Users Markendo Is Following
s+αひろこう RabbitLoveit
ゲームがあれば毎日楽しくなります >^_^<
[ΣΨ]Gamex TheSmashinggamex
hoi i am beast im canadian born 9/11/???? age: questions remain unawnserd i like chezburgers and my oc now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oc: Name:Frost Age:16 Personality: Nice, Quite, Strong, Cowardish and A Nerd Relatives: None yet abillaty (if fantasy ice powers o.o) That My Oc -- Freinds To Check Out Kyledc1121 AngestyBlaze ☆saniyah☆! And Now I Have A Lucario.
Neil jayrite
hello and just a message can i get 50 stars for the next 2 New Super Mario World Levels in Mario Maker If you have played them ok!!
Mater MaterMooreDanger
Hi everybody! Welcome to Nintendo experience! I love to play video games an call on Wii U chat form a rest of a months.
SG◆Josh cheesy4959
Whats Going On Guys? I'm Josh. You Can Expect Reviews, Tournaments And General Stuff From Me! I Love Series Like Super Mario Bros, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot And Mario Kart. My Favourite Game Of Time Is Crash Bandicoot XS, #GBA! Anyways, Have A Good Day! ( Shoutout To @HL▲Rosie! )
Pika★Sandy sandybran
Salut tout le monde je m' appelle Sandy abonné vous a ma chaîne miiverse et a ma chaîne youtube elle s'appelle Brandon gaming bisous tout le monde bay.
Ulysse UlysseMan
Bonjour, je m'appelle Ulysse, j'ai 10 ans, si vous me voyez abonnez vous $VP!! Ma description: Gentil:★★★★★ Méchant:★☆☆☆☆(quand on me cherche:★★★★☆) Intelligent:★★★★☆ Beau:★★★☆☆ Drôle:★★★★☆ OBJECTIF 400 ABONNÉ$!!!! P$ : Je suis cool
fabian WarMachineRox999
Hi im Fabian But call me War Machine. I play 3DS Wii U and much more. My favorite games are Minecraft,Super Mario maker,Tomodachi life .ect. My favorite bands are Gorillaz,Coldplay and, 21 Pilots Join me and my Followers on the Road to 100 Followers Join the War Machines (P.S) Iron man rocks!!
erika ErikaDaniela16
HOLIIIIIIIS DULZECINEEES :3 ♥♡♥ nombre: erika tengo la Nintendo2DS la Wii U y la Wi mi bff es Tina2160 podeis seguirla si quereis AMO CANTAR Y BAILAR youtubers: reah, luna dangelis, lili cross, auronplay.... y muchos mas Si me sigues te sigo :3 Si quieres wii u chat lo hacemos Si me mandas una solicitud la acepto Espero que seamos muy amigos ;) CHAUCHI!
Frezi YTB j.auxence
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a' oli,ver OliverEngstrom
しょしんしゃですww 2002f.kaede
Zεяø『ゼロ』 C0Mnobr
◎しらす々ĦSRS◎ kawakuchi
こんにちわ コンニチワ コンニチワ konnitiwa ķőņňľťĺwå юςβδξφσ¢ アンニョハセヨ おっすおっす ちはya…殴 顔ポチありがとだお(”・ω・”)ショボーン ぼくは…(性別ばれるヤッバだお! ↑…気にするなだおw 年齢:才 性別:アー 性格ゴミ 誕生日2/18日 マリメ…特にやったコースには+するだお 今僕は、+を2000以上持ってるだお スプラ…今S(泣)でランクは50だお 50でSwと思った人は表に出ろだお! マリカー…9200レートだお♭ マリカーに詳しい人はフレなろだお~ だおだお共感だおだおだおフォローよろしくだお だおだお言ったら怖くね…だお コメ残 οκ 連続共感 οκ フレリク 勝手にoκ ブロック NO(絶対) スイッチも始めたZ スプラ2だZ しゅうだZ フレなろうZだお
CARPさ~んだよ~ 565656p
Dante DJ1777
Hi i'm Dante, I love people who don't get mad at a little joke but I like friends. I play Minecraft,Super Smash Bros,Pokken Tournment and Mario Kart 8. No griefers can be my friends. I like all types of genders and races. I am 13 years old and have a girlfriend named Melanie and she's beautiful. I will be a lovely friend to have.
Mare Šuen lupinCSZ
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Risei(^∀^) oa1316
ミバが終了するのか… ↓良ければ↓ ID:680C-0000-032D-DBE8(0.01%:4/40000) ID:136C-0000-035C-9028(0.01%:4/27000)
Surtain Surtain
nak nak naknak1991
Love Mario maker codes for my levels will be on my journal and if you want your levels played feel free to send some star if you find the levels difficult PS no troll levels
とも mozomi_mura
大阪に住んでいる 名前は、ともです。 趣味は、電車を見ること 好きなアニメ 1ドラえもん 2クレヨンしんちゃん 3マイクラのアニメ(外国) 好きなゲーム 1マインクラフト 2WIIスポーツ 3マリオメーカー 4マリオカート
Amylicious Cormoran_HH
Evan EvanGames2017
Hello im Evan.
FERGAMER:) gracielaromancua
mis favoritos splatoon y mario kart yeahh!!!
Skie ! xDayx7
Yo c'est Day aux comptes infinis pour atteindre les un millions de ouais ^^ *Player SSB4 Main: Bayonetta Ahem. Et je veux prendre également du bon temps ici, c'est tout pour moi ^^
samuel rahdz72
hola mi nombre es samuel tengo 12 años mis juegos faboritos son minecraft splatoon y just dance si me siges te sigo mandenme solicitud cuando quieran mis amigos son claudia guti y daniel y estoy soltero
polly adavis67
:o) seven_sox
Woah. So many people here. Hello, Ummm.... Hi. I am August, a guy who plays stupid dumb games. Take my advice, wait... :T Do I even know you? Hmm.... (stage fright) Hey, Umm.. if you look down there, down in my profile, trust me, it is MESSY. Well, friend me if you want, you're not knowing who I am, where I am, Sam I Am.
Supernova koolbubba
Hi,I'm Supernova!William and Phoenix are my best friends.I could use some friends,stars on my levels,and I'll gladly return the favor.I a'm a firm believer in God,please say some extra prayers for my mother who has Multiple Myeloma,a type of cancer."I pray all of you have a happy and healthy life,in Jesus name,amen."
Biene Kirschhonig
Garrett gamemaster2112
Hello! I'm Garrett. I play video games, and I do drawings for part time. What's my favorite food? ''PIZZA!'' My favorite video game franchise? ''All of the above.'' I sometimes do Wii U Chat. Game on, everyone!
Lukester invincibleluke
Hi, I'm Lukester. I change my Mii all the time. I'm 15 years old. Super Mario Maker is pretty much the only game I play. I have good Mario levels you can always try. If I play a game other than Mario Maker it's probably Super Smash Brothers. Three games I enjoyed most in the past were Ratatouille, De Blob, and Spore Hero. This was last edited 9/16/17. Sadly, this service will end soon.
Hello world...i am Markendo and i hope you like my Levels and give me some stars...thanks a lot :-)