is as beautifuly simple as it sounds. To eliminate poverty in America simply give everyone a bas...

What under appreciated videogame song would you like to hear a remix for? Easily one of the best Ice Level songs I've heard is Phantasy Star 4 Dezolis Field 1 not to be confused with it's more upb...
My Top 10 Game Series
1-The Legend of Zelda
3-Final Fantasy
4-Smash Bros
5-Metal Gear...
My Top 10 Game Series
1-The Legend of Zelda
3-Final Fantasy
4-Smash Bros
5-Metal Gear Solid
7-Jet Grind Radio
8-Soul Calibur
10-Illusion of Gaia
Favorite Indie Game
Nsala Liberation